Biological%20Timing%20Responses%20in%20Animals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biological Timing Responses in Animals Hibernation Most animals that hibernate lay down a vast quantity of fat before the onset of winter, then find a warm burrow and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Biological%20Timing%20Responses%20in%20Animals

Biological Timing Responses in Animals
Biological Clocks
  • These are internal timing system which continue
    without external time cues.
  • They control the timing activities of plants and

Uses of Biological Clocks
  • Control of daily body rhythms such as sleep,
    blood pressure, temperature, blood cell count,
    alertness, urine composition, metabolic rate and
    sex drive.
  • Reproductive timing i.e. animals in heat,
    courtship rituals, simultaneous release of sperm
    and eggs into water.

Uses of Biological Clocks
  • Preparation for migration by eating a lot.
  • Preparation for winter by storing food,
    increasing coat thickness or colour and
  • Solar (sun) or Stellar (stars) navigation

Endogenous Rhythms
  • Controlled by an internal Biological clock.
  • Circadian daily activity period (24hrs)
  • Circatidal Tidal period (12.4hrs)
  • Circasemilunar spring/neap tide (14.7 days)
  • Circalunar monthly activity (29 days)
  • Circannual yearly activity (365 days)

Exogenous Rhythms
  • This is a rhythm that is controlled by the
    external environmental stimuli detected by the

Circadian Rhythms
  • Animals are active at different times of day
  • Diurnal
  • Active during the day, inactive at night.
  • Nocturnal
  • Active at night, inactive during the day.
  • Crepuscular
  • Active at dawn and dusk e.g. fruit flies

Circadian Rhythms
  • Arrhythmic
  • No regular pattern
  • These organisms are usually found in areas where
    changes in the microclimate are negligible. E.g.
    in caves, deep under the ocean or soil.

Circadian Rhythms in Humans
  • Sleep Awake rhythms
  • Vary from person to person
  • Children sleep about 12 hrs per night
  • Teenagers sleep about 9 hrs per night
  • Adults on average sleep about 7-8 hrs
  • Elderly people make do with 6hrs (and nap during
    the day.)

Circadian Rhythms in Humans
  • Temperature
  • This rises during the day and drops at night, the
    lowest point being at 3 am.
  • Heart Rate
  • This keeps in step with temperature.

Circadian Rhythms in Humans
  • Pain
  • This varies during the day. We are more sensitive
    to the pain of a needle at noon, but are more
    sensitive to the pain of cold at night.

Circadian Rhythms in Humans
  • Alcohol Metabolism
  • We break down alcohol most efficiently between
    4pm and 11pm.

Circadian Rhythms in Humans
  • Efficiency of Learning
  • This follows the temperature curve except it
    takes an unexplained dip at lunch time which is
    not related to eating lunch.

Circadian Rhythms in Humans
  • Renal Excretions
  • The kidneys are the blood filters, they control
    the amount of ions in the blood by excreting any
    excess and holding back ions if their blood level
    is low.
  • These follow a rhythm of excretion of chemicals
    such as calcium and potassium and of volume.

Circadian Rhythms in Humans
  • Birth and Death
  • You are most likely to be born or to die in the
    early morning

Circadian Rhythms in Humans
  • Hormone Secretion
  • Varies but most are secreted at night.

Disturbing Sleep Rhythm
  • Jet Lag
  • These days when travelling great distances is
    possible in a very short time, we can cause a
    complete reversal of our day and night.
  • Our biological clock has a phase shift of 12 hrs.

Things to Note.
  • It takes about 3 days to sleep at the new time.
  • All our other rhythms take longer to adjust, so
    they get out of phase with the sleep/awake cycles
    and with each other.
  • It can take about 10 days to synchronise.
  • Until then, we do not feel so good and do not
    perform as well as usual.

Things to Note
  • All these symptoms together are what we call Jet

Think About This.
  • After the holidays, when you dont use your alarm
    clock, you are tired when you come back to
  • It is because you were free running during the
  • Most students shift their clock by at least 2
    hours, many by up to 4 hours.
  • You are suffering from Jet Lag

Shift Work
  • Sleepiness can cause mistakes, a common sign is
    using the wrong words in conversations or
    forgetting the end to a sentence.
  • Shift work causes more distress than jet lag, as
    the days off-duty return the person to normal
  • Shifts of 10 days on and 4 days off with
    different starting times are the worst

Shift Work
  • Remember the hormone and other rhythms take about
    10 days to synchronise.
  • A person working these times can have 4 shifts
    in 10 days
  • They become moody and depressed.
  • They become extremely irritable.
  • They cant sleep.
  • They are more susceptible to infections.
  • They have more accidents on the job
  • They are not as efficient as day workers

Circamonthly (Lunar) Cycles
  • Some animals synchronise their behaviour with the
    phases of the moon.
  • The positions of the sun and moon generate our
    tidal patterns, so the response to these tidal
    changes during a 24hr period is considered to be
    a lunar cycle.

Circamonthly (Lunar) Cycles
  • The ovulatory cycles of primate females is about
    4 weeks long but there is no firm evidence that
    these are synchronised with the lunar month.

Circamonthly (Lunar) Cycles
  • The spawning behaviour of certain marine worms is
    synchronised by the moon, which ensures that eggs
    and sperms will be released at the same time.
  • The spawning of the palolo worm is governed by a
    combination of tidal, lunar and annual rhythms.

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Circatidal (tidal) Rhythms
  • The Grunion is a fish that spawns on land.
  • From April to June, on the 3 or 4 nights that the
    spring tide occurs at precisely high tide, the
    fish squirm onto the beach.
  • The female buries her tail in the sand.
  • The male wraps around her to release sperm.
  • Then they catch the outgoing tide.

Circatidal (tidal) Rhythms
  • By the time the tide next reaches that part of
    the beach, 15 days later, the young grunions have
    hatched and catch a ride out to sea.

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Circannual (Yearly) Cycles
  • These result from the rotation of the earth
    around the sun over a period of 365.25 days.
  • On top of this is the earths rotation on its own
    axis, set at an angle of 23.45º to the sun.
  • This results in the seasonal changes which
    dictate many responses seen in organisms.

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Circannual (Yearly) Cycles
  • E.g. animals may migrate to and from breeding
    grounds twice a year, and have many annual cycles
    of reproduction and hibernation.

  • This is the way that animals survive over winter,
    usually by slowing down their metabolism.
  • Small animals are particularly susceptible to the
    cold as they have a large surface area to their
    volume and can lose heat rapidly.

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  • Most animals that hibernate lay down a vast
    quantity of fat before the onset of winter, then
    find a warm burrow and go into a form of
    suspended animation.
  • Insects also suspend development in addition to
    the drop in metabolic rate this is called
  • Often triggered by a decrease in day length.

  • This is a form of summer hibernation.
  • When the soil gets too dry, earthworms will dig
    down deep and curl into a ball, secrete mucus and
    will aestivate until the soil becomes moist again.

  • This is the annual movement of animals from their
    breeding area to another area where they do not
    breed, and then the return journey back again.
  • It is usually triggered by the shortening day
    length or a drop in temperature.

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  • Animals need to produce their offspring when the
    conditions are most favourable.
  • For most animals this is in the spring.
  • Animals come into breeding condition in response
    to increased day length, temperature, rainfall,
    increasing food, etc.
  • Animals detect environmental clues through the
    skin, and detect light through the eyes or the
    pineal gland.

  • This causes secretion of various hormones which
    ready the sex organs and produce sex hormones.
  • It also starts the appropriate behaviour for
    courtship and reproduction.

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