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TUE ppt versie 0.3


TUE Logos font embedded ... Linear Programming * * Today: linear programming (LP) most used and most widely studied optimization method can be solved in polynomial ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: TUE ppt versie 0.3

Algorithms (2IL15) Lecture 12 Linear Programming
  • Today linear programming (LP)
  • most used and most widely studied optimization
  • can be solved in polynomial time (input size
    measured in bits)
  • can be used to model many problems
  • also used in many approximation algorithms
    (integer LP rounding)
  • we will only have a very brief look at LP
  • what is LP? what are integer LP and 0/1-LP ?
  • how can we model problems as an LP ?
  • and not study algorithms to solve LPs

  • Example problem running a chocolate factory
  • Assortment
  • Cost and availability of ingredients

cacao milk hazelnuts retail price (100 g)
Pure Black 1 0 0 1.99
Creamy Milk 0.6 0.4 0 1.49
Hazelnut Delight 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.69
Super Nuts 0.5 0.1 0.4 1.79
cost (kg) available (kg)
cacao 2.1 50
milk 0.35 50
hazelnuts 1.9 30
How much should we produce of each product to
maximize our profit ?
  • Modeling the chocolate-factory problem

cacao milk hazelnuts price (100 g)
Pure Black 1 0 0 1.99
Creamy Milk 0.6 0.4 0 1.49
Hazelnut Delight 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.69
Super Nuts 0.5 0.1 0.4 1.79
cost (kg) available (kg)
cacao 2.1 50
milk 0.35 50
hazelnuts 1.9 30
variables we want to determine production (kg)
of the products b production of Pure Black m
production of Creamy Milk h production
of Hazelnut Delight s production of Super
  • Modeling the chocolate-factory problem (contd)

cacao milk hazelnuts price (100 g)
Pure Black 1 0 0 1.99
Creamy Milk 0.6 0.4 0 1.49
Hazelnut Delight 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.69
Super Nuts 0.5 0.1 0.4 1.79
cost (kg) available (kg)
cacao 2.1 50
milk 0.35 50
hazelnuts 1.9 30
profits (per kg) of the products Pure Black 19.9
2.1 17.8 Creamy Milk 14.9 0.6 x 2.1 0.4
x 0.35 13.5 Hazelnut Delight 15.19 Super
Nuts 16.055 total profit 17.8 b 13.5 m
15.19 h 16.055 s
  • Modeling the chocolate-factory problem

cacao milk hazelnuts price (100 g)
Pure Black 1 0 0 1.99
Creamy Milk 0.6 0.4 0 1.49
Hazelnut Delight 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.69
Super Nuts 0.5 0.1 0.4 1.79
cost (kg) available (kg)
cacao 2.1 50
milk 0.35 50
hazelnuts 1.9 30
we want to maximize the total profit 17.8 b
13.5 m 15.19 h 16.055 s under the
constraints b 0.6 m 0.6 h 0.5 s 50
(cacao availability) 0.4 m 0.2
h 0.1 s 50 (milk
availability) 0.2 h 0.4
s 30 (hazelnut
availability) This is a linear program optimize
linear function, under set of linear constraints
  • Linear programming
  • Find values of real variables x, y such
  • x - 3 y is maximized
  • subject to the constraints
  • - 2 x y - 4
  • x y 3
  • - ½ x y 2
  • y 0

  • Linear programming
  • Find values of real variables x, y such
  • x - 3 y is maximized
  • subject to the constraints
  • - 2 x y - 4
  • x y 3
  • - ½ x y 2
  • y 0

y ½ x 2
1 -3
y 0
y 2x - 4
y - x 3
feasible region region containing feasible
solutions region containing solutions
satisfying all constraints feasible region is
convex polytope in n-dim space
  • Linear programming
  • Find values of real variables x1, , xn such that
  • given linear function c1 x1 c2 x2 cn
    xn is maximized (or minimized)
  • and given linear constraints on the variables
    are satisfied
  • constraints equalities or inequalities
    using or , cannot use lt and gt
  • Possible outcomes
  • unique optimal solution vertex of feasible

  • Linear programming
  • Find values of real variables x1, , xn such that
  • given linear function c1 x1 c2 x2 cn
    xn is maximized (or minimized)
  • and given linear constraints on the variables
    are satisfied
  • constraints equalities or inequalities
    using or , cannot use lt and gt
  • Possible outcomes
  • unique optimal solution vertex of feasible
  • no solution feasible region in empty

  • Linear programming
  • Find values of real variables x1, , xn such that
  • given linear function c1 x1 c2 x2 cn
    xn is maximized (or minimized)
  • and given linear constraints on the variables
    are satisfied
  • constraints equalities or inequalities
    using or , cannot use lt and gt
  • Possible outcomes
  • no solution feasible region in empty
  • unique optimal solution vertex of feasible
  • bounded optimal solution, but not unique

  • Linear programming
  • Find values of real variables x1, , xn such that
  • given linear function c1 x1 c2 x2 cn
    xn is maximized (or minimized)
  • and given linear constraints on the variables
    are satisfied
  • constraints equalities or inequalities
    using or , cannot use lt and gt
  • Possible outcomes
  • no solution feasible region in empty
  • unique optimal solution vertex of feasible
  • bounded optimal solution, but not unique
  • unbounded optimal solution

  • Linear programming standard form
  • Maximize c1 x1 c2 x2 cn xn
  • Subject to a1,1 x1 a1,2 x2 a1,n xn
  • a2,1 x1 a2,2 x2 a2,n xn b2

  • ....
  • am,1 x1 am,2 x2 am,n xn bm
  • x1 0
  • x2 0
  • xn 0
  • Maximize cx subject to A x b and
    non-negativity constraints on all xi

  • Lemma Any LP with n variables and m constraints
    can be rewritten as an
  • equivalent LP in standard form with 2n variables
    and 2n2m constraints.
  • Proof. LP may not be in standard form because
  • minimization instead of maximization
  • negate objective function
  • minimize 2 x1 - x2 4x3 ? maximize -2
    x1 x2 - 4 xn
  • some constraints are or instead
  • getting rid of replace 3 x x2 - x3
  • by 3 x x2 - x3 5
  • 3 x x2 - x3 5
  • changing to negate constraint
  • 3 x x2 - x3 5 ? - 3 x - x2
    x3 - 5

  • Lemma Any LP with n variables and m constraints
    can be rewritten as an
  • equivalent LP in standard form with 2n variables
    and 2n2m constraints.
  • Proof (contd). LP may not be in standard form
  • minimization instead of maximization
  • some constraints are or instead
  • variables without non-negativity constraint
  • for each such variable xi introduce two new
    variables ui and vi
  • replace each occurrence of xi by (ui -
    vi )
  • add non-negativity constraints ui 0 and
    vi 0

  • Lemma Any LP with n variables and m constraints
    can be rewritten as an
  • equivalent LP in standard form with 2n variables
    and 2n2m constraints.
  • Proof (contd).
  • variables without non-negativity constraint
  • for each such variable xi introduce two new
    variables ui and vi
  • replace each occurrence of xi by (ui -
    vi )
  • add non-negativity constraints ui 0 and
    vi 0
  • new problem is equivalent to original problem
  • for any original solution there is new solution
    with same value
  • if xi 0 then ui xi and vi 0, otherwise ui
    0 and vi - xi
  • and vice versa
  • set xi (ui - vi )

  • Lemma Any LP with n variables and m constraints
    can be rewritten as an
  • equivalent LP in standard form with 2n variables
    and 2n2m constraints.
  • Instead of standard form, we can also get
    so-called slack form
  • non-negativity constraint for each variable
  • all other constraints are , not or
  • Standard form (or slack form) convenient for
    developing LP algorithms
  • When modeling a problem just use general form

  • Algorithms for solving LPs
  • simplex method
  • worst-case running time is exponential
  • fast in practice
  • interior-point methods
  • worst-case running time is polynomial in input
    size in bits
  • some are slow in practice, others are
    competitive with simplex method
  • LP when dimension (number of variables) is
  • can be solved in linear time (see course
    Geometric Algorithms)

  • Modeling a problem as an LP
  • decide what the variables are (what are the
    choices to be made?)
  • write the objective function to be optimized
    (should be linear)
  • write the constraints on the variables (should
    be linear)

  • Example Max Flow

2 /
2 /
4 /
2 /
3 /
2 /
1 /
1 /
1 /
0 /
flow 1, capacity 5
  • Flow function f V x V ? R satisfying
  • capacity constraint 0 f (u,v) c(u,v
    ) for all nodes u,v
  • flow conservation for all nodes u ? s, t we
    have flow in flow out

  • ?v in V f (v,u) ?v in V f (u,v)
  • value of flow f ?v in V f (s,v) -
    ?v in V f (v,s)

  • Modeling Max Flow as an LP
  • decide what the variables are (what are the
    choices to be made?)
  • for each edge (u,v) introduce variable xuv
    ( xuv represents f(u,v) )
  • write the objective function to be optimized
    (should be linear)
  • maximize ?v in V xsv - ?v in V xvs
    (note linear
  • write the constraints on the variables (should
    be linear)
  • xuv 0 for all pairs of nodes u,v
  • xuv c(u,v) for all pairs of nodes u,v
  • ?v in V xvu - ?v in V xuv 0 for all
    nodes u ? s, t
  • (note linear

  • Modeling Max Flow as an LP
  • Now write it down nicely
  • maximize ?v in V xsv - ?v in V xvs
  • subject to xuv 0 for all pairs
    of nodes u,v
  • xuv c (u,v) for all pairs
    of nodes u,v
  • ?v in V xvu - ?v in V xuv
    0 for all nodes u ? s, t
  • Conclusion Max Flow can trivially be written as
    an LP
  • (but dedicated max-flow algorithm are faster than
    using LP algorithms)

  • Example Vertex Cover

  • G (V,E) is undirected graph
  • vertex cover in G subset C V such that
    for each edge (u,v) in E
  • we have u in C or v
    in C (or both)
  • Vertex Cover (optimization version)
  • Input undirected graph G (V,E)
  • Problem compute vertex cover for G with minimum
    number of vertices
  • Vertex Cover is NP-hard.
  • there is a 2-approximation algorithm running in
    linear time.

  • Modeling Vertex Cover as an LP
  • decide what the variables are (what are the
    choices to be made?)
  • for vertex v introduce variable xv
  • ( idea xv 1 if v in cover, xv 0
    if v not in cover)
  • write the objective function to be optimized
    (should be linear)
  • minimize ?v in V xv
    (note linear
  • write the constraints on the variables (should
    be linear)
  • for each edge (u,v) write constraint xu xv
    1 (NB linear function)
  • for each vertex v write constraint xu in

not a linear constraint
  • integrality constraint xi must be integral
  • 0/1-constraint xi must be 0 or 1
  • integer LP LP where all variables have
    integrality constraint
  • 0/1-LP LP where all variables have
  • (of course there are also mixed versions)

  • Theorem 0/1-LP is NP-hard.
  • Proof. Consider decision problem is there
    feasible solution to given 0/1-LP?
  • Which problem do we use in reduction?
  • Need to transform 3-SAT formula into instance of
  • maximize y1 (not relevant for decision
    problem, pick arbitrary function)
  • subject to y1 y2
    (1-y3) 1
  • y2 (1-y4) (1-y5 ) 1
  • (1 - y2) y3 y5
  • yi in 0,1 for all i

already saw reduction from Vertex Cover lets do
another one 3-SAT
( x1 V x2 V x3) ? (x2 V x4 V x5) ?
(x2 V x3 V x5 )
variable yi for each Boolean xi yi
1 if xi TRUE and yi 0 if xi FALSE
  • Theorem 0/1-LP is NP-hard.
  • problem can be modeled as normal LP
  • ? problem can be solved using LP algorithms
  • ? problem can be solved efficiently
  • problem can be modeled as integer LP (or 0/1-LP)
  • ? problem can be solved using integer LP (or
    0/1-LP) algorithms
  • ? does not mean that problem can be solved
  • (sometimes can get approximation algorithms
    by relaxation and rounding
  • see course Advanced Algorithms)
  • ? there are solvers (software) for integer LPs
    that in practice are quite efficient

  • Summary
  • what is an LP? what are integer LP and 0/1-LP?
  • any LP can be written in standard form (or in
    slack form)
  • normal (that is, not integer) LP can be solved
    in polynomial time
  • (with input size measured in bits)
  • integer LP and 0/1-LP are NP-hard
  • when modeling a problem as an LP
  • define variables and how they relate to the
  • describe objective function (should be linear)
  • describe constraints (should be linear, lt and gt
    not allowed)
  • no need to use standard or slack form, just use
    general form
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