Companies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Companies Presenting your company Multinationals are the most frequent of all companies: All multinational companies have subsidiaries (smaller companies owned or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Companies

  • Presenting your company

Multinationals are the most frequent of all
  • All multinational companies have subsidiaries
    (smaller companies owned or controlled by another
    firm or company)
  • These subsidiaries give multinational companies a
    global reach (they help them in expanding their
    business worldwide)

One important thing for the progress of a company
is corporate culture
  • The basic beliefs of employees about the business
    they work for
  • It refers to companys values, beliefs, business
    principles, traditions, ways of operating and
    internal work environment
  • Norms and customs of an organization, also some
    important attitudes which represent business
    principles for employees

The corporate culture depends largely on
  • The country of origin (of a certain subsidiary)
  • Local mentality, which can greatly influence the
    course of a business
  • Owner of a company or business (who can find a
    way of promoting his personal ideas and attitudes
    and turning them into business principles)

However, prosperity (progress) of small countries
lies in SMEs
  • SME (small and medium sized enterprise) is
    usually a business with under 500 employees
  • Its turnover (sales) is lower than 50 million
  • This kind of business creates the most jobs and
    has the highest rates of success in business

Small business with just a few employees is also
  • Many governments hope that the small business of
    today will become the multinationals of tomorrow
  • Still, many owners of small companies choose to
    work that way because they find it better and
    they dont want to expand
  • Small business is less responsability and it is
    easier to control

The smallest business is conducted by sole
traders (freelancers)
  • It is a one-man or one-woman business
  • In the professional world, these sole traders
    have left large corporations and they have taken
    their expertise (professional knowledge) with
  • Some sole traders choose to expand thier business
    and they set up a small company (employ a small
    number of people)

Larger companies with shareholders aim to
  • Have more than survival they want return on
    investment (ROI) which is a profit generated from
    a specific activity
  • Maximise the profitability (possibility of
    earning money in business) for investors.
    Normally, shares in the company rise and fall
    depending on how the investors see the future
    progress of a company.

The profit can be maximised in terms of
  • Bigger dividends (payment to shareholders from
    the company, the money you receive based on the
    number of shares you own)
  • Rising share price (the value of shares
    monitoring share price is important in business
    knowing when to buy and sell a share is a winner
    in business)

In this sense publicly quoted companies must be
  • Their shares are quoted in public, they are
    listed on a stock exchange (an organised
    marketplace where members gather to trade
  • These companies offer public insight into their
    business mainly to secure the highest bids
    (offers to buy shares)

Other large companies are private
  • They choose not to have their shares openly
    bought and sold (they keep their business to
  • They might have one big problem how to raise the
    capital when they want to grow and develop?
  • Private business is often family owned so the
    transactions are done away form the open market

All the companies have one thing in common
  • It is the key to successful business and a
    measure of business success
  • Profitability is the highest return possible for
    resources used or capital employed
  • The amount of money that remains from business

There are four important things that employees in
a company pay attention to
  • Work environment
  • Pay
  • Promotion possibilities
  • Job security (probability that you will keep your

Work environment
  • It is more friendly in a small family business
    (but some family companies are multinationals!)
  • Self-employed people working on their own
    sometimes complain about feeling isolated
  • You may feel more in control running your own
    company, but if you have employees to look after,
    this can be a big responsibility

  • Small family comapnies may or may not pay good
    wages and salaries
  • The pay in multinationals depends on the rate of
    unemployment in a specific area (some
    multinationals are known for paying very low
    wages to people in places such as fast-food
  • The pay of self-employed people varies enormously

Promotion possibilities
  • There are fewer opportunities for promotion in
    family companies, especially if family members
    are in key positions
  • Multinationals will probably offer more here
    the fast-food worker may become a branch manager
    (however, the examples of plain workers becoming
    top managers are rare)

Job security
  • Family companies hesitate longer before laying
    people off out of a feeling of responsibility
    towards their employees
  • Multinationals have had different attitudes
    towards laying people off, but today, in general,
    the companies are quicker to lay people off than

Triumph the reasons for its success
  • It has a very strong brand name
  • Its first motorcycle model goes back to the early
  • They invested a lot of money in developing new
    models which attracted peoples attention
  • They have always been competitive in the
    motorcycling business

  • They have modernised the bike ( it has a very
    up-to-date look)
  • It took them some time to increase the sales
    which are mainly exports
  • To have success in exports they created
    subsidiaries in America, Germany and France
  • In other markets they have very good distributors

  • Their dealers are very professional at marketing
    so they can present new models with a very strong
    PR campaign
  • They are in search of dealers to promote
    motorcycling (they must be enthusiastic about the
  • Over 80 of what they manufacture goes to export

Presenting your company
  • Some useful language and tips

General suggestions
  • Find out as much as possible about your audience
  • Introduce yourself (name, position, company)
  • Outline the structure of your talk
  • Refer to your notes as often as possible
  • Use clear visual aids
  • Summarise your main points

Useful language for outlining the presentation
  • First, Ill give you some basic information.
  • Secondly, Ill talk about our stores in other
  • Next, Ill talk about career opportunities.
  • Last of all, I want to look at our future plans.

Introducing new information
  • Heres some basic information.
  • Let me add a few figures.
  • Lets have a look at some statistics.
  • What are our strengths?

Ending the persentation
  • To conclude, I want to tell you about our future
  • Finally, a few words about our new project.
  • Thanks very much for listening to my talk.
  • Thanks for coming to my presentation.

Presenting a company Tara Fashions
  • Good morning, everyone. Thanks for coming to my
    presentation. My name is Marta Rodriguez and Im
    Personnel Director of Tara Fashions.
  • Im going to talk to you today about our company.
  • First, Ill give you some basic information about
    Tara Fashions.

  • Then Ill talk about our overseas stores. After
    that Ill outline the strengths of the company.
    Next Ill talk about career opportunities with
    Tara. And finally, Ill mention our future plans.
  • Let me start with some basic facts about Tara.
    The company started in 1978. we are a familiy
    owned business and our head office is in Cordoba,

  • We sell clothes for men and women, and our
    customers are mainly fashion-conscious people
    aged 20 to 35. we have 15 stores in Spain.
  • Right, those are the basic facts.
  • Let me add a few figures. We have an annual
    turnover of about 260 million euro. Our net
    profits last year were approximately 16 million
    euro. We have a workforce of just over 2000
    employees. So those are the numbers.

  • Now about our overseas stores. We have 4 large
    stores in France and another 10 in other European
  • What are our strengths? We keep up with fashion
    trends. If we spot a trend, we can bring out a
    new design in 15 days. And we get it to the
    stores very quickly.
  • Ok, now what about career opportunities?

  • Its quite simple. If you are ambitious and
    fashion conscious, we have opportunities in all
    areas of our business. We will welcome you with
    open arms.
  • Finally, a few words about our new project. We
    are planning to open a new store in New York next
    year. This will give us a foothold in the US

  • We are very excited about this new development.
  • Well, thanks very much for listening to my talk.
    Are there any questions?

Verb-noun combinations
  • Past simple and past continuous

1 Match the verbs and nouns below
  • Exploit
  • Extend
  • Win
  • Make
  • Enter
  • see
  • An award
  • An opportunity
  • A range
  • A market
  • An opening
  • A breakthrough

2 Match the verbs and nouns below
  • Save
  • Fill
  • Meet
  • Solve
  • Protect
  • Enhance
  • Reduce
  • Waste
  • Status
  • A gap
  • A problem
  • A need
  • Time
  • The environment

Complete the text with the correct expressions
from 1 and 2
  • Great ideas are generated in different ways.
    Sometimes an idea may simply be when a company
    _______ an opportunity to _______ the product
    range, to offer more choice to existing
    customers. Or a great idea could allow a company
    to _______ a market which was closed to it before.

  • Companies which are prepared to spend a lot on
    RD may _______ a breakthrough by having an
    original idea for a product which others later
    copy, for example Sony and the Walkman.
  • On the other hand, some products are developed in
    response to customer research. They come from
    customer ideas. These products _________ a real

  • Or the product does something similar to another
    product, but faster, so it ______ time. Some
    people will buy new products because the pruduct
    _______ their status makes them feel more
  • Other people will buy any green product which
    ________ waste or ________ the environment, even
    if it is more expensive.

  • If an idea is really good perhaps the product
    ________ a gap in the market it may
    even________ an award for innovation.

Past simple
  • Form
  • I worked. He/she/it worked. They worked.
  • I didnt work. Did I work?
  • Use
  • -we use the past simple to talk about states
    and actions which finished
  • (He left for Australia yesterday.)
  • (When I was young, I wanted to be a pilot.)

  • -the action can be short, long or repeated
  • (They took a taxi to get there.
  • The flight lasted 10 hours.
  • I took the same train every day.)

Past continuous
  • Form I was working. He/she/it was working. You
    were working.
  • They were working.
  • I was not working. Was I working?
  • Use we use the past continuous to
  • - talk about actions that continued over a
    period of time in the past

  • (At that time, we were still trying to solve
    our recruitment problems.
  • I was talking to him on the phone when I heard
    an explosion.)
  • - refer to situations that were changing over
    time in the past
  • (At that time we were coming out of recession
    and things were improving.)

  • - We dont use the past continuous with verbs
    that describe opinions and thoughts
  • (What did you think of her proposal?
  • What exactly did she mean?
  • He didnt know that I knew what he was doing.)

Complete with past simple and past continuous
  • Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop, was born
    in England in 1942. In the 1960s, she _______
    (train) as a teacher in England and ________
    (work) for the United Nations in Geneva. She then
    ______ (decide) to adopt a hippie lifestyle and
    ______ (begin) to travel extensively.

  • While she _______ (travel) around the world, she
    _______ (learn) many different customs and
    rituals from many different countries and _______
    (become) interested in anthropology. In 1971, she
    married Gordon Roddick. They ran a small hotel
    and restaurant in Brighton, but after three years
    they decided they ________ (want) a different way
    of life for themselves and their two children.
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