Title: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises
1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on
Public Enterprises The Alexkor Performance
Management Process Presented By Arthur Sika
Yonella Nonyusa 19 March 2010
2The Presentation Content
- Executives Performance Management Process.
- Board Performance Management Process
- Process, Mechanisms and Procedures
- Performance Objectives
- Measurable objectives
- Evaluation of objectives
3The Alexkor Performance Management Process - An
4The Alexkor Performance Management Process - An
5The Alexkor Performance Management Process - An
- The Background
- No Performance Management was in place
- Strategic Planning Vs Strategic Execution The
Integrated Performance Management Model - Strategy execution (through Human Capital) is
critical to strategic success otherwise plans
will falter or wither on the vine because of poor
execution, i.e. poorly implemented Performance
Management System. - Performance Management is the driving force or
vehicle through which strategic plans are
converted into deliverables - The Overview Of The Current System
- Performance management system for CEO managers
is place. - Performance contracts for CEO Manager are in
place. - Performance review / appraisal takes place once
ever 4 months - Quarterly Performance reviewing is linked to
rewarding (Perf Based Pay) - More details in this presentation
6The Alexkor Performance Management Process - An
At Alexkor we view Performance Management as a
process of establishing a shared understanding of
what is to be achieved and how it is to be
achieved and an approach to managing people that
increases the probability of achieving success.
7The Alexkor Performance Management Process - An
8The Alexkor Performance Management Process - An
9The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Performance Planning / Contracting Phase -
- The Alexkor Shareholders Compact / Corporate
Objectives were cascaded into the CEOs
Performance Contract. - In the process the CEOs immediate subordinates
input was solicited (the bottom up approach) in
the drafting of the CEOs contract. - The CEOs Performance Contract was then cascaded
into the immediate subordinates Performance
Contracts , the respective individuals were
involved in this process., - The respective managers Performance Contracts
were then approved by the CEO before being signed
by both the CEO respective managers. - The various Managers Performance Contracts will
be cascaded to their respective subordinates,
again the respective employees will be involved
in this process. - The employees Performance Contracts will also be
checked approved by the CEO, before being
signed by the CEO, respective Managers their
respective staff.
10The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Measurable Objectives -
- The measurable objectives as stipulated in the
Shareholders Compact are as follows - Continue operations as going concern and
improvement of financial and operating ratios. - Revision of Alexkor Environmental Management
Plan. - Conversion of old Alexkors old order mining
rights to new order mining rights. - Transfer the converted land mining rights to
Richtersveld Mining Company. - To enable the Pooling and Sharing Joint Venture
between Alexkor and Richtersveld Mining Company
11The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Measurable Objectives -
- Continued.....
- To transfer the specified immovable properties (
farms and erven) - Transfer all movable assets relating to
agricultural and maricultural businesses to the
Richtersveld Agricultural Company. - Formal establishment in respect of the existing
Alexander Bay village. - Compliance with MPRDA and any other relevant
legislation and the terms and conditions of the
mining rights. - Restructuring to achieve an optimum business
model and establishment and implementation of
appropriate control structure for Alexkor. -
12The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Evaluation Of Measurable Objectives -
- Alexkors performance in relation to the
strategic objectives is measured with reference
to KPIs as set out on the Shareholders Compact
which include the key items of the strategic
objectives. - The KPIs are included in Alexkor Corporate Plan
and are reported on in the Quarterly Reports
submitted to the Shareholder on periodical basis. - The measurable objectives as set out in the
Shareholders Compact. These measurable
objectives are cascaded from the CEO down to
management and the entire organisation.
13The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Evaluation Of Measurable Objectives -
- Revision of Alexkors Environmental Management
Plan (EMP) - The revised EMP was submitted on November 2008 to
the Department of Mineral Resources. We have so
far not had any comebacks. - Conversion of Alexkors old order mining rights
- The conversion was granted in December 2009. The
execution should take place in about two to three
weeks. - Transfer the converted land mining rights to the
Richtersveld Mining Company (RMC) - The transfer of the rights will take place on
execution. - To enable the Pooling and Sharing Joint Venture
(PSJV) between Alexkor and the RMC - The DoS has certain suspensive conditions for the
establishment of the PSJV - Revision of the EMP
- Conversion of the Old order Mining Rights
- Transfer of the Mining Rights to the RMC
- A mining plan is to be put together by the
interim joint board which does not include
representatives of Alexkor. It is an independent
Board which also has members of the Richtersveld
14The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Performance Contracts For Management -
- Performance Contracts as cascaded from the CEOs
Performance Contract are all in place for the
CEOs immediate subordinates as follows - Mine Manager
- Financial Manager
- Mine Engineer
- Company Secretary
- IT Manager
- Human Resources Manager
15The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Performance Planning / Contracting Phase -
Of essential significance in the Alexkor
Performance Management Process is that both the
Business Strategic Objectives the Business
Values were cascaded into the Performance
Contract, as illustrated below.
16The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Performance Coaching / Feedback Phase -
- The Alexkor Performance Management Systems
encourages constant coaching feedback in line
with the Performance Contract. - T o ensure good understanding proper use, the
CEO Managers were taken through the following - What is Performance Coaching?
- Guidelines for Effective Coaching (When To Coach,
How To Coach, What To Coach, Why Coach) - Formal Informal Coaching
- Guidelines for Providing Feedback (Positive Vs
Negative Feedback) - Characteristics of Feedback for Improving /
Developing Performance - Pitfalls to Avoid When Giving Feedback
- Guidelines for How Often to Conduct Update
Review Discussions - Preparing for the Coaching Discussion
- Steps for Conducting the Coaching Discussion
- Key Communication Skills (Questioning Techniques
Listening Skills) - Tips for Observing and Documenting Behaviours
17The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Performance Reviewing / Appraisal Phase -
- Performance Appraisals On a Quarterly Basis
- 180 Performance Management Appraisal process is
followed in Alexkor. - Manager review themselves first before sitting
with the CEO to have a discussion on the overall
performance review discussion for the entire
quarter. - To ensure good understanding CEO managers where
taken through the following - How to conduct a Performance Review?
- Overview of Steps in Performance Review
- Performance Reviewing Guiding Principles
- Preparing For A Performance Review
- What is the Quarterly / Annual Performance Review
Discussion? - Steps for Conducting the Annual Performance
Review Discussion - The Performance Ratings.
- Guidelines for Determining the Ratings
- Appraisal Pitfalls to be Avoided
- Dealing with Performance Review Problems
18The Alexkor Performance Management Process
Performance Rewarding Phase -
- In line with market related salaries
remuneration practices. - Fixed salary structure Variable salary
structure. - Linking Performance To Pay from the quarterly
appraisals that are conducted. - Performance Based Pay System the performance
increment given is determined by taking note of
current salary Vs the market overall
performance rating.
19The Alexkor Performance Management Process - An
- The entire Management team at Alexkor were then
taken through Performance Management Training
Program to ensure thorough comprehension of the
following Performance Phases, - Performance Planning,
- Performance Coaching,
- Performance Reviewing
- Performance Rewarding
- The bottom line was to transfer expertise, ensure
thorough understanding of the entire Performance
Management process by the Alexkor Management to
ensure effective application in Alexkor. - The rationale is that, Performance Management
will never survive without Management thorough
understanding therefore support.
20The Alexkor Performance Management Process - An
- When its implemented for the entire staff, they
will as well be taken through a one day
Performance Management Orientation Training
Program to ensure understanding of the
Performance Management Process  - A Performance Management Policy Procedure Guide
for Alexkor a procedural document that details
the entire Performance Management System for
reference purposes was is also in place.
21Board Performance - Implementing DPE Guidelines
- At  the board meeting of February 2010 the board
deliberated on the process for the evaluation of
its performance. - The board agreed that a self assessment of the
board performance will be done and will be
followed by an extensive board members
performance evaluation by the Chairperson. - Thereafter and overall board assessment by an
independent assessor. This process will take
place during April 2010.
22Board Remuneration - Implementing DPE Guidelines
- The Remuneration of the Board of Directors is
based on the DPE State Owned
Enterprises Remuneration Guidelines-
Chairpersons and Non- Executive Directors. - The SOE categorisation according to the
Guidelines determine fee levels. - Board members are remunerated according to the
Guidelines - On retainer fee basis for Main Board Membership
and Committee membership - At a median of the range for Alexkor size.
- Board members are also reimbursed for the
23Turnover at Executive level
Turnover at Executive level Turnover at Executive level Turnover at Executive level
Financial Year 2008-2009 2009-2010
Exits 0 1
Headcount 0 6
Turnover 16.66
24Demographics at Executive level
Demographics at Executive Level Demographics at Executive Level Demographics at Executive Level Demographics at Executive Level Demographics at Executive Level
Female Male Male Male
African African White Total
31-Mar-10 1 2 3 6
16.67 33.33 50.00 100
25(No Transcript)
26Thank You