Title: The%20Art%20of%20Repouss
1The Art of Repoussé
King Agamemnons Funeral Mask, Mycenaean
(Pre-Greek 1100BC)
- Is the French word meaning to push
- Is the technique of decorating the surface of
metal by using tools to raise or indent it - This is a Repoussé metal frame for a mirror that
is popular today!
Indian Brass Mandala
Gary Dadyan, Russian Artist, is pushing the
Repoussé Tools / Nails into the metal using a
small hammer.
4RepousséThe art of Repoussé is a very old form
of art.
Mycenaean Repoussé, 1st Agamemnons Funeral Mask,
2nd gold cup Both are over 3000 years old!
Man working on a Repoussé. Indian Copper Plaque
about Buddha.
Repoussé is a popular way of making jewelry.
These are both Indian Repoussé, 1. Brass
Mandala Plaque, 2. Bhairava sculpture
These are both Nepalese Repoussé Masks. (Nepal
is a country that is in between China India in
the Himalaya Mountains.)
These are both Silver, a silver spoon and a
silver (Tiffanys) water pitcher
Both are Mayan (300 AD-1700), 1st jewelry, 2nd
Mayan Funerary Tunic
Modern Repoussé shield of Medusa
- Is the technique of decorating the surface of
metal by using tools to raise or indent it
- You will make a Repoussé using soft sheet metal
and a wood tool. - First, decide which side you would like to be
the front.
- Turn the piece of metal over and use the tool
to make designs all over the surface of the
16Planning Drawing
- Work on a sketch.
- Create a personal symbol that you will use in
your repoussé. - Simple, bold shapes work best.
17Transfer image to the metal
- You will trace a square the same size as your
metal piece on your drawing paper. - Draw your design within the square.
18Trace your drawing
- You will trace your drawing to transfer it to the
19Practice repoussé
- We will do a small practice repoussé piece while
you are working on your sketches.
20Start sketching!
- Take a look at the various resources.
- You will create a personal symbols that you will
use in your work.
- http//www.asia.si.edu/exhibitions/online/buddhism
/india5.htm - http//webed.vw.cc.va.us/vwbaile/pages_art101/101d
istance/summer/Lectures/101daeg.html - http//www.sptimes.com/peru/the_path.html
- http//www.travelingtiger.com/travelingtiger/Chian
g_Mai/Chiang_Mai_index.htm good website - http//www.valentinyotkov.com/site/theartist.htm
- http//www.mikalina.com/mask/masks__nepal_index.ht
m - http//www.artist-blacksmith.org/magazine/traditio
nal_metalsmith.htm - http//www.parev.net/profile-garri-dadyan.htm
- http//www.columbia.edu/ns189/armour/armoury_page
.htm - http//www.pipsqueak.com/galmer/Repousse_Bracelets
.html - http//www.tibet.org/norling/arts/metal.html
- http//www.lcms.srvusd.k12.ca.us/newKramer/Repouss
eMasks/repousse_masks.htm lesson plan ideas - http//www.tcsdk12.org/tcms/bgood20folder/bgood/s
tudent20art.html lesson plan ideas