Title: Pertemuan 08 Using Strokes and Fills
1Pertemuan 08 Using Strokes and Fills
- Matakuliah U0344 / DESKTOP 1
- Tahun 2006
2adding strokes and fills to objects
- FreeHand MX objects can have multiple properties,
- such as strokes, fills, and special effects. Use
the - Object panel to add properties to objects and to
- modify the attributes of the properties you add.
- To add a stroke to a selected object, do one of
- the following
- Click the Add Stroke button in the Object panel.
- Click the Object panel Options menu control and
- select Add Stroke.To add a fill to a
selected object, do one of the - following
- Click the Add Fill button in the Object panel.
- Click the Object panel Options menu control and
- select Add Fill.
3adding strokes and fills to objects
- To delete a stroke or fill from a selected
object - 1 Select the stroke or fill in the Object panel.
- 2 Click the Remove Item button in the Object
panel. - To move a stroke or fill up or down in an
- objects hierarchical Properties listDrag the
stroke or fill within the Properties list in the - Object panel.
4applying attributes to strokes
- There are six different attributes for stroke
styles in - the Object panel--Basic, Brush, Calligraphic,
Custom, - Pattern, and PostScript.
- To edit the list of preset stroke widths
- 1 Display object preferences by doing one of the
following - In Windows, press ControlU, then click the
Object tab. - On the Macintosh, press CommandU, then click the
Object category. - 2 In the Default Line Weights text box, enter
the values in points. Separate values with a
space. - 3 Click OK.
- 4 Relaunch FreeHand for the changes to take
5applying attributes to fills
- You can apply eight different fill attributes to
fills - Basic, Custom, Gradient, Lens, Pattern,
PostScript, - Textured, and Tiled.
- A fill is defined by the boundaries of a path. If
the - path is open, the fill is contained within the
- boundaries drawn by an imaginary line between the
- beginning and ending points.
- You use the Object panel to apply fill attributes
to - selected fills or to set the default fill
attributes for new - objects in the active document.
6applying attributes to fills
- Using basic fill attributes
- A basic fill attribute creates a solid color
fill. - To apply a basic attribute to a selected fill in
the - Object panel
- 1 Select Basic from the fill type pop-up menu.
- 2 To choose a color for the fill, do one of the
following - Select a color from the colors pop-up menu.
- Drag a color swatch from the Swatches panel to
the stroke in the Object panel. - Use the Eyedropper tool to drag a color swatch to
the color box next to the color pop-up menu.
7applying attributes to fills
- Using custom fill attributes
- You can choose Custom fill to apply a preset,
- repeating PostScript pattern to an object. All
custom - fills except Black White Noise can be edited.
Custom - PostScript fill attributes do not appear
onscreen, but - appear when you print to a PostScript printer.
- Opaque custom fills are Black White Noise,
Noise, - Bricks, and Tiger Teeth. Objects behind the fill
arent - visible when printed. Transparent custom fills
are - Circles, Hatch, Random Grass, Random Leaves,
- Squares, and Top Noise.
8applying attributes to fills
- To apply a custom fill attribute to a selected
fill - in the Object panel
- Select Custom from the fill type pop-up menu.
- 2 Select one of the following patterns from the
custom fill pop-up menu and then specify its
options - Black White Noise applies an opaque,
black-and-white fill. It has no options. - Brick simulates a brick fill. Specify a Mortar
color using the color box brick width and height
values in the documents unit of measure and an
angle to rotate the fill clockwise (positive
value) or counterclockwise (negative value). - Circles applies a fill of circles. Specify a
radius to change the size of circles, and to set
the spacing between circles as measured from
radius point to radius point. - Hatch draws lines to simulate pen hatching.
Specify a color.
9applying attributes to fills
- Noise applies a Whiteness value as a percentage
from 0 (black) to 100 (white). - Random Grass and Random Leaves apply a grass or
leaf pattern fill. Specify from 1 to 32,000
blades of grass or leaves. - Squares applies a fill of squares. Set Side
Length to change the size of squares in the fill.
Set the spacing between squares as measured from
center to center. - Tiger Teeth applies a tooth-like pattern. Specify
a color and background fill color using the color
boxes. Set the number of teeth, from 1 to 700, to
change the fills density. - Top Noise applies a gray noise value as a
percentage from 0 (black) to 100 (white).
10applying attributes to fills
- Using gradient fill attributes
- Gradients apply color in smooth transitions from
one - color to the next. You can specify two or more
colors - to define a gradient ramp. In each of the six
gradient - types, the gradient starts at the start point and
- extends to one or more gradient handles. You can
- drag the start point and handles to affect the
- placement, length, and angle of gradients.
- Gradient behaviors affect how a gradient fills an
- object. In Normal behavior, the position of the
end - points determines the length of the gradient.
11applying attributes to fills
- To set display preferences for gradient fills
- 1 Display redraw preferences by doing one of the
following - In Windows, press ControlU, then click the
Redraw tab. - On the Macintosh, press CommandU, then click the
Redraw category. - 2 Do one of the following.
- Select the Better (but Slower) Display option to
display as many colors as possible for
gradient fills. - Deselect the Better (but Slower) Display option
to limit the number of colors displayed and
increase drawing speed. - 3 Click OK.
12applying attributes to fills
- To apply a gradient fill to a selected object by
- dragging a color swatch, do one of the
- following
- To apply a color as a linear gradient, hold down
Control as you drag a color swatch onto an
object. The location at which you drop the color
determines the angle of the gradient. - To apply a color as a radial gradient, hold down
Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) as you drag a
color swatch onto an object. The location at
which you drop the color determines the
gradients center. - To apply a color as a contour gradient, hold down
AltControl (Windows) or CommandOption
(Macintosh) as you drag a color swatch onto an
object. The location at which you drop the color
determines the gradients center.
13applying attributes to fills
- Using lens fill attributes
- A lens fill attribute transforms a fill into any
of six - special-effect lenses that modify the appearance
of - objects underneath the lens by inverting colors
or by - changing the transparency, color, lightness,
darkness, - or magnification of the object.
- To apply a lens fill attribute to a selected fill
in - the Object panel
- 1 Select Lens from the fill type pop-up menu.
- Select a lens fill Transparency makes objects
- appear partially or completely transparent.
- Magnify enlarges objects under the lens.