Title: General Fixed Radix Number Systems
1General Fixed Radix Number Systems
- Nonredundant
- Positive radix, ß
- n digits in digit set
- Vector
2General Fixed Radix Number Systems
- For Given Radix and n, how many number systems?
- ANSWER Number equal to all possible
permutations of n choose 1 (or 1), ?
Positive Radix
Negative Radix
Choose -1
- Of these, 1 is Pos. Radix 1 is Neg. Radix
- The following is the Radix-complement
3General FR Number Systems - Properties
Largest Representable Integer
Smallest Representable Integer
pi are Digits of P
4General FR Number Systems - Properties
Using the pi Expression and Forming the Radix
Polynomial for P
Define as Q
5General FR Number Systems - Properties
Q is the value represented by the following
n-tuple if all ?i1
For N, the Smallest Representable Value
6General FR Number Systems - Properties
Using Similar Analysis as With the Case of P
Define as Q
7General FR Number Systems Symmetry
- In General These Bounds are Asymmetric
- Measure of Asymmetry is
- Therefore, Q is a Measure of Asymmetry for
Generalized Fixed Radix Number Systems
8GFRNS Asymmetry Examples
Consider the Negative Radix System
Asymmetric Range n even ? ? times as many
negative as positive values n odd ? ? times as
many positive as negative values
2s Complement
(1 more negative number)
(1 more positive number)
9GFRNS Complement
Recall that a complement of a digit, xi, is
The Complement of a Value, X, is Calculated as
10Signed-Digit Number Systems
- Fixed radix (positional)
- Allows each digit to carry a sign
This signed digit (SD) is a new definition of
the digit complement
11Signed-Digit Example
for a total of 19 possible digits If n 2
199 values, however there are 192 361
representations possible which implies this is a
redundant number system
12Signed-Digit Example - Redundancy
19 possible digits
For n 2, range is
199 values and 192 361 representations implies
Redundancy Index, ? ? ? 1 r for digit
set is - ?, ? Here, ? 9 9 1 10 9,
but if ? 0 ? 9, then ? 0.
Example redundant representation
13Restricting Redundancy
14Signed-Digit Characteristics
- Positive radix, ß gt 0
- X 0 is unique
- Easy to convert
- Constant Delay for Add/Sub Regardless of Word
15Breaking the Carry Chain Using SD
Can make sum only a function of two digit
Carry-Free Addition Algorithm Step 1 Find
interim sum wi and transfer digit ti1 where
positional sum pi
Step 2 Find final sum si
16Signed Digit Addition Hardware
17SD Addition Example
Let a 6 for r 10
18SD Addition Example (Continued)
Let X 1634, Y 3366 Using normal addition
produces a carry chain
But by the carry-free algorithm
19Converting Decimal to SD
Let r 10, a 6 Consider the value as xi yi
and use algorithm
Converting from SD to decimal just sum plus and
minus weights 2030 204 1826
20Selecting a to Eliminate Carry Chain in SD
For no carry, require
21Selecting a to Eliminate Carry Chain in SD
22Binary SD Addition
Implies no guarantee that si wi ti will not
produce a carry Looking at algorithm Step 1
23Unmodified Binary SD Addition Table
Step 2 Based on calculation
of wi and ti1
Note redundancy allows choices for wi and ti1
24How Useful is Unmodified Table?
Works if operands do not contain If operands
contain only 0s and 1s, no carry generated.
Why not use this approach to break carry chain
for unsigned binary number?
25Limitations of Table
Does not work if operands contain
Example (-9)10 (29)10
26SD Addition Table Choices
Takagi, 1985
27Modified Binary SD Addition Table
xi-1,yi-1 - neither is at least one is neither is at least one is - -
28Repeating Example with Modified Table
Example (-9)10 (29)10
29Two SD Encodings
4!24 possible encodings Only nine are distinct
under permutation and logical negation
twos complement
x Encoding 1 xh xl Encoding 2 xh xl
30Encoding 1
Satisfies simple relation
x xl - xh
and 11 has a valid numerical value of 0.
SD to twos complement conversion performed by
twos complement subtraction
31Encoding 2
Satisfies relation
xi -2xih xil
This means that xil and xi-1h have the same
Also simplified addition table possible by
regrouping bits
32Twos Complement/BSD Conversion
Twos Complement to SD
Bits can be encoded directly with MSB negative one
BSD to Twos Complement
One algorithm simpler than complete binary adder
zi is twos complement result c0 0
Example -1010
33Binary SD Representations
Representation of a value with the minimum number
of non-zero digits Important in multiplication
and division since each zero eliminates an
X 5, n 4, r 2
Minimal SD representation of X 5
34Alternate Class of BSD Addition Tables
Motivation Previous tables based on calculation
of where wi and ti require 2-bit encoding
Note In the discussion ci will be used in place
of ti and ui for wi
see M. Thornton, A Signed Binary Addition
Circuit Based on an Alternative Class of Addition
35Basic Idea for Alternate SBD Representation
- Add 2bi1 since it is borrowed from i1 column
- Subtract bi since it is borrowed from i-1
36Basic SD Addition Tables
1 0 0 1
1 2 2 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 2
1 0 0 1
1 10 10 01 00
0 01 01 00 01
1 00 00 01 10
Both have inherent propagation limitations
37Alternative 1 BSD Addition Table
1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
bi1 ci1 ui
bi1 ci1 ui
Table 2 of Thornton paper
38Alternative 2 BSD Addition Table
1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
bi1 ci1 ui
bi1 ci1 ui
Table 4 of Thornton paper
39(No Transcript)
40Encoding Scheme For Even Parity
- Single bit error coverage over digit pairs
- Then each successive pair of signed binary
digits can - be grouped with even parity
see M. Thornton, Signed Binary Addition
Circuitry with Inherent Even Parity Outputs