Title: Trade%20in%20Intermediate%20Goods%20and%20Services
1Trade in Intermediate Goods and Services
Rainer Lanz, Sébastien Miroudot, Alexandros
Ragoussis Trade Policy Linkages and Services
Division OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate
WPTGS, 18 November 2009
2Trade and activities of multinational
enterprisesProgramme of work of the OECD Trade
- Vertical Trade, Trade Costs and FDI
(TAD/TC/WP(2008)23/FINAL) - Trade in Intermediate Goods and Services
(TAD/TC/WP(2009)1/FINAL) - Next year
- Intra-firm trade and investment
- Trade in tasks
- Next Programme of Work and Budget (2011-2012)
analysis of trade flows in value-added?
3Trade in intermediate goods and services
- Objectives of the study
- To assess trade flows of intermediate goods and
services among OECD countries and with their main
trade partners - To analyse the determinants of trade in
intermediate inputs - To look at the relationship between productivity
and trade in intermediates at the industry level
4Intermediate goods in trade data
- OECD International Trade by Commodity Statistics
(ITCS) database - UN Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification
- Based on the Standard International Trade
Classification (SITC Rev. 3) - Grouping of commodities according to main end
use - capital goods
- intermediate goods
- consumption goods
- not classified (motor spirit, passenger motor
cars, goods n.e.s.)
5Input-Output (I-O) Tables
- I-O tables present in matrix format the supply
side and the demand side of an economy - OECD I-O database 2009 edition
- 39 countries, 48 industries (aggregated to 29)
- Year coverage 1995, 2000 and 2005 (ideally)
- Identification of both the industry of origin and
using industry - Allows distributing bilateral trade over using
industries k - Estimation of bilateral imports of intermediate
6Combining trade data with I-O tables
- Imports of intermediate inputs p from country j
by industry k in country i
- mijpt bilateral imports of inputs p (? BEC
trade data) - aipkt - share of imported inputs p used by
industry k (? I-O tables) - Five dimensions importer i, exporter j, industry
of origin p, using industry k and year t
7Share of intermediate to total trade
- Intermediate goods and services dominate trade
flows - Share in total trade has remained fairly constant
over time
8Intra- and inter-regional imports of intermediate
goods (Billion USD, 2006)
9Share of regions in world intermediate goods
imports (2006)
10Econometric analysis
Gravity regressions
- In comparison to imports for final consumption,
imports of intermediates are - more sensitive to trade costs
- less attracted by bilateral market size
- The activity of multinational enterprises impacts
positively imports of intermediate inputs
Production function regressions
- A higher use of foreign inputs increases the
productivity of domestic industries
11Main policy conclusions of the analysis
- Trade in intermediates is more sensitive to trade
barriers. - Policies aiming at fully benefiting from
international production networks should reach a
higher degree of trade liberalisation. But tariff
escalation should be avoided. - Trade in intermediates has an important regional
dimension. - Trade in intermediates depends less on the size
of the market and on the "home bias" of
consumers. - This represents a chance for emerging economies
and small economies that can specialise in the
production of inputs.
12Thank you for your attention!
- sebastien.miroudot_at_oecd.org