Title: Ah-Hyung Alissa Park
1???? ???? ?? ?? ??, ?? ? ???? Towards Sustainable
Energy Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Ah-Hyung Alissa Park Departments of Earth and
Environmental Engineering Chemical
Engineering Lenfest Center for Sustainable
Energy Columbia University ULTRA August 9th, 2012
2Coal-fired Build Rate China and United States
Source http//www.netl.doe.gov/coal/refshelf/ncp.
3Energy, Economic Growth and Quality of Life
EIA Data 2009
Source http//www.netl.doe.gov/coal/refshelf/ncp.
4Towards Sustainable Energy and Environment
Use domestic energy sources to achieve energy
independence with environmental sustainability
Recycled CO2
Use carbon neutral energy sources
Fossil fuels are fungible
Integrate carbon capture, utilization and storage
(CCUS) technologies into the energy conversion
Stored CO2
5Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Technologies (CCUS)
- Required characteristics for CCS
- Capacity and economic feasibility
- Environmental benign fate
- Long term stability
Carbon Capture Technologies
(NETL, 2011)
- MEA Challenges
- Corrosion and solvent degradation
- High capital and operating costs
- High parasitic energy penalty
(NETL, 2010)
6Solid Sorbents Chemical Looping Technologies
Carbonation / Calcination cycle
Oxidation / Reduction cycle
Water-Gas Shift CO H2O ?? H2 CO2
KIERs 100kW CLC system (2006-2011)
MO CO ? M CO2 M H2O ? MO H2
Micro- vs. Mesopores
e.g., ZECA process (Los Alamos National Lab)
e.g., Chemical Looping process for H2 production
(Ohio State Univ. U.S. Patent No. 11/010,648
7Novel CO2 Capture Solvents (2011 2012 NETL CO2
Capture Technology Meeting)
- Ionic liquids
- Liquid-like Nanoparticle Organic Hybrid Materials
- Carbonic Anhydrase (Enzyme)
- Phase changing absorbents
8Nanoparticle Organic Hybrid Materials (NOHMs)
- Solvent-free liquid-like hybrid systems
- Solvent tethered to nanoparticle cores
- Zero-vapor pressure and improved thermal
stability - Tunable chemical and physical properties
- Liquid, solid, gel
- Solvation in NOHMs driven by both entropic and
enthalpic interactions - Straightforward synthesis
- Easy to scale up
Zero Vapor Pressure Tunable Properties
9Design and Synthesis of liquid-like NOHMs
NOHM-C-HPE-POSS POSS Polyhedral Oligomeric
- PEG polyethylene glycol
- PE polyetheramine
- PEI polyethyleneimine
- H high, M moderate, and t tertiary
Temp Swing from 20 ºC to 120/140 ºC
Improved Thermal Stability
10Ordered and Frustrated Corona?
Pure Polymer
1H ROE signal marker
AFM Images
Less ROE signals
Significant entanglement
TEM Images
2D ROESY (Rotating-frame Overhauser Effect
SpectroscopY) NMR This technique enables
identification of through-space interactions
(presence of off-diagonal peaks)
Y. Park, J. Decatur, K.-Y A. Lin, A.-H. A. Park,
PCCP 2011
11CO2 Capture Mechanisms
ATR FT-IR spectra of NOHMs CO2
- A loss of double degeneration of the CO2 bending
mode (n2) is observed upon exposure to CO2 - This feature is related to the presence of Lewis
acid-base interactions between CO2 and the ether
Lewis acid-base interactions
Y. Park, J. Decatur, K.-Y A. Lin, A.-H. A. Park,
PCCP 2011 Y. Park, D. Shin, A.-H. A. Park, J.
Chem. Eng. Data 2011
12CO2 Packing Behaviors
CO2 bending modes (NOHM-I-HPE)
Linear chains
Branched chains
Area ratio n2in-plane to n2out-of-plane provides
insight into CO2 packing behaviors in NOHMs
C. Petit, Y. Park, K.-Y A. Lin, A.-H. A. Park,
JPC-C (2012) Y. Park, C. Petit, P. Han, A.-H. A.
Park, (in preparation)
13CO2-induced Swelling
NOHMs vs. polymer (NOHM-I-HPE)
- NOHMs swell less than the corresponding unbound
polymer for the same CO2 loading - This will impact the accessibility of CO2 to
functional groups along the polymer chains
Y. Park, J. Decatur, K.-Y A. Lin, A.-H. A. Park,
PCCP 2011. Y. Park, D. Shin, A.-H. A. Park, J.
Chem. Eng. Data 2011. C. Petit, Y. Park, K.-Y A.
Lin, A.-H. A. Park, JPC-C 2012.
Effect of chain size (NOHM-I-PEG)
Swelling ratio at 60 oC PCO2 0.8-5.5 MPa
Delta swelling Rate of swelling at each CO2
loading level
14CO2 Capture Capacity Effect of Task-Specific
Functional Groups
Simulated flue gas (CO2, O2, N2)
K.-Y A. Lin, A.-H. A. Park, Environ. Sci.
Technol. 2011.
15Carbon Storage Schemes
- Ocean storage
- Biological fixation
- Geologic storage
- Mineral carbonation
- Mimics natural chemical transformation of CO2
- MgO CO2 ? MgCO3
- Thermodynamically stable product Exothermic
reaction - Appropriate for long-term environmentally benign
and unmonitored storage
16Availability of Minerals
17Incongruent Dissolution of Silicate Minerals
- Challenges
- Slow dissolution kinetics of silicate minerals in
nature - Diffusion-limiting ash layer formation
- Highest reported conversion 9 (Gerdemann et
al., 2007)
High Mg recovery (gt85 in lt1hr)
Mg-bearing mineral
Moderate Reaction Conditions 90C, pH 3.0 ,10-2
M Catalysts
18Chemical and Biological Catalytic Enhancement of
Weathering of Silicate Minerals as Novel Carbon
Capture and Storage Technology
Controlled Formation of Precipitated Magnesium
- No need for the solvent regeneration and CO2
compression, straightforward MVA - Alternative CO2 utilization option with improved
economic feasibility
19(No Transcript)
- Current Former Group Members
- Seven Ph.D. students
- Three Post-Doctoral Researchers
- More than twenty Visiting Scholars Master
students - Sponsors (Current Past)
- National Science Foundation (CAREER, CBET,
SEES-RCN) - Department of Energy (CCS1, CCS2, MVA, ARPA-E)
- King Abdullah University of Science and
Technology (KAUST-Cornell Center) - ORICA Mining Services Ltd.
- POSCO (Fluidization, Biomass-to-H2)
- New York State Energy Research and Development
Authority (NYSERDA) - New York State Foundation for Science, Technology
and Innovation (NYSTAR) - Columbia University (Diversity Initiative, Earth
and Engineering Center) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency STAR