Section 2:The Rise and Spread of Islam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Section 2:The Rise and Spread of Islam


Section 2:The Rise and Spread of Islam A man, Muhammad, became the leader of the Islamic religion Muhammad was born on the Arabian Peninsula The Arabian Peninsula ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Section 2:The Rise and Spread of Islam

Section 2The Rise and Spread of Islam
  • A man, Muhammad, became the leader of the Islamic
  • Muhammad was born on the Arabian Peninsula
  • The Arabian Peninsula mostly desert
  • Mecca, the city where Muhammad lived was located
    on the edge of the desert

  • Mecca great location for trade
  • Camel trains brought perfumes, Ivory, spices,
    silk and precious metals such as gold
  • Some merchants traveled north to Syria to sell
  • Others traveled across the desert to Iraq to trade

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  • Bedouins and Merchants
  • In the Arabian desert there were many groups of
    nomadic Bedouins
  • They herded sheep, camels, and goats

  • They also acted a guides for trade caravans
  • Sometimes they would rob the caravan
  • Deals were made to prevent the robberies
  • Religion was used to seal the deal
  • Merchants welcomed the Bedouins into their holy
    place called the Kabah located in the center of
  • The Kabah held a black stone, a meteorite which
    was sacred to the Merchants
  • The Kabah also held many object sacred to the
    Meccans and Bedouins

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  • Muhammads life
  • He was orphaned at the age of 7 and lived with
    his uncle until adulthood
  • He went to work in Mecca in the Caravan trade
  • He traveled to Syria (part of the Byzantine
  • At 25 he married a wealthy widow named Khadijah
  • When not working he would walk in the hills
    outside of Mecca

  • Muhammads mission
  • An angle visits and gives Muhammad a mission
  • He traveled around and Proclaimed that there
    was only one true God
  • People who accepted this became Muslims which
    means person who submits
  • The religion became known as Islam which means
    Submission to God

  • Meccans were angry
  • They did not like Muhammads teachings
  • They feared their gods would be mad and the
    importance of their city lost
  • They also did not like that Muhammad saw all
    people as brothers and sisters so they threw
    garbage at Muhammad and his followers

  • Forced to flee the city Muhammad made his way
    north to the city of Yathrib which welcomed him
    and his followers
  • People of Yathrib believed Muhammad to be a
    prophet and a wise man
  • This move from Mecca to Yathrib was known as the
    hijra meaning migration
  • After the hijra the city changed its name to
    Medina which means city of the Prophet

  • The spread of Islam
  • People did not like the Byzantine and Persian
    Empires because their rulers were mean
  • The new religion promised a new way of life that
    made sense
  • Muhammad his followers were traders so they
    traveled all over telling people about their
  • Muhammad united the Arabs into one community and
    once they were working together they were very

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