Title: Consistency T. D. S.
1 Consistency T.
D. S.
Attendance. Punctuality. Class events. Expectation
. Assessment. Recording. Reporting. Intervention.
Integrity. Receptiveness. Complacency.
Strength of weakest link. Inputs. Processes. Outpu
ts. Message. Commitment. Intervention. Stability.
Reliability. Reputation.
Amalgam of departments. Inputs. Processes. Outputs
. Intervention. Message vision. Commitment. Reli
ability. Reputation.
2 Targets T.
D. S.
Pace Progression Assessment Levels of
attainment Prior attainment Achievement Chasing
targets FFT ALPS
Collaboration Evaluation Negotiation Enrichment
Collaboration Evaluation Negotiation FFT
ALPS Sustainability Variation Regression to the
Sustainability Variation
3Innovate and developStrong team culture.
Strong shared commitment.In it together
feeling. Powerful collective drive.Good
staff morale.
Holocaust China Year 7 Sleepover Year 8
Anglesey Year 9 Camp Year 9 Ypres Duke of
Edinburgh Sport Visits Discos
All departments have some Involvement. Some
have multiple Involvement.
Support Benefits
4 Evaluation and negotiation T.
D. S.
Assessment. Reporting. Feedback cycles. Parents
evenings. Targets. Improvement strategies. Modular
Standardising. Monitoring. Student
feedback. PLTS. Schemes of work. Value added. FFT
FFT -.ALPS. Shift from achievement to
learning. Improvement strategies. Maintenance
strategies. 3 year rolling average.
St.-T. inter-relationship. Intra-departmental
relations. Inter-departmental relations. Lesson
observations. Scheme of work. Resources. I.A.W.B.
skills. I.C.T. skills. Effective practice.
Cross curricular links. Development of recording
strategies. Shared approaches to issues. I.C.T.
training. I.A.W.B. skills
School ethos. Lesson observations. Meeting
agendas. H.o.D./H.o.Y. No blame culture.
6The cummulative effect of goodness (Ofsted)
- Good Very good Outstanding
- shared shared shared
- between between beyond the
- teachers departments school
The cummulative effect of goodness
7Rich opportunities
- 90 specialist staff delivering extra-curricular
opportunities in the form of out-of-school
activities. - T D
61 active contributors
35 leaders
55 varieties of visit
8Qualities of outstanding leadership
- Do not jump on band wagons.
- Do not overstretch.
- Careful, calculated, considered.
- Innovate and develop provision.
- Question value to students.
- Ask hard questions.
- Maintain rigour and consistency.
- Modest about achievement.
- Focus on under achievement.
- No blame culture (within reason).
- Balance between support and disciplinary issues.