EMI's Urban Mitigation Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EMI's Urban Mitigation Program


Disaster risk and its management In the context of local government Session 1 World Bank Institute Fouad Bendimerad, Ph.D., P.E * – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: EMI's Urban Mitigation Program

Disaster risk and its management In the context
of local government
Session 1World Bank Institute Fouad
Bendimerad, Ph.D., P.E
Who is impacted by disasters
  • Everyone
  • The poor will see the chances they may have had
    to come out of poverty become even dimmer.
    Disasters seek out the poor and make sure they
    remain poor
  • Children, the old and the less-privileged
    elements of society suffer long-term losses
  • A portion of the middle class instantly
    becomes poor because it loses its means for
  • Small businesses and family enterprises often
    sustain catastrophic losses

Cost of disasters
  • In the decade from 1990 to 1999, close to 2
    billion people have been affected by disasters
    worldwide with a median loss of about 50
  • An average of 100,000 people lose their lives
    every year from disasters.
  • Average cost has increased six-fold in the last
    30 years and could reach 300 billion per year by

Cost of disasters in the developingworld
  • Disasters disproportionably impact developing and
    least developed countries compared to developed
  • 97 of the deaths
  • 10-times the loss (as measured by GDP)
  • Recovery is immeasurably longer
  • Badly needed infrastructure is demolished
  • Development is pushed back (Resources are
    divertedfrom basic services and from development
    projects towards reconstruction)
  • The poor are most impacted and human suffering
    becomesmore pervasive

Unsustainable development unsustainable risk
  • Disasters are not natural phenomena they are the
    direct results of development
  • Unsustainable development has increased exposure
    to natural hazards due to
  • Increased of concentration of population in
    hazardous areas
  • Increased vulnerability of the built environment
    due to shoddy andillicit construction
  • Increased fragility of socio-economic systems due
    to inappropriatedevelopment practices and
    environmental mismanagement
  • Unprepared populations and institutions
  • Social destitution and social injustice
  • Together these correlated factors create a trend
    of increasing societal susceptibility and
    diminishing resilience.

Stunning urban demographics
  • In 1950, 18 of the developing world lived in
    cities by 2030, this percentage will increase to
  • In 2002, the developing world had 15 cities with
    population greater than 8 million people
  • In 2010, 8 out of 10 largest cities will be in
    the developing world, including Mexico City,
    Dhaka, Mumbai, Lagos
  • Many of these cities are located in
    earthquake-prone areas, tropical cyclone tracks
    and flood-prone areas

Earthquake Threatened Population
Earthquake risk to megacities
  • About 70 of the largest cities in the world can
    expect a strong earthquake on average once every
    50 years
  • Cities like Istanbul, Dhaka, Manila, Cairo,
    Mexico City, Kathmandu, Bogotá, Algiers and many
    others are threatened by earthquakes
  • An earthquake in these cities would cause a
    catastropheof unparalleled proportions

Earthquakes constitute the most disastrous hazard
and the largest challenge for preparation and
Recent major urban earthquakes
Earthquake People killed Financial damage
Tangshan, China 1975 250,000
Kobe, Japan 1995 6,000 120 billion
Izmit, Turkey, 1999 19,000 10 billion
Gujarat, India, 2001 18,000 3billion
Boumerdes, Algeria 2,300 5 billion
Bam, Iran 45,000 ??
Northridge, USA, 1994 57 dead 46billion
Developed countries have been able to control
life loss from earthquakes by improving
construction and land-use practices and raising
Losses from disasters
  • Direct material losses Property, crops,
    infrastructure,lifelines, livestock, and
    critical facilities
  • Human Losses Death, injury, population
    displacement, long term trauma.
  • Environmental Losses Deforestation, hazardous
    material release.
  • Weakening of institutions and disturbance of
    social structures.
  • Reduction of economic and human potential of
    society Exacerbated poverty, impaired small
    business and industry, disabled lifelines and
  • Diversion of funds from development and from

Impediments to disaster risk reduction (DRR)
  • Factor No. 1 Lack of mechanisms to mainstream
    disaster risk reduction within institutional
    functions and missions
  • DRR takes place when it is inherently embedded in
    the day-to-day functions and mission of every
    single institution of the local government
  • Through targeted policies, organizational changes
    and awareness raising, local governments can
    progressively mainstream DRR in day-to-day
    practice of its institutions.

Impediments to disaster risk reduction (cont.)
  • Factor No. 2 Rigid bureaucratic structures that
    are not suited for cross-organizational
    cooperation and integration
  • DRR involves integration of knowledge from
    several disciplines Urban planning, building and
    construction, earth science, environmental
    science, sociology, finance, law, etc.
  • DRR involves exchange of information and
    practices across institutions and across sectors
    of the local government
  • Further, DRR require acquisition of new and
    specialized expertise
  • Hence, the implementation of DRR requires
    flexibility in structures and mechanisms for
    sharing knowledge and information.

Impediments to disaster risk reduction (cont.)
  • Factor No. 3 Lack of capacity and inefficient
    use of resources
  • Local governments usually lack capacity to
    understand risks and implement DRR
  • Existing community and social resources are often
    inefficiently used (e.g., universities,
    professional organizations, etc.)
  • Local governments must seek partnerships and find
    resources among the active agents of the
  • Factor No. 4 Lack of knowledge of disaster risk
    factors and options for disaster risk reduction
  • Most often local governments and communities do
    not understand the risk parameters of their
    environment and the DRR options available to them.

Impediments to disaster risk reduction (cont.)
  • Factor No. 5 Lack of awareness on the part of
    institutions and civil society, which relegates
    disaster risk reduction among public policy
  • In front of competing priorities for resources,
    DRR often gets low attention
  • Lack of awareness by communities and the general
    public inhibits social pressure on government
  • Public policy requires the development of a
    common agenda, leadership,and advocacy.

Disasters in the context of local government
  • Local government is aware of community issues and
    its own potential
  • Local government knows the stakeholders and their
  • Local Government understands the cultural
  • Local Government is in charge of providing
    services, and in particular urban planning,
    construction permits, transportation,health care
  • Local Government is part of the first

The importance of decentralization of disaster
risk management has yet to be fully recognized
and systematically applied in developing
The importance of decentralization
  • When decision-making and resources are
    concentrated at the central level, local
    governments cannot effectively undertake disaster
  • The lack of local authority on disaster
    management de-links land-use planning, urban
    settlement and construction control from risk
    reduction efforts, and thus further exacerbates
    the vulnerabilities of communities.
  • Decentralization is necessary in order to build
    local capacity

In sum
Disaster risk mitigation is not
  • A central governments problem or a local
    governments problem.
  • An academicians problem or a politicians
  • A citizens problem or a destiny problem.

Disaster risk management is
  • A national issue for each country.
  • The responsibility of all the active agents of a
    countrys society.
  • A concern to each community.
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