Title: Rap Practice
1Let's rap!
Rap Practice Use your whiteboard to see whether
you can write the next line of these fragments
from rap poems. Make sure your line rhymes and
has the same rhythm! I'll then show you my idea
for each of them. (I bet yours is much better!)
2There's a dog down my street with a big wet nose
And he barks as he raps everywhere he goes
3In a shop in a city at the dead of night
There's the ghost of a rapper giving everyone a
4Down at my school when Teacher starts to snap
That's when rhyming Rachel begins to rap!
5Rapping ideas to get you started
Mum was in the shed and she was hammering a
nail When she had and idea and said, "I....
Dad was in the kitchen just stirring a stew When
he said, "I'll... That's what I'll do!
Ali wakes each morning and he starts with a
Uncle Geoff's here and he's brought his rapping
I've got a rapping cat and she likes to eat fish..