1YORK UNIVERSITY Department of Biology, Faculty of
Science and Engineering Course
outline Molecular Biology II SC/BIOL 3130 3.0
S2 2015
2Welcome to Biol3130! SC/BIOL3130
3.0 Objectives A continuation of your
molecular biology knowledge, focusing on more
advanced topics and experimentation. Topics
include Molecular Biology Protocols RNA
polymerase and promoter function RNA processing
(eg, Splicing, Capping, poly A) Translation (if
we have time)
3Instructor Dr. Michael Scheid Rm. 236
Farqharson Building E-mail mscheid_at_yorku.ca Cour
se timetable Monday 1130 am 230 pm CLH
D Wednesday 1130 am 230 pm CLH D Office
hours Monday 1030 am 1115 am Wednesday 1030
am 1115 am
4STUDENT EVALUATION There will be two Midterm
exams, worth 50 of your grade Midterm 1 July
20 Midterm 2 Aug 10 Final Exam 50 Date
to be announced by registrar. Cumulative If
an evaluation is not completed, a 0 grade
will be earned for that evaluation
5Please note there will be NO MAKE-UP of the
midterm exams. For medical issues please have
your physician fill out the Attending Physician
Statement. This form is available from the
Registrars website.
6Academic Integrity Senate Policy on Academic
Dishonesty Students are expected to be familiar
with and follow York Universitys Policies
regarding academic integrity. Please consult
the website below for more details http//www.yor