Title: Ah
1Ah the marvelous, magnificent
- Complex sentence.
- Oh, wow! Two clauses.
- You bet cha
- and away we go!
2Since God said,
- let man have language, we have this incredible
thing called speech, complete with complex
3Since it is a complex sen-tence, it has two
4One is independent it can stand all by itself
and be a sentence color it green for go
- The other is dependentor subordinate. It must
be hooked to the independent clause color it red
for stopcant be alone.
5Here is a color coded example.
- Because we are in school,
we keep our stuff in a locker.
6The green is like an adult it is able to stand
by itself and be inde-pendent kids may find
adults to be too calm, too settled, a bit boring.
- The dependent (subordinate) clause is in red
because it can not stand alone or be independent.
It must be hooked up with a family at least to
one adultI mean independent clause.
Everyone knows that kids or dependents are always
on the go, seeking action, making things
exciting. Subordination is exciting.
7Anything in front of the subject of the main
sentence , is set off with a , .
- Because it is Friday, we, Bovas students, will
scream. - We will scream because it is Friday.