Title: Earth
2Physical Characteristics of Earth
- Spherical shape
- -satellite photos
- -curved shadow on moon during a lunar eclipse.
- -approaching ships rise over the horizon
3Physical Characteristics of Earth
- 2. Rotation
- -Earth spins on its axis (an imaginary vertical
line) causing night and day. - -24 hours to rotate once on its axis
- -rotates 365 times in a year
Foucaults Pendulum shows the Earths rotation as
it swings
4Physical Characteristics of Earth
- 3. Magnetic Field
- -Movement of liquid iron inside Earth and its
rotation create a magnetic field. - -Helps protect Earth from harmful CMEs from the
5Physical Characteristics of Earth
- 4. Revolution
- -Earths yearly orbit around the sun. (365 ¼
days) - -Path is elliptical in shape.
Farthest away from sun in July
Closest to sun in January
6What causes the seasons?
7What do you know about the Seasons?
- Summer
- NJ-warm, longer days, June-August
- Hawaii-80s, 12 hours of light
- Alaska- up to 24 hours of light
- Australia-Dec-Feb
- Winter
- NJ-cold, longer nights, Dec-Feb
- Hawaii- 70s, 12 hrs of light
- Alaska-up to 24 hours of darkness
- Australia-June-Sept.
8Distance from the sun does NOT cause our seasons.
- If it did, we would all feel winter in July and
summer in January. Even Hawaii would have a cold
9Physical Characteristics of Earth
- 5. A Tilted Axis
- 23.5 tilt
- -The Earth is always tilted the same direction
during its yearly revolution around the sun.
10(No Transcript)
11- Sunlight strikes the hemisphere tilted towards
the sun more directly than the hemisphere tilted
away. - Summer occurs in the hemisphere tilted towards
the sun. (direct light)
12Direct Light
- Areas receiving direct light from the Sun have a
greater amount of sunlight, therefore higher
13What season is it?
Northern Hemisphere-Winter Southern
14So what causes the seasons?
- The Earths tilt causes the seasons!
20200920final.ppt362,35,Another Model for
- The day when the sun reaches its greatest
distance north or south of the equator. - Northern Hemisphere- (opposite of S. Hemi)
- Summer solstice June 21 or 22 (longest period of
daylight of the year) - Winter solstice December 21 or 22 (shortest
period of daylight of the year)
16The suns path across the sky is higher in the
summer and lower in the winter
- When the sun is directly above the Earths
equator. Daylight hours are nearly equal all
over Earth. - Neither the N. or S. Hemisphere is tilted towards
the sun. - Spring equinox-March 20 or 21
- Fall equinox-September 22 or 23
18Seasons demos
- https//www.youtube.com/watch?vDD_8Jm5pTLk
- http//esminfo.prenhall.com/science/geoanimations/
19Northern Hemisphere Solstice and Equinox positions
Seasons are opposite for the Southern Hemisphere
20Review Quiz
21Which diagram correctly shows Earths orbit
around the sun?
22- Identify for the N. Hemisphere
- Summer solstice
- Winter solstice
- Fall equinox
- Spring equinox
23How do we know the Earth is a sphere?
- -satellite photos
- -curved shadow on moon during a lunar eclipse.
- -approaching ships rise over the horizon
24What is an axis?
- The imaginary vertical line around which the
Earth spins.
25What does A represent? What does B represent?
26How long does one complete rotation take on Earth?
27How long does one complete revolution of Earth
28Why is a magnetic field important?
- It protects Earth from CMEs from the Sun
29How do we have a magnetic field?
- The motion of the liquid metal inside Earth and
our daily rotation cause it.
30What causes the seasons?
31What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?
- Summer-southern hemisphere is tilted towards the
sun direct light summer!
32What type of light makes hotter temperatures?
33Where is the sun during the equinox?
- Directly over the equator.
34Whats the difference between northern and
southern hemispheres seasons?
Easter is celebrated in the fall (March or April)
Christmas (December) in Australia is warm!
35- http//www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/science/ear