Title: Experiences concerning fuzzy-verification and pattern recognition methods
1Experiences concerning fuzzy-verification and
pattern recognition methods
- Results on operational verifcation for winter and
summer month - An approach concerning significance test of
fuzzy-verification results - Estimation of consistency of forecasts using a
pattern recognition method (CRA method by Beth
Fractions skill score for forecasts of GME,
COSMO-EU and COSMO-DE for December 2008,
forecast time 06-18 hours
ETS upscaling for forecasts of GME, COSMO-EU and
COSMO-DE for December 2008, forecast time 06-18
Fractions skill score for forecasts of GME,
COSMO-EU and COSMO-DE for August 2009, forecast
time 06-18 hours
ETS upscaling for forecasts of GME, COSMO-EU and
COSMO-DE for August 2009, forecast time 06-18
7Examination of statistical significance of
fuzzy-verification results using bootstrapping
- Basic idea of bootstrapping
- Repeat a resampling all elements of a given in a
sample of forecasts and observations as often as
necessary (N times) and calculate the relevant
score(s) - Calculate from N scores statistical properties of
the sample such as mean value standard deviation,
confidence intervals and quantiles - Application to fuzzy-verification
- Resampling is done using blocks.
- Blocks are defined as single days.
- Number of resampling cases NDays100
- Calculation scores from N samples for NT
thesholds and NW windows - Calculation of quantiles for each window and
8Values and quantiles 0.1 and 0.9 for Upscaling
ETS GME, period June - August 2009
9Values and quantiles 0.1 and 0.9 for Upscaling
ETS COSMO-EU, period June - August 2009
10Values and quantiles 0.1 and 0.9 for Upscaling
ETS COSMO-DE, period June -August 2009
11Next step Evaluation of significance
- First impression Is the result of Model 1 better
than the result of Model 2? - Significance hypothesis checked using a
Wilcoxon-test (IDL-code RS_TEST)
12Differences between GME and COSMO-EU
Significance test
COSMO-EU better than GME COSMO-EU worse than GME
13Differences between GME and COSMO-DE
Significance test
COSMO-DE better than GME COSMO-DE worse than GME
14Differences between COSMO-DE and COSMO-EU
Significance test
COSMO-DE better than COSMO-EU COSMO-DE worse than
15Differences between COSMO-DE and COSMO-EU
Significance test
COSMO-DE better than COSMO-EU COSMO-DE worse than
16Example of good precipitation forecast of COSMO-DE
Zeigten die numerischen Modelle und die
statistischen Prognose- --------------------------
------------------------------------- verfahren
Signale fĂĽr das Ereignis? ------------------------
----------- Die Numerik zeigte im Vorfeld
vermehrt Signale für kräftige Konvektion.
Während diese bei GME und COSMO-EU recht breit
gestreut und pauschal auftraten, signalisierten
mehrere COSMO- DE-Läufe eine linienartige
Struktur mit unwetterartigen Zellen (auf Basis
der 1- bzw. 3-stĂĽndigen RR-Prognosen) im
Grenzbereich von Hessen zu NRW und
Niedersachsen. Diese Linie trat dann in den
Mittags- und frĂĽhen Nachmittagsstunden
tatsächlich auf, wenn auch nicht 100ig
kongruent, aber doch in der Nähe, so dass in
diesem Fall von einer guten Prognose gesprochen
werden kann (mehr dazu siehe "Zentraler
UW- Sofortbericht" der VBZ).
17Example of good precipitation forecast of COSMO-DE
3h-precipitation forecast of COSMO-DE valid
10.08.2009 12 UTC, left 03 UTC 9h, right 06 UTC
3h-precipitation observation 10.08.2009 09-12 UTC
18Example of good precipitation forecast of
COSMO-DE compared to other models
19Example of good precipitation forecast of
COSMO-DE compared to other models
20About consistency and inconsistency
- Forecasters are interested in consistent model
forecasts. - But due to growing of errors during forecast time
forecasts consistency cannot be expected
concerning all properties of the forecasted
fields! - Inconsistency Differences between forecasts that
are valid for the same time concerning different
properties of the forecasted fields (properties
of the pattern, values at special points of
interest, extreme values, ...) - Differences between the forecasted fields
concerning - phase,
- amplitude
- and the remaining part
21- Entity-based QPF verification (rain blobs)
- by E. Ebert (BOM Melbourne)
- Verify the properties of the forecast rain system
against the properties of the observed rain
system - location
- rain area
- rain intensity (mean, maximum)
CRA error decomposition The total mean squared
error (MSE) can be written as MSEtotal
MSEdisplacement MSEvolume MSEpattern
Configuration for the current study -
Observations forecasts 06-30 hours -
Forecasts forecasts 30-54 hours and
forecasts 54-78 hours
22Dark forecasts 30-54 h Lightforecasts 54-78 h
23Dark forecasts 30-54 h Lightforecasts 54-78 h
24Dark forecasts 30-54 h Lightforecasts 54-78 h
25Dark forecasts 30-54 h Lightforecasts 54-78 h
- Scores like Fractions skill score and ETS from
upscaling show in general advantages of COSMO
models compared to GME. - This is true especially for summer months.
- For winter months all models have nearly the same
quality for low precipitation amounts and large
window sizes for averaging. - Significance test lead to the results, that
- The advantages of COSMO models compared to GME
are statistically significant for most window
sizes and precipitation amounts. - The differences between COSMO-EU and COSMO-DE are
not significant altough there are systematical
differences for different precipitation amounts
and window sizes. - There are some cases with very useful
precipitation forecasts of COSMO-DE compared to
COSMO-EU from the view of forecasters. - A study about the consistency of precipitation
forecasts showed - it could be expected , but now
it is proved - that - Forecasts of high precipitation amounts are less
consistent than those for low precipitation
amounts. - Pattern errors contribute most to forecast
errors. - During winter months volume errors are higher
than displacement errors. - During summer months displacement errors are
higher than volume errors.