Planet Earth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Planet Earth


Planet Earth Shape and Size of the Earth Gravity is what gives Earth its spherical shape Only effective if the body is of a critical size Critical radius is about 350 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Planet Earth

Planet Earth
Shape and Size of the Earth
  • Gravity is what gives Earth its spherical shape
  • Only effective if the body is of a critical size
  • Critical radius is about 350 km

Shape and Size of the Earth
  • Earth is not a perfect sphere but an oblate
    spheroid that bulges out at the equator
  • Particles on a spinning object fly outward as a
    result of their inertia strongest force at the
    equator because it is spinning the fastest there
  • 1000 mph at the equator, 700 mph at mid-latitudes

Composition of the Earth
  • Most common elements are oxygen, silicon,
    aluminum, magnesium, and iron (oxygen and silicon
    are usually found combined together as silicates)
  • Earths interior is mostly the mineral olivine
    and iron-magnesium silicate

Density of the Earth
  • Density mass/volume g/cm3
  • Earths mass 6 X 1021 metric tons or 6 X 1027
  • Radius 6400 km 6.4 X 108 cm
  • Volume of a sphere 4/3 p R3
  • So what is Earths density?
  • What does this number mean?

The Interior of the Earth
  • How do we know whats inside when the deepest we
    have penetrated the Earths surface is about 7
    miles, a mere scratch in the surface
  • We need indirect evidence
  • Provided by seismic waves speed of the waves is
    dependent on the type of material they are
    passing through

Using Seismic Waves
  • S waves and P waves
  • P waves can travel through both solids and
  • S waves can travel only through solids
  • When an earthquake takes place the P waves pass
    directly through the center of the Earth, but the
    S waves are deflected indicating that there is a
    liquid portion to the core
  • More complicated analysis can help determine the
    density of the material these waves are passing
    through and lead to clues to about their

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Using Seismic Waves
  • Seismic studies show that Earths interior has
    four distinct regions
  • Crust 20 to 70 km rocks composed mostly of
  • Mantle hot, but not quite molten composed of
    silicates mostly olivine extends roughly
    halfway to Earths center capable of slow flow
    even though it is not molten
  • Outer core liquid, probably a mixture of iron,
    nickel, and perhaps sulfur
  • Inner core solid, probably iron and nickel
    Why solid?

Structure of the Earth
  • Materials separate by density in a process called
  • Takes place when a mixture of heavy and light
    material melts with the heavier materials sinking
    and lighter materials rising
  • Scientists infer that this means that the Earth
    was completely molten at one time

Heating of the Earths Core
  • Near the surface temps rise about 2 K every 100
    meters you descend (if this held true all the way
    to the center the temp would be 120,000 K
  • The core is estimated to be about 6500 K
  • Cooling from the outside
  • Radioactive material present in all rocks
    radioactive decay releases energy in the form of
  • Heat loss depends on surface area amount of
    heat contained depends on the volume

Heating of the Earths Core
  • Smaller bodies cool much quicker than larger one
  • Heat gets trapped in Earths interior causes the
    temperature to rise and rock to eventually melt

Age of the Earth
  • Age of a rock can be determined by measuring the
    amount of radioactive material it contains
  • Radioactive atoms decay into daughter atoms
  • Uranium decays into lead
  • Radioactive potassium decays into argon
  • Oldest rocks ages to 3.6 billion years
  • Rocks from the moon and other bodies have ages
    about 4.5 billion years

Movement in Earths interior
  • Convection heated matter becomes less dense and
  • Plate tectonics rifting the spreading and
    breaking apart of the crust acts like a
    conveyor belt
  • Subduction one piece of crust sinking of being
    pushed beneath another piece of crust
  • Called continental drift or plate tectonics

Earths Atmosphere
  • Mostly Nitrogen (78) and oxygen (21)
  • Early atmosphere likely was hydrogen, methane,
    ammonia, and water vapor (methane and ammonia are
    noxious poisons)
  • Solar winds and UV radiation would have destroyed
    this early atmosphere
  • Secondary atmosphere - Outgassing from volcanoes
  • Comets hitting the young Earth

Earths Atmosphere
  • Over the past 3 billion years the amount of
    oxygen in our atmosphere has been increasing
  • This rise in oxygen paralleled the development on
    life on our planet
  • Most of the free oxygen we breath today came
    water in the photosynthetic process
  • The rest comes water molecules being split by UV

The Ozone Layer
  • Some shielding of UV radiation comes from O2, but
    most comes from Ozone O3
  • Located about 25 km above the surface of the
  • Life probably couldnt exist without the ozone
  • Control of ozone destroying chemicals

The Greenhouse effect
  • Sunlight converted to heat at the Earths surface
  • Surface radiates infrared energy that is blocked
    by the atmosphere from returning to space
  • This blocking makes the surface warmer than it
    would be without this blocking effect

The Greenhouse effect
  • This does not generate heat, but merely keeps
    heat from being lost into space
  • This infrared is absorbed by carbon dioxide and
    water vapor which is then re-emitted both into
    space and back to Earth
  • Mars has carbon dioxide in its atmosphere but so
    little of it that it doesnt trap much heat
  • Venus has a lot of carbon dioxide and traps a lot
    of heat
  • Scientist prefer to use the term atmospheric

The Earths magnetic field
  • William Gilbert was the first to recognize that
    the Earth acted like a magnet (1603)
  • The Chinese has used this idea hundreds of years
    earlier to invent the compass
  • Magnetic lines of force the closer the lines
    the stronger the magnetic field
  • Polarity gives field lines direction start at
    a north magnetic pole and end at a south magnetic

The Earths magnetic field
  • Generated by electric currents
  • These currents are generated in Earths molten
    iron core
  • Scientists think they come from rotational motion
    and convection
  • Earths magnetic poles do no coincide with its
    axial poles
  • The position of the magnetic pole changes
    slightly from year to year and even reverses
    polarity about every 200,000 years.
  • These changes probably come from the irregular
    motion of the core

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Effects of the Magnetic Field
  • Screens us from charged particles emitted by the
  • Aurora caused by these charged particles
    colliding with nitrogen and oxygen in the upper
  • Magnetosphere found at the top of the
    atmosphere where it controls the structure of the
  • Magnetosphere traps charged particles in two
    doughnut shaped rings called the Van Allen
    Radiation belts

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Earths motion
  • The Seasons
  • Coriolis effect air and ocean circulation
    also establishes the direction of the jet streams
  • Precession - the very slow change in the
    direction that Earths axis is pointing
  • Precession wouldnt happen if the Earth were a
    perfect sphere
  • One swing in about 26,000 years
  • This will eventually mean Vega replaces the North
    Star (Polaris) as the one the North pole points
    toward (14,000 AD)
  • Climate change
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