One%20Divine%20Source - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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One Divine Source Creates Multicolored Evolving Souls – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: One%20Divine%20Source

One Divine Source
Creates Multicolored Evolving Souls

National pavilions for an International
City? Is this not just copying national glory
and economical strife? Is this not just repeating
old competitive games of national egos?And has
Aurovilles vision of an International Zone not
already been realized and bypassed by world
exhibitions and theme parks anyway? So what is
the new and not manifested yet in regard to the
mission of souls and cultures? So far
Aurovilles really new and unique contribution to
world culture seems to be Matrimandir. Its Inner
(Psychic) Chamber and its Inner (Psychic)
Presence. The outer and inner manifestation and
expression of the Psychic Being, the Evolving
Soul may be the central element which
constitutes Aurovilles mission and genius. Both
on the levels of human beings and national
cultures. Also there may be the clue for the
manifestation of a truly new and needed
International Zone.
That is what we have already (and do not need to
repeat again)
EPCOT An urban community with national
pavilions around a spheric world center which is
supposed to express earth evolution.
Walt Disneys EPCOT Something familiar about
it.. Walt Disney's original vision of EPCOT was
for a model community, home to twenty thousand
residents, which would be a test bed for city
planning and organization. Also it should
represent the countries of the world in a
pavilion theme park . The community was to have
been built in the shape of a circle, with
businesses and commercial areas at its center,
community buildings and schools and recreational
complexes around it, and residential
neighborhoods along the perimeter. Transportation
would have been provided by monorails.
Automobile traffic would be kept underground,
leaving pedestrians safe above-ground. Walt
Disney said, "It will be a planned, controlled
community, a showcase for American industry and
research, schools, cultural and educational
opportunities. There will be no landowners,
people will rent houses instead of buying them,
and at modest rentals. There will be no retirees
everyone must be employed." Each of the existing
11 national pavilions yet contain representative
shops and restaurants and is staffed by citizens
of these countries, many of them college students
living in Walt Disney World College Program
housing. Some also contain rides and shows. The
only pavilion that is sponsored (and paid for) by
the country it represents is Morocco, the
remaining country pavilions are all sponsored by
major corporations.
World exhibitions with national pavilions
Right Canada, Montreal, 1967 LeftChina,
Epcot Center
Sowjetunion, Montreal 1967
USA, Montreal,1967
China montral 1967
Germany , Montreal 1967
China, 1967 Montreal
France, Montreal 1967
Venezuela, Hannover'2000
Nepal, Montreal 1967
Hungary, Hannover 2000
Netherlands, Hannover 2000
Germany, Epcot Center
To bring soul into the picture could make a
difference, but...
...for most spiritual minded people taking
national souls into closer consideration
makes them feel uneasy. Because one could ask
Who actually iscaring for such 'mythological
identities? Is this not done by nationalistic
demagoguesrather than by spiritual teachers?
Today there are not many spiritual teachers
referring to a national soul and its possible
evolutionary meaning. Most of these teachers
seem to be far more focused to facilitate the
great quantum leap from the disconnected single
Self into the All-One. In fact seen in this
traditional enlightening perspective the
spiritual evolution of peoples und societies
could look rather irrelevant.
But maybe, so there is an interpretation,
countries and cultures do have a distinguished
and evolving Soul or Psychic Being, similar to
an individual. However prior to the full
manifestation of this Inner Being there is the
development of an outer personality with an ego.
This pseudo-self tends to form a kind of shadow
or distortion of the real soul potential. The
good news The influence of the inner soul on the
outer personality is increasing during the
evolutionary process. Historically the concept
of an evolutionary nation soul was first named by
German Romantic and Idealist philosophers, like
Fichte, Hegel and Herder.
Hegel's main contribution to the formulation of
the concept of national spirit ('Volksgeist') is
the attribution of a historical character to the
concept. The spirit of a nation is one of the
manifestations of the "World Spirit"
('Weltgeist'). That Spirit is essentially alive
and active throughout mankind's history. The
spirit of a nation is an intermediate stage of
world history as the history of the World
Spirit. The World Spirit gives impetus to the
realization of the historical spirits of various
Anyway Hegel lived 200 years ago and hardly
anybody in the western academic or philosophical
society still refers to a national soul.
Instead they refers soberly to a national
character, which means the sum of positive or
negative features and qualities of a country or
culture. There are just a few poets and spiritual
teachers still or again referring to a more
occult interpretation, which describes national
souls and spirits as actual beings or entities.
In Theosophy and in related Anthroposophy they
are seen as guiding angels. Another vision
portraits them as evolving beings, who die and
may reincarnate in other cultures.
The Soul of a Country (by contemporary
American New Age mystic and poet David
Spangler) The soul of a country is that active
intelligence that holds the body, psyche and
spirit of a country together and integrates them
into a dynamic wholeness. It
expresses capacities for synthesis, love, and
evolution. It is the custodian of the spiritual
destiny. It nurtures and develops that countrys

It seeks to promote the qualities and capacities
that are that countrys unique powers and gifts
to the world. If we think of a country as a
collective field fed by energies arising from its
geography, its ecologies, its people, and its
spirit, then the soul of that country tends that
It seeks to keep it clear and unobstructed. It
seeks to reduce or if possible eliminate
toxicity and dysfunction within that field,
particularly as manifested by violence. It seeks
to enhance the flow and radiant power of love
within its field. It enhances creativity and
emergence. It promotes and nur-tures
connectedness, coherency, integrity and
David Spangler
It works to synthesize its various dynamic
elements, such as the land and the people, into a
mutually enhancing presence. It works to
integrate its field with the fields of other
countries and with the great collective field and
presence of the planet as a whole and with the
sacredness that underlies all existence.That is
the work of the soul of a country.
In the East alike Sri Aurobindos and Mothers
visions in this regard are exceptions in the
spiritual field. Sri Aurobindo sees the
conscious recognition of national souls as an
important intermediate step for future evolution.
For it is necessary if the subjective age of
humanity is to produce its best fruits, that the
nations should become conscious not only of their
own but of each other's souls and learn to
respect, to help and to profit, not only
economically and intellectually but subjectively
and spiritually, by each other.
One could ask Why paying so much special
attention nations? Are they not just one
out of a whole hierarchy of human collective
formations like family, clan, tribe, region,
nation, continent, world? However Sri
Aurobindo claims that three of these formations
are more relevant than others family
nation - world. Family and world may be
obvious - but why nation? Because, he
argues, a nation is more than a given
genetic kinship or regional neighbourhood.
It is an self-determined confirmation to live
together - and the way how to do it.
Expressed for instance in a national
constitution. This act marks an evolutionary
progress towards individual and free will in
comparison with former blood bonds or
arbitrarily shaped empires or
kingdoms. This definition may also help to
discern present countries. If a prevailing
element of free and conscious will is
missing, the process of nation
building may still be ongoing.

Our collective identities today are mainly
shaped by national egos. They are historically
outgrown of older hierarchical systems. An
universal and world centered consciousness is
just coming as a new option in this picture.
Sri Aurobindo and Mother refer to the needed
expansion of the present national identity to a
new Human Unity-Consciousness. Their vision gave
reason for the founding of Auroville, an
experimental and evolutionary community. Aiming
to be a transformative training ground for
individualhumans determined to discover their
divine heritage and future. Aiming also to be a
beacon for whole humanity on its way to manifest
global unity.
In especially in its International Zone
Auroville is supposed to be a model for
transcending national egos and realizing the
souls of the nations. Which for the first time
would enable us to view and to grasp the full
An universal human culture with multiple
distinguished colours.A garden of pavilions as
a graphic and vivid field to discover and to
honor the Souls of our cultures.
One could see national (as well as personal)
egos as scaffoldings on construction sites which
have to be removed in the right time. The
finalized building - which is the manifesting
national culture is ready to find its place in
the Universal Culture. In this picture the IZ
with its pavilions can be seen as a symbolic
construction site for this building process.
However right timing is essential If
delivering is done too early, the house will
crack, and egoistic or nationalistic shadows
will enter the building again.
The formation of nations served as a
liberating agent in history once. Today single
nations seem to be no more sufficient to handle
evolution. The next step will be an Universal
Culture, a World Union of National Cultures.
Ego was the helper (once), ego is the bar (now),
says Sri Aurobindo.Therefore make sure you
realize and you honor your personal (as well as
national) ego - before you let go of it.
Appreciate the qualities which are manifested
through the especialness of your national
culture and yourself. Let's appreciate the
blossom of our specific national culture -
before and while planting this culture into the
greater garden.
Auroville is Mothers Nursery. In especially the
International Zone is Mothers Planetary Garden.
A place where you can inhale and exhale peace
and gratefulness for the souls of all national
cultures. This appreciation may be a
precondition in order that these souls can find
their role in the Universal Human Orchestra.

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