Title: (Name) (Contact Information
1(Name)(Contact Information
2 Statement of what job opportunity the student is
looking for something like I am looking for a
full time job working in a bookstore or another
environment with books, magazines and printed
materials. You can be general or specific and
change the wording for interviews.
Use photo of The student.
3My experience and education
- Include information on the students high school.
- Also include information on work experiences,
such as - Safeway, work experience facing shelves,
gathering carts and bagging groceries, September
and October 2008 - School office, photocopying and delivering
messages, school year 07-08
4My skills and abilities
- List items such as
- Collating materials
- Shredding documents
- Shelving products
- Recycling, breaking down boxes
- Emptying trash and recycle bins
5You should hire me because
- Include a few bullets on what the student would
bring to the job something like - I am very dependable
- I enjoy my co-workers and am a great team player
- I like to work and consider it an important part
of my life.
6Ways I am Successful on the Job (optional page)
- Include supports and potential assets the student
will use to be successful. Include items such
as - I use the services of a job coach at no cost to
my employer - I use the bus to get to and from work
- I have a picture based computer which helps me to
communicate and process materials - I use my iPod to store information on my job
7Interesting things about me.
- Include information the student could use to
answer a question about what they like to do, or
Tell me about yourself? Such as - I enjoy the driving range at the golf course
- I like to paint and draw
- I like to go camping with my family
8Thank you
- Insert a short statement thanking them for taking
the time to look at your portfolio.
- Use a resume templates from your computer or
readily available online - One page in length
- This can be left with the employer
- An additional page to your resume
- Can be left with the employer
11Letters of Recommendation
- Preferably on the letterhead of the past employer
or work experience site - This does not have to be a long term experience.
It can be from somewhere the student only worked
or volunteered for a limited period of time.
12Training materials from Washington Initiative
for Supported Employment
- Contact
- Marsha Threlkeld
- WiSe
- 100 S. King Street
- Suite 260
- Seattle, WA 98104
- 206-343-0881, ext 103
- www.theinitiative.ws