Title: The History and Science of Psychology
1Unit 1
- The History and Science of Psychology
2Why study Psychology?
- Investigate scientific explanations of age-old
questions - Is out of sight, out of mind really true?
- When you change your answers on a test, are you
more likely to pick the right answer? - How much is your personality like your parents?
- What triggers good moods? Bad moods?
3Defining Psychology
- Role of philosophy
- Aristotle and thinking about thinking
- Influence of biology
- Importance of outward behavior
- Psychology is defined as the scientific study of
behavior and mental processes.
4The Birthand Afterbirth of Psychology
- Classical origins
- Wilhelm Wundt
- First psychology lab, 1879 at the University of
Leipzig - Examined introspection, or the analysis of ones
conscious experiences
5Schools of Thought Old Skool
- Structuralism
- E.B. Titchener
- Introspection
- Break down immediate sensation, past memories,
feelings - Functionalism
- William James
- Darwins influence
- Conscious experience is adaptive
- Stream of consciousness
Break it down!
No! Why is it ADAPTIVE?
6Schools of ThoughtOld Skool
- Early contributions of women
- Limitations on access to education
- Restrictions on awarding advanced degrees
- Exclusion from psychological societies
- Mary Whiton Calkins Harvard No Ph.D. for
you! - Margaret Floy Washburn 2nd Female President of
APA - Rosalie Rayner
- Today, women earn the majority of Ph.D.s in
psychology and hold nearly half of the leadership
roles in psychological societies
7Schools of ThoughtClassics
I torture babies!
- Psychoanalysis
- Sigmund Freud
- Role of the unconscious
- Sex and aggression
- Early childhood events
- Evolved into psychodynamic school
- Behaviorist School
- John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B.F. Skinner
- Observable, measurable behavior
Und zen zie child becomes neurotic!
Sigmund Freud
Behaviorist John B. Watson
8Schools of ThoughtClassics
- Gestalt
- Max Wertheimer, Fritz Perls
- Human tendency to perceive patterns
- the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- Useful in understanding process of perception
Black spots, or a dalmatian?
9Schools of ThoughtClassics
- Humanistic School
- Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow
- Human potential for growth
- Free will
- Here and now
- Need for acceptance and love
- Cognitive School
- Jean Piaget, Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck
- Importance of thoughts and thought processes
- Perception, thinking, memory, language
Cognitive psychologist Jean Piaget
10Once again
- Psychology is the scientific study of behavior
and mental processes (cognition) - It is the hybrid of both observable behavior and
inferred internal processes
11Schools of ThoughtNew Directions
- Today, contemporary schools of thought have
expanded to also include the following - Neuroscience
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Behavioral Genetics
- Social-Cultural
12Schools of ThoughtThe Biopsychosocial Approach
- Regardless of the particular school of thought,
contemporary psychology has come to embrace the
biopsychosocial approach - Biological influences
- Psychological influences
- Social-Cultural influences
13Schools of ThoughtThe Biopsychosocial Approach
- Each particular school of thought may emphasize
one area more than another -
- Which area/s do you think each school would
14Enduring Issues in Psychology
- Psychologists representing all schools of thought
debate what shapes behavior - Some on-going debates include the following
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Person vs. Situation
- Mind vs. Body
- Stability vs. Change
- Diversity
- The failure to resolve the debates suggests both
sides are valid and shed light on behavior - An eclectic approach may be most appropriate
15Psychology CareersEducation
- The Degrees
- BA 4 year study
- MA 2-3 Years beyond BA
- Ph.D./Psy.D./Ed.D. 6-7 years beyond BA
- M.D. Psychiatrists (prescribe medication)
medical school - Increased career opportunities for advanced
degrees - Admission is competitive!
- Strong GPA and GRE scores
- Related work or volunteer experience
- Close relationships with professors
- Publish if possible!
16Psychology CareersFields of Study
- Research vs. Applied Psychology?
- The majority of psychology professionals work as
therapists in some capacity - Clinical Psychologists
- Counselors
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologys Diverse Subfields
- Cognitive
- Community
- Developmental
- Educational
- Experimental
- Forensic
- Industrial/Organizational
- Neuropsychologists
- School
- Social
17Conducting Research
- Goals of Psychology
- Describe
- Explain
- Predict
- Control
- Pitfalls of intuition and common sense
explanations - Hindsight bias
- Overconfidence
- Remember psychologys definition The scientific
study of behavior and mental processes
18Conducting Research
- The Scientific Attitude Rely on Empiricism!
- Curiosity passion to explore and understand
- Skepticism questioning results retesting
- Humility understanding humans limitations and
the possibility for error - Ultimately, psychologists must be critical
thinkers - Do not accept truths without first testing them
- Look at evidence, question assumptions, filter
out bias
19The Scientific Method
- Generate a question
- Formulate a theory
- Develop a hypothesis
- Test hypothesis
- Operational definitions
- Clear and concise
- Replication of results
20Descriptive Research Methods
- Case Study
- In-depth Research
- Can we generalize?
- Survey
- Lots of information FAST!
- Population
- Random sample
- Stratified Sample
- Wording
- Naturalistic Observation
- Hawthorne Effect minimized
- Observer bias
- Interobserver reliability
- Control?
21Correlational Methods
- What is the relationship between two factors?
- Allows prediction, but NOT cause and effect!
- Correlation vs. causation
- A positive or negative relationship does not
establish the direction of the relationship - It does not PROVE the if-then
- Measuring the Strength of Relationship
- Correlation Coefficient
- Between -1 and 1
- Stronger relationships are closer to -1 or to 1,
closeness to 0 indicates weak or no relationship - Positive correlation vs. negative correlation
- Scatterplots
22Reading Scatter PlotsMatch the Correlation
Coefficient with the Graph!
A. .86 B. -1.0 C. 0 D. .99
23Correlational StudiesPitfalls
- Illusory Correlations
- We can be influenced to see correlations when we
believe they exist - Fueled by confirmation bias, or the tendency to
only remember examples that support what we
already believe is true - E.g. Old people are cheap!
24Experimental Method
- Researcher deliberately manipulates selected
variables and then measures the effects of these
manipulations - Because the researcher has this level of control,
the experiment can establish causation - However, the level of control can be somewhat
artificial, and results may not generalize to the
real world outside the lab - Also, it may be unethical to manipulate certain
25The Experiment An Example
- Situation New insomnia drug called DROW-Zsdoes
it work? - Want to establish a cause and effect relationship
or if-then, SO we must do an - EXPERIMENT!
26Personnel - Who is involved?
- Experimenter
- Runs and/or designs the experiment
- Subjects/Participants
- Those being tested
- Sample - group that represents the larger group
we are generalizing about (i.e. insomniacs) - Random Selection - everyone has an equal chance
of being chosen! - Confederates
- People who help the experimenter administer the
27Variables - What is happening?
- Independent Variable
- The variable being TESTED
- Experimenter can manipulate it
- E.g. exposure to DROW-Zs
- Dependent Variable
- What happens as a result of exposure to the
independent variable - E.g. do subjects on DROW-Zs SLEEP better?
- Confounding Variable
- Throws off results
- Unwanted!
28Experimental vs. Control Groups
- Experimental Group
- The group exposed to manipulation of the
independent variable - E.g. receives the DROW-Zs
- Control Group
- Group NOT exposed to manipulation of the
independent variable - E.g. does NOT receive DROW-Zs
- May instead receive a PLACEBO
- Random assignment to groups
- All subjects have an equal chance of being in
either the control group or experimental group!
29Operational Definitions, Etc.
- Operational Definitions
- What are we measuring and how?
- Allows experiment to be replicated by others
- E.g. what is a better nights sleep?
- Sample Size the bigger the better!
- What is the difference between groups?
- Replication?
30Avoiding Pitfalls
- Double- and Single-blind procedures
- Single - subject doesnt know who is in control
group and who is in experimental group - Double - subject and confederate dont know who
is in which group - Placebo
- Reduces confounding variable
- Reduces demand characteristics (subject bias)
31Analyzing ResultsStatistical Analysis
- Statistics Defined
- A branch of mathematics used to organize and
analyze data - Necessary to use statistics to understand what
results actually MEAN if they mean anything at
all - Be skeptical of sweeping generalizations
- E.g. Males are better at math and science than
females - How was this measured?
32Statistical Analysis Scales of Measurement
- Nominal Scale
- Set of categories for classifying
- E.g. types of cars in the student lot
- Ordinal Scale
- Scale that indicates relative position ranks
data - E.g. class rank
- Interval Scale
- Scale with equal distance between values, but
without a true zero - E.g. temperature
- Ratio Scale
- Scale with equal distance between values, but
WITH a true zero - E.g. Inches of rain
33Statistical AnalysisDescriptive Statistics
- Frequency Distribution
- A count of the number of scores that fall within
each series of intervals - Frequency histogram and Frequency polygraph
34Descriptive StatisticsMeasures of Central
- This is a single score that represents a set of
scores - Mode
- Most frequently occurring score
- Mean
- Average
- Median
- The midpoint half the scores fall below, and
half are above
- Sample Data Set
- 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5
- Mode ?
- Mean ?
- Median ?
- This is a NORMAL CURVE, where all measures of
central tendency are equal!
35Descriptive StatisticsThe Skewed Distribution
- Frequency distribution is asymmetrical
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vgzSbAkZE8jw
- Mean, median and mode are different values
- Negative (left) just a few very low scores
- Positive (right) just a few very high scores
- Relationship between Median and Mean
36Descriptive StatisticsThe Bimodal Distribution
- As the name implies, a bimodal distribution has
TWO modes
37Descriptive StatisticsMeasures of Variation
- Range the difference between the highest and
lowest score in a distribution - What does it tell you?
- What DOESNT it tell you?
- Standard Deviation how much do scores vary from
the mean in a distribution? (see table 1.4 in
packet p. 36) - Calculate mean
- Subtract each score from the mean
- Square that difference
- Add the sum of the squares
- Divide by the number of scores in the
distribution - Take square root of this
- The number is equal to the value of ONE standard
38Descriptive StatisticsMeasures of Variation
- So what?
- In a normal curve, this number reveals the
percentage of scores that falls within a
particular range - 68 fall within one standard deviation from the
mean - 95 fall within two standard deviations from the
mean - 99 fall within three standard deviations from
the mean
What must the standard deviation be for this
distribution of IQ scores?
39Inferential StatisticsStatistical Significance
- Significant Difference
- What is the difference between the experiences of
the control and the experimental groups? - What is the chance that the difference happened
due to chance? - .05 value generally accepted (1 in 20 due to
chance) - If it IS a significant difference, how important
is that difference (e.g. difference between IQ
scores of first- and later-born children is
significant, but due to its very small value, it
is not important. - WITHIN vs. BETWEEN group variation?
- If the Between Group Variation is significantly
greater than the Within Group Variation, then it
is likely that there is a statistically
significant difference between the groups.
- Left side of classroom- Calculate SD of the
following data set - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45
- Right side of classroom- Calculate SD of
following data set - 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
- What do the differences in SD tell us about our
41Real life example
- The average shoe size of a male is 9 with a
standard deviation of 1.5 - This means 68 of males wear between a size 7.5
and 10.5 - 95 of males wear between a size 6 and 12
- 99 of males wear between a size 4.5 and 13.5
42Inferential StatisticsReliability
- When can we generalize about a population based
on the results from our sample? - Sample is a representative sample
- The less variation in the data, the more reliable
(if variability is high in a distribution, the
mean becomes less meaningful) - The more examples the better! (ask 2 friends how
they like the class vs. asking 25)
43Research and Ethics
- Setting Standards
- APA (American Psychological Association)
- PsyETA (Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals) - Human Subjects Review Board/Ethics Committee
- Must Haves
- Informed Consent
- Confidentiality
- Justified use of deception
- Protection from harm/discomfort
- Debriefing
- How did Milgram, Landis, Watson, and Zimbardo
challenge ethical standards? - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vZ0jYx8nwjFQ