Title: Welcome%20to%20The%20Science%20Education%20Program
1Welcome to The Science Education Program
2Presentation Overview
- Setting the context
- Guiding the use
- Introducing the tools
- Using the tools in a standards implementation
process - Making personal meaning
3Setting the Context
- Connecting the Plenary Session to This Concurrent
Session on Science Education
4Setting the Context
- NCLB All schools show AYP
- Tools fulfill need from the field
- Content Standards and Benchmarks
- Grade Level PI
- Scope and Sequence
- Instructional Guide
5Setting the Context
- Integration
- Maintain integrity
- Natural integration points as driver
- Backward mapping
- Handout, modified from WestEd
- Standards-based
- Start with end in mind
6Guidelines for Use
7Guidelines for Use
- Not a Curriculum
- Written to address needs by some
- If understood, move on
8Guidelines for Use
- IG not comprehensive, not inclusive
- Tools to start conversation
- Student Work
9Key Idea from the Plenary
- Uses of the Tools
- Assessment Planning
- Performance Indicator Progression, Instructional
Guide, Curriculum Framework - Instructional Planning
- Instructional Guide, Curriculum Framework
- Curriculum Planning
- Instructional Guide, Scope and Sequence,
Curriculum Framework
10Introduction to the Tools
Grade Level Performance Indicators (aka
Performance Indicator Progression) Science K-12
Scope and Sequence Instructional
Guide Curriculum Framework for Science
11GLPI Closer Look at Domain II, 3 Malama I Ka
12GLPI Closer Look at Domain II, 3 Malama I Ka
- Two parts
- Sustaining Food Supply
- Conservation of Resources
- Where are GLPIs Found?
- Where Not Found?
13Grade Level/Course Performance Indicators
- K-8 is listed by GLPI
- High School by Courses
- Middle School Course of Study
- 6th Grade Physical Sciences Focus
- 7th Grade Biological Sciences Focus
- 8th Grade Earth Systems/Space/EE
14Safety Considerations, Gr. 6
- Conduct activities for which
- You understand the content and pedagogy
- You have appropriate facilities
- There are safety equipment and personal safety
15K-12 Scope and Sequence
- Multiple Pathways
- Idea 1/FOSS and AAAS Project 2061
- Idea 2/STC and AAAS Project 2061
16K-12 Scope and Sequence
- Multiple Pathways, continued
- Idea 3/NCEE and AAAS Project 2061
- Three important ideas per discipline
17K-12 Scope and Sequence
- Domain I cuts across all science disciplines
- Critical Thinking and Inquiry
- Scientific Inquiry
- Safety
- Unifying Themes
- Problem Solving/Environmental Issues
18Conduct the Assessment
- Small group work
- Examine Grade 3 student work for evidence of
performance indicators - Write Commentary
19How Good is Good Enough?
- Continue in small groups
- Write performance criteria for clusters of
performance indicators. - Describe the task which generated the student
20Performance Standard
21How Good is Good Enough?
- Develop 4 point Rubric for the Task
- 4 Exceeds standard
- 3 Meets standard
- 2 Not Met Emerging
- 1 Not Met Little or no evidence
22Feedback and Feedforward
- Suggest ways for student to improve on work
- Suggest ways for teacher to modify instruction
23Sample Science Assessment Items and Student Work
- http//pals.sri.com (National Science Education
Standards Large scale assessment and student
work) - www.wested.org (PASS/HCPS)
- http//nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/litmrls/
- www.exemplars.com/samples.html
24(No Transcript)
25Opportunity to Learn
Hawaii National Average
Enrolled in 8th Grade Science 2 98
Receiving Science Instruction 34 92
26Opportunity to Learn
Hawaii National Average
Reported Not Taking An 8th Gr. Science Course 46 3
27Hawaii Assessment Program
- PASS (Partnership for the Assessment of Science
Standards) WestEd - HCPS-s 5, 7, 11
- NAEP 2004, 2008
28Aligning Programs to HCPS
- Example NASA Curriculum Support Materials
29K-8 Science Reform Programs
- Benefits hands-on vs. Textbook-driven
- NSF accepted data on program effectiveness
- More closely aligned to HCPS and NAEP
- STC and STC/MS
- (Insights)
30(No Transcript)
31Small Group Discussion
32Reflection and Exit Pass