Title: Rossby waves, propagation, breaking, climatic effects
1Lecture 12
- Rossby waves, propagation, breaking, climatic
effects - Marine stratocumulus regime
- The ocean, its role in the climate system
2Rossby wave mechanism
3Rossby wave conceptual model
- Even though the term wave conjures up linear
wave propagation, this concept can be extended to
apply to nonlinear waves or breaking waves. - The largest scales in the extratropics can be
described as quasi-linear and quasi-stationary. - Define linear, stationary
4Rossby waves (continued)
- Planetary scale is quasi-stationary, quasi-linear
- Synoptic scale can range from linear waves to
strongly nonlinear breaking waves - Storm tracks are manifestations of these. In the
entrance region have developing systems (or
waves) at the exit occluding low pressure systems
or breaking waves
5Midlatitude Stormtracks
From lecture 11
- In the NH they are concentrated over the two
ocean basins, Pacific and Atlantic, guided by the
jet maxima over the two ocean basins - In the SH form an almost continuous band in
midlatitudes - Collection of storms in various stages of
development, usually cyclogenesis at the entrance
and mature storms further on
6From lecture 11
Rossby Waves
7From lecture 11
Meridional and Zonal Flow
8- Linear, dissipative and time dependent theory
- ? absorption.
- Linear theory appears to work well in explaining
observed longitudinal asymmetries, however.
9PV on 350K surface on 4, 5 and 6 July 1979
PV on 350K surface on 16, 17 and 18 Dec 1993
10Nonlinear theory
- Linear propagation from midlatitudes to lower
latitudes - Waves break as they approach their critical
latitude (u0 stationary waves) - Rearrangement of PV field in the critical layer
(advection around closed streamlines)
Wave propagation
Wave breaking
11Linear vs nonlinear behavior near critical line
Linear absorption
Undulating PV contours
Once wave breaking takes place, wave activity can
pile up in the wave breaking region
Wave activity may still be absorbed in the wave
breaking region given enough dissipation -- or
else, given suitable background flow..
12Wave breaking can result in reflection
Nonlinear reflection. Wave activity is flushed
out of the wave breaking region
Once wave breaking takes place there is the
possibility of nonlinear reflection
13Planetary Wave Breaking (PWB) rapid and
irreversible large-scale overturning of
Example of a PWB event, 4 Feb. 1996. Animation
of Daily PV on 340K surface (2-8 Feb).
14Criteria for detecting PWB
- Reversal in the latitudinal PV gradient in the
tropopause region. - Localized eastward PV gradient about the break
(anticyclonic breaking). - High (low) PV must be part of a tongue of PV
originating in the extratropics (tropics). - Identify breaking point the point farthest
west equatorward that satisfies the above
criteria the earliest.
15Both cyclonic and anticyclonic breaking
- Have extended the work to look cyclonic as well
as anticyclonic breaking - Have found forcing of climate patterns from
breaking - NAO (direct)
- NAO (due to breaking over E Pacific a few days
earlier) - PDO (direct)
16NCEP / NCAR Reanalysis
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40The marine stratocumulus
- In the area of the subtropical high (descending
branch of the Hadley cell) - Cold underlying ocean (east ocean basins)
- Sets up a temperature inversion at the top of the
planetary boundary layer (PBL) - The cloud layer exists at the top of PBL
41Stratus/stratocumulus regime as seen in a visible
satellite image
42Effects of subsidence on lapse rate
Upper region descends over greater distance than
lower region. Therefore, warms more.
43Remember flow over mountain. On the way up
latent heat release mitigates some of the
cooling. On the way down, warms at the dry
adiabatic lapse rate. Very hot and dry.
44Oceanography the study of oceans
- They are a source of atmospheric water vapor
- They exchange energy and trace gases with the
atmosphere - They transport heat poleward
- It takes approximately two weeks for all the
water in the atmosphere to recycle. The oceans
provide the majority of water for precipitation.
45Net energy gains/losses at the surface of the
ocean --- Surface heat flux
46Surface fluxes of energy and trace gases
- The rate of heat and moisture transfer depends on
temperature/moisture difference as well as wind
speed. - Warm SST and high wind are favorable to large
heat exchanges between atmosphere and ocean - US west coast vs. coast of N. Europe, cool SST
vs. warm SST Affects climate profoundly
47Annual mean poleward transport of energy by
atmosphere and ocean
48More on poleward heat transport
- There is a certain compensation between heat
transport in the atmosphere and ocean. If the
atmosphere transports less, the ocean will step
in and transport more and vice versa.
49Ocean typical vertical temperature structure
Upside version of the atmosphere
Thermocline is the transition zone between mixed
and deep layer
50Just like tropopause height in the atmosphere,
the depth of the mixed layer depends on latitude
51Sea surface temperature (SST)
52Things to note about distribution of SSTs
- SSTs off west coasts in subtropics (to
midlatitudes) are cool - SSTs off east coasts in midlatitudes are warm
- SSTs off east coasts in high latitudes are cold
53The major surface ocean currents (wind driven so
they resemble the atmospheric wind patterns)