Social Planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Social Planning


Social Planning Using Planning Techniques and Skills – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Donna412


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Social Planning

Social Planning
  • Using Planning Techniques and Skills

Social workers use planning skills to
  • Plan programs and services
  • Plan interventions
  • Write grant proposals
  • Make decisions based on fact gathering and data
  • Facilitate the inclusion of various groups in the
    planning process

Planners serve the public interest, but define it
in different ways
  • Organismic (Planner as expert public is best
    served by use of technical skills).
  • Communalistic (Assumes that all members of the
    public have common interests. These interests are
    expressed in the political process planner is
    responsive to demands placed on him/her by
  • Individualistic (Unified public interest can not
    be defined instead it is determined through
    negotiation and political compromises. Planner
    works for interest groups).

Planners also differ in terms of who should be
involved in the planning process. It can be
  • Only professional planners with technical skills.
  • Politicians and interest groups should be
  • Beneficiaries of plans should be actively
    involved in planning decisions.

Most planning is based on the Rational or
Problem-solving Model
  • Problem identification
  • Assessment
  • Goal Setting
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation

The planners conceptualization of the public
interest and decision-making participants
determine the planning model used
Model Public Interest Participants
Rational Served by use of technical skills to select the best plan Planners with expertise
Incremental Determined through politics Planner acts as mediator to determine common interest Politicians and interest groups
Advocacy Determined through politics No unified public interest Interest group employs the planner
Transactive Institutional oppression limits ability of all to have interest met. Group interest determined through dialogue Beneficiaries and planner are equal partners in planning process
Marxist Social action is needed to promote interests of disadvantaged Planners role is to help oppressed create social movements
Most of what we do as planners is to help develop
goals and objectives
  • Goals are broad, ambiguous, and pertain to an
    ideal we want to reach such as end homelessness
    or improve the quality of life in the
  • Objectives are steps to reaching the goal and
    must be
  • a) Measurable
  • b) Time-limited
  • c) Related to a specific task or process
  • d) Evaluable

Planners use a variety of methods to choose among
alternative goals or intervention plans
  • Decision trees
  • Conceptual, visual, or mathematical models.
  • Principle of Transitivity
  • Cost benefit or cost effectiveness analysis.
  • Analysis of the distributional impact of the plan
    (what groups will benefit or lose).

Sample goals objectives for a Medi-Cal Outreach
Program might include
  • Goal Improve health care status among community
  • Objective 1 Recruit 10 community residents for
    paid employment as peer health educators by
    February 1, 2003. Evaluation criteria number of
    residents recruited
  • Objective 2 Provide a series of six training
    workshops on Medi-Cal eligibility by April 1,
    2003. Evaluation criteria number of workshops
    actually held, number of people attending,
    findings from evaluation survey distributed to
    those attending.
  • Objective 3 Inform the public about Medi-Cal
    eligibility through local media and community
    forums. Evaluation criteria number of calls for
    more information to Medi-Cal hotline. Number of
    people attending forums.

Objectives can either be task or process
oriented.Task objectives focus on completing a
specific activity or delivering a specific number
of services.Process objectives are a means used
to complete a task-related activity. In community
practice process objectives are most often
related to recruiting new members, leadership
development, increasing public awareness, or
strengthening the organization.
In planning community organization interventions,
we must try to integrate strategies and tactics
with goals and objectives. You can use the format
distributed in class and posted on the class
website for your final assignment.
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