Title: Let
1 2Today..
- Review last week
- Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
- Daniel Coleman Emotional Intelligence EQ
enables or disables our potential - Cognitive Behaviour Theory
- ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts)
- 4 part strategy for Short Term Motivation
3Motivation Short Termup to 2-3 weeks
4(No Transcript)
Conscious brain Subconscious Brain
6Factors that lead to success
- Environment (5)
- Knowledge Skill(15)
- Attitude / Motivation
- (80)
7Negative Motivation
- Motivated by negative factors that relate to fear
anxiety - The person is propelled away from the activities
to achieve the goal
8Positive Motivation
- Motivated by positive factors or desire
- The person is propelled happily towards the
activities to achieve the goal.
9 10Academic Activities
- Go to class
- Sit in class
- Look and listen to the teacher
- Write notes from the board
- Do homework
- Study for an exam
- Read the text book
11Motivation On or off5 Faculties
- Memory
- Concentration
- Listening
- Observation
- Body / Health
12Maslows Theory
- We each have a hierarchy of needs that ranges
from "lower" to "higher." As lower needs are
fulfilled there is a tendency for other, higher
needs to emerge. -
13Physiological Needs
Basic Human Needs
- Food
- Air
- Water
- Clothing
- Sex
14Safety Needs
Safety and Security
- Protection
- Stability
- Pain Avoidance
- Routine/Order
15Social Needs
Love and Belonging
- Affection
- Acceptance
- Inclusion
16- Following the herd..the need to belong be
like everyone else is a powerful motivator during
17Esteem Needs
- Self-Respect
- Self-Esteem
- Respected by Others
- Positive inner dialogue
- Achieve full potential
- Sense of personal fulfilment
20Self Actualisationtakes strength of courage
high levels of self esteem
21Heart versus Head
22Intellect versus Emotion
- I want to do my homework but I feel like watching
TV - I want to be thinner but I feel like eating
chocolate biscuits - I want to be a good student but I feel lazy
dont want to do the work
23Short Term Motivation
- How you feel is important if you are to achieve
what you want - How you feel enables or disables your potential
at any point of time
24Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Cognition
- the activity in your mind
- your thoughts, memories, dreams etc.
- Behaviour
- everything that you do.
25CBT - The core idea
- The way I think influences
- the way I feel
- and the way I act.
26- Those who think they can
- and those who think they cant
- are both right.
27An empowering idea
- I can change the way I think
- and by doing this,
- I can change how I feel
- and how I act.
28(No Transcript)
29 Automatic Negative Thoughts
Everything in my life goes wrong. Its me, Im
Im always late. I just cant get out of bed in
the morning.
I cant control my temper.
Im no good at maths. I might as well give up now.
30- ANTs that personalise things
Its me. Im useless
Im ugly
Nobody likes me
31ANTs that say its a permanent problem
This always happens to me
Ill never get a job
32Pervasive ANTs - they spread the gloom to every
part of life
Everything goes wrong
All the teachers pick on me
Nobody likes me
33- ANTs just love to get together
ANTs just love to get together
Everything always goes goes wrong in my life.
Im just useless.
34Thought Challenge
Everything in my life goes wrong. Its me, Im
Im always late. I just cant get out of bed in
the morning.
Im no good at maths. I might as well give up now.
I cant control my temper.
Change the way you think.
35Try some more
- I hate school.
- I cant do exams.
- Nobody likes me.
- Everyone always picks on me.
- Everything always goes wrong.
- It always happens to me.
36How to Thought Challenge
- Find out the negative thoughts.
- 2. Find out what initiated those thoughts.
- 3. Consider the evidence for each negative
thought. - 4. Consider the evidence against each negative
thought. - 5. Consider other ways of looking at the problem.
37Use these techniques to
- recognise negative thinking
- challenge pessimism
- view problems as setbacks, not disasters
- construct optimistic ways of dealing with
38 Imagination
- Imagination - a double-edged sword.
- When used in positive ways, it can improve
confidence, generate optimism and facilitate
desired behaviours. - Used negatively it leads to undesirable feelings
and behaviours.
39Imagination - the downside
- Leave rumination to cows!
- Dont catastrophise!
40The power of language
- Ill try to --------
- contains the seeds of failure.
- I will -------
- shows determination to succeed.
- Im useless at ????.
- These words, often imbibed when young, can
have a lifetimes influence.
41Mind and body
- It is very obvious that the mind controls the
body. - But the reverse is also true.
- Try to feel angry and at the same time relax
your muscles and breath slowly.
42STM A Strategy
- Choose to win
- Decide what you want define this as a positive
self statement or outcome - Assess how you feel about the tasks
- involved
- Change how you feel by changing what you do
what you think - Act enthusiastic use positive self talk