Title: N
The Publication of the Rotary Club of Arlington
North The Friendliest Club In Town since June
4, 1982
August 3rd, 2015
August Birthdays
August 1 Craig Forter August 2 Greg
Miller August 14 Lucy Iovinelli
Posted by Dave Hurt Want to Grow your
Dave Hurt (District
Membership Coordinator) I was recently asked by a
new incoming club president my thoughts on
growing a dynamic club. My answer was to look at
the club as a building with four pillars that
provided the strength of a good foundation for
long-term success. The Four Pillars of a
Successful Club Each of these four pillars of
success has a key purpose in building and
sustaining a vibrant club. The pillars are 1)
Membership, 2) Programs, 3) Projects, and 4) Fund
Raising. Build on each of these pillars and you
will develop an outstanding Rotary Club. As many
District clubs have learned these past two years,
club membership growth solves many issues facing
Rotary clubs today. You will also find that
growing membership is a cornerstone pillar in
your club. But club growth is not achieved with
a focus only on adding new members, although that
is obviously one requisite for growth. In
addition to the membership pillar, there are
three additional pillars in the club foundation
that must be strong in order to retain members
1) the project pillar, 2) the programs pillar,
and 3) the fundraising pillar. The August 22
District Seminar has been designed to help clubs
build their membership, leadership, and project
skillswith a minimum of time and cost. Come as
a club TEAMand the event will help build that
team there is no better way to train club
leaders than to attend District functions! So
plan to attend the District Membership/Foundation
Seminar August 22 and you will see all four club
success pillars in action, and grow your team
at the same time. If you want to attract and
keep like-minded, quality individuals in your
club, then this seminar is a must. Mark August 22
in your calendarGet your club team togetherAnd
sign up today!
August Rotary Anniversaries
Jim Bass August 28 9 years
Upcoming Speakers August 3rd District
Governor Troy Secord August 10th Reg
Nutritional Science Behind the Hope Bar
Project August 17th Stuff the Back Packs
OR DO 1ST .. Is it the Truth? 2nd .. Is
it Fair to all concerned? 3rd .. Will it
build Good Will and Better
Friendships? 4th .. Will it be Beneficial to
all concerned?
The lucky member or guest whose ticket is pulled,
gets a chance at winning ½ the Pot if they draw
the Ace of Spades. See Annys Laufer for tickets
for this weeks drawing the Pot is up to almost
645.00 This benefits the
on behalf of our Club.
Warren Ehn Classification Library Services The
Arlington North Rotary Board has approved the
membership application for this proposed member,
any member objects needs to be made to President
Scott Reading or Secretary Mike Beacknal
August 6th Doreen Bruner Cindy Will August
13th Greg Miller Need 1 More August 20th
Terry Ip Need 1 More August 27th Mike Becknal
and Adnan Bahar
Polio Today Today, there are only three
countries that have never stopped transmission of
the wild poliovirus Afghanistan, Nigeria, and
Pakistan. Less than 370 polio cases were
confirmed worldwide in 2014, which is a reduction
of more than 99 percent since the 1980s, when the
world saw about 1,000 cases per day. Ensuring
Success Every dollar Rotary commits to polio
eradication will be matched two-to-one by the
Bill Melinda Gates Foundation up to 35 million
a year through 2018. These funds help to provide
much-needed operational support, medical
personnel, laboratory equipment, and educational
materials for health workers and parents.
Governments, corporations and private individuals
all play a crucial role in funding. Rotary in
Action More than one million Rotary members have
donated their time and personal resources to end
polio. Every year, hundreds of Rotary members
work side-by-side with health workers to
vaccinate children in polio-affected countries.
Rotarians work with UNICEF and other partners to
prepare and distribute mass communication tools
to reach people in areas isolated by conflict,
geography, or poverty. Rotary members also
recruit fellow volunteers, assist with
transporting the vaccine, and provide other
logistical support.
We have the New Rotarian at work Rotary shirts
in. If you would like to purchase one they are
13.50. See Kelly Lewis /
Share your Passion for Rotary..Invite a friend
or Business colleague to a Meeting!
COMPASS is Produced and edited by Kelly L Lewis
- For comments or suggestions e-mail to