Title: Utah Enters a New Century
1Utah Enters a New Century
- Chapter 12 Utah Life Reflects the Nation
2Bell Activity
Check under your desk for gum. If you find any,
remove it!
- Pick up the new study guide
- Your words are regulate controversy
- Over the next 5 weeks, we are going to take a
musical journey through time. Each day I will
share the popular songs of the era we are
learning about. Yes, some of them will sound
strange to us, but these genres are the ancestors
of all the music you listen to today. The songs
for today are from 1900-1909, and are among the
earliest recordings..ever! - Anyone who claims to love music will listen, even
to things that are unusual, to gain an
appreciation for our musical past and get
inspiration for the future. - If you dont like the music, keep it to yourself!
Negative comments will lose bonus points! - Where should your backpack be?
4Does your work look something like this?
Word controversy Word controversy My Understanding 4 3 2 1
Definition Definition Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Sentence Sentence Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Synonym/Example Antonym/Non-Example Draw a picture of it
5Does your work look something like this?
Word controversy Word controversy My Understanding 4 3 2 1
Definition a prolonged public dispute, Definition a prolonged public dispute, Draw a picture of it
debate, or argument (over an issue) debate, or argument (over an issue) Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Sentence Immigration reform has been Sentence Immigration reform has been Draw a picture of it
a controversial issue for over 100 years in a controversial issue for over 100 years in Draw a picture of it
the United States. the United States. Draw a picture of it
Synonym/Example debate, argument Antonym/Non-Example deal, agreement treaty Draw a picture of it
6Does your work look something like this?
Word regulate Word regulate My Understanding 4 3 2 1
Definition Definition Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Sentence Sentence Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Draw a picture of it
Synonym/Example Antonym/Non-Example Draw a picture of it
7Does your work look something like this?
Word regulate Word regulate My Understanding 4 3 2 1
Definition to control according to rule Definition to control according to rule Draw a picture of it Leissez faire
or law or law Draw a picture of it Leissez faire
Draw a picture of it Leissez faire
Sentence During the Progressive Era, Sentence During the Progressive Era, Draw a picture of it Leissez faire
the government made regulations about the government made regulations about Draw a picture of it Leissez faire
workers rights, immigration, and more. workers rights, immigration, and more. Draw a picture of it Leissez faire
Synonym/Example control, legalize Antonym/Non-Example unregulated, uncontrolled Draw a picture of it Leissez faire
8Today we will learn
- History Objective We will be able to describe
how life in Utah reflected the events that was
happening in the rest of the nation in the 20th
- Language Objective We will read for information
in our book and on our handout. - Behavior Objective Collaboration We will work
with our partners to complete the activity.
9Actions of the Utah Studies Legislatures
Class Law
1st Hour
2nd Hour
4th Hour
6th Hour Out 1 minute early (only once a week and only if it is earned) 5 minutes per day to work on study guide (students remind teach)
7th Hour Out 1 minute early (only once a week and only if it is earned) Choose own seat (seat is permanent, only 1 warning then gone) Listen to music in class in private work time (teacher permission)
8th Hour Listen to music in class in private work time (teacher permission)
10Utah in the 20th Century
- The 20th Century was a time of incredible changes
to life in Utah, the U.S., and the world. - To understand what was happening in Utah, we need
to look at the bigger picture of what was
happening outside of our state.
11Newcomers in a New Century
- Many new immigrants traveled to Utah in the 1890s
and early 1900s. - Europeans from the British Isles and Scandinavian
counties. - Mexican Immigrants
- Greek Immigrants
- Chinese Immigrants
- Japanese Immigrants
- Jewish Immigrants
- We will learn more about these groups today.
12Immigrants to Utah
- Read pages 228-231 and answer question 1 in your
study guide.
13Class Laws
1st None
2nd Music during private work time Choose your seat (limited)
4th More time to work on study guides Choose your seat (limited) ESL Tutoring
6th Gum in class (limited) Snacks in class (limited) Bathroom passes? (No more extra credit) Study Guides???
7th Freedom of seats (limited) End of year celebration (May 28 or 29?)
8th Choose your seat (limited) Whenever Redo on tests