Title: A-Taxi System: Analysis of Passaic, Morris,
1A-Taxi SystemAnalysis of Passaic, Morris,
Bergen County
- Luke Cheng
- Proma Banerjee
2Bergen County
Bergen County Summary Data
Area (sq. miles) 247
of Pixels generating at least one O-Trip 918
Area of Pixels (mi2) 230
of Open Space 7
of Pixels Generating 95 of O-Trips 872
of Pixels Generating 50 of O-Trips 459
of Intra-Pixel Trips 41,634
of O-Walk Trips 154,699
of all O-Trips 2,556,083
Average All O-Trip Length (miles) 84
of O aTaxi Trips 709,703
Avg. O aTaxiTripLength (miles) 92
Median O aTaxiTripLength (miles) 97
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7Bergen County destinations from a single pixel
3,227 trips
8Bergen Co Pixel with Most Departures
- MetLife Stadium Pixel
- Center of pixel is a large stadium and sports
facility - Expansive shopping areas and malls on the East
- School and a Monastary
- Nearby highway
- Large residential area on the West
9Bergen pixel AVO heat map
10Bergen Distribution of pixel AVO
11Morris County
Morris County Summary Data
Area (sq. miles) 481
of Pixels generating at least one O-Trip 1,575
Area of Pixels (mi2) 394
of Open Space 18
of Pixels Generating 95 of O-Trips 879
of Pixels Generating 50 of O-Trips 132
of Intra-Pixel Trips 14,355
of O-Walk Trips 107,702
of all O-Trips 2,130,294
Average All O-Trip Length (miles) 84
of O aTaxi Trips 1,951,691
Avg. O aTaxiTripLength (miles) 88
Median O aTaxiTripLength (miles) 81
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16Morris pixel AVO heat map
17Morris Distribution of pixel AVO
18Morris County 125, 269
Spatial Distributions of Trip Destinations
278 trips
19Morris Co Pixel with most Departures
Sylvan Way Corporate Park Pixel Many corporate
headquarters located at this pixel Nearby
residential area flow of traffic from
households Two schools and several parks that
attract visitors
20Passaic County
Passaic County Summary Data
Area (sq. miles) 197
of Pixels generating at least one O-Trip 600
Area of Pixels (mi2) 150
of Open Space 24
of Pixels Generating 95 of O-Trips 307
of Pixels Generating 50 of O-Trips 61
of Intra-Pixel Trips 29,355
of O-Walk Trips 114,585
of all O-Trips 1,261,009
Average All O-Trip Length (miles) 75
of O aTaxi Trips 1,092,662
Avg. O aTaxiTripLength (miles) 83
Median O aTaxiTripLength (miles) 83
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25Passaic pixel AVO heat map
26Passaic Distribution of Pixel AVO
27Passaic County 155, 278
Spatial Distributions of Trip Destinations
146 trips
28Passaic Co Pixel with Most Departures
 Paterson City Hall Pixel Pixel contains a City
Hall and several stores and shopping
areas/plazas Nearby football stadium Nearby
train station and taxi Service facility to
JFK Center of pixel is located at the
intersection of several roads