2Public Relations Evolutiondue to
- Growth of big institutions
- The rights of all individuals
- Technology and communications
- Growth of public opinion and democracy
- Internet and World Wide Web connections
3Periods of Historical Significance
4Periods of Historical Significance
- Ancient contributions
- Greek sophists and oratory
- Roman persuasive techniques
- Pope Gregory XV and propaganda
5American Beginnings
- Committees of Correspondence
- Boston Tea Party
- The Federalist Papers
- Bill of Rights
6The Public Be Fooled Era
- P.T. Barnum
- Master publicist
- Staged events
7Press Agentry
- Amos Kendall
- First presidential press secretary
- Part of Jacksons Kitchen Cabinet
- The Globe
8Advent of the Muckrakers
- The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
- History of the Standard Oil Company by Ida
Tarbell - McClures Magazine
9Why did American businesses need to be watched by
10Who were the robber barons?
11Public Be Informed Era
- Ivy Ledbetter Lee, Father of Modern Public
Relations - Declaration of Principles
- Not Secret
- Not Advertising
- Accurate and Open
12Modern Public Relations
13Public Relations gets a start from government
- President Wilson creates the Creel Committee
- Creel Committee led by George Creel
- Publicity Bureau established in l900
- First Publicity Agency l902
- Edward L. Bernays, public relations scholar
- Taught the first course at NYU
- Wrote the first seminal works in public relations
- Crystallzing Public Opinion
16Counseling Era
- Edward L. Bernays married to first mother of
public relations - Doris E. Fleischman
- Together they built a national top agency
17What famous relative did Bernays claim as his
18Public Relations Evolution
- Growth of large institutions and responsibility
- Increased changes, conflicts, and confrontations
among interest groups - Awareness of sophisticated communications
technology - Growth of public opinion and spread of global
democracy - Growth of the Internet and World Wide Web
19Public Relations Education
- 200 Communication and Journalism programs offer
concentrated studies in public relations - Up from 12 schools in l951
- The Public Relations Society of America organized
in l947, 20,000 members in 117 chapters
nationally - The Public Relations Student Society of America
formed in l968 and has 6,500 student members at
220 colleges and universities
20Why is public relations history important to the
practice today?
21What is the significance of press agentry,
publicity, and counseling to the practice of
public relations?
22How did the World Wars play a role in the growth
of public relations?
23Can you win at the deck of cards?
- Identify the public relations historical figure
with the card. - Exercise