Title: How delay equations arise in Engineering? G
1How delay equations arise in Engineering?Gábor
StépánDepartment of Applied MechanicsBudapest
University of Technology and Economics
- Answer Delay equations arise in Engineering
- by the information system (of control), and
by the contact of bodies. - Linear stability subcritical Hopf bifurcations
- Robotic position and force control
- Balancing human and robotic
- Contact problems
- Shimmying wheels (of trucks and motorcycles)
- Machine tool vibrations
3Stability of linear RFDEs of n DoF systems
- Delayed mechanical systems include 2nd
derivatives - Autonomous systems
- Trial solution
- Characteristic roots Re ?j lt 0, j1,2, ?
stability - D-curves
? stability
4Examples with 1 DoF, n 1
5 Stability chart
6 Delayed oscillators
frequencies -
7Delayed oscillator with damping
8 9 10Non-autonomous linear RFDEs
- Time-periodic systems
- Trial solution
- Hills infinite dimensional determinant ?
- characteristic function ? characteristic roots
? - Re ?j lt 0, j1,2, ? stability ? ??j?lt1, j1,2,
- for characteristic multipliers of
fund. op. at T
11The delayed Mathieu equation
Harmonic balance
? Hills determinant
12The delayed Mathieu stability charts
- b0 (Strutt-Incze, 1928) e0 (Hsu-Bhatt,
1966) - e1
13Stability chart of delayed Mathieu
14Semi-discretization method introduction
- The approximating DDE is non-autonomous
15Introduction to SDM delayed oscillator
16Delayed oscillator stability chart by SDM
17Full discretization - comparison
- Discretization also w.r.t. time derivatives
18Introduction to SDM Mathieu equation
19Semi-discretization general case
Insperger, Stepan
Int. J. of
Numerical Methods
in Engineering (2002)
20Examples test on delayed Mathieu
21 22 23Nonlinear RFDEs in Engineering
- Stability analysis of steady-states is followed
bybifurcation analysis - Hopf bifurcation self-excited vibrations
- Supercritical case easy to avoid vibrations by
knowing the linear stability behaviour - Subcritical case the unstable periodic solutions
mean a limited domain of attraction for the
desired steady-state behaviour cannot be
predicted by linear stability analysis.
24Stickslip unstable periodic motion
25Unstable limit cycle ghost vibration