Title: Step by Step Guide to TIMS for FTC
1Step by Step Guide to TIMS for FTC
- Developed by the Texas Institute for Educational
Robotics, TIER - Andrew Schuetze, Director
2Start Here
3Click here to create your team
- http//www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/ftc/defaul
4Create your account here
- https//my.usfirst.org/ftc/tims/site.lasso
5Important note is that FTC requires email and
full contact information for TWO (2)
adults.Read and click agree.Click continue to
move to the next screen.
6Complete all the required information for both
the Main contact and the Secondary
contactClick continue to move to the next
7Review the information and then Click
Finished.This will take you back to the login
screen where you will now create a team.
8Option 3 Create an New FTC team. Click Create
New Team
9Complete each every section by clicking the Gogt
10Click Add Another Sponsor/School After you have
completed that step Click Ok Continue in the same
fashion for each section.
11All Sections must be complete which is signafied
by a check before you can register the team.
12You Are NOT Registered until you Click Register
Read this page Print an invoice Click I Agree
13If you see this you are Registered and just need
to send in payment. Click okay to view the
summary Screen.
14Fully registered team Upon reciept of payment by
FIRST, you will be able to order your Robot Kit
by following this link that opens up.