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Information Technology 2 Software (introduction), Data Representation Department of Computer Science Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prezentace

Department of Computer Science Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Information Technology 2
Software (introduction), Data Representation
Basic Definitions
  • Algorithm a finite ordered set of
    well-defined rules for the solution of a
  • Program a specific set of ordered operations
    for a computer to perform.
  • Programming language an artificial language
    for expressing programs (Pascal, C, C, Java,
    VisualBasic, Fortran, ).
  • Instruction order given to a computer
    processor by a computer program.
  • Assembly language the native language of a

The word algorithm derives from the name of
theArabic mathematician Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn
Musa al-Khwarizmi (about 780 850). Al-Khwarizmi
wrote on Hindu-Arabicnumerals and was the first
to use zero as a place holder in positional
base notation. There are two standard ways to
represent an algorithm pseudocode and
Flowchart an example
Does the thing work?
Did you messwith it?
Dont mess with it
You fool
Will you catchhell?
Does anyone know?
Trash it
Hide it
Has this beensuccessful?
Can you blamesomeone else?
You poor fool
No problem
Algorithm, Program (in C) factorial
x! 1 ? 2 ? ? (x 1) ? x 5! 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4
? 5 120
a 1
f 1
Corresponding C code
a ? 5
a 1 f 1 while (a lt 5) f f a
a a 1
f f a
a a 1
At the end of the program's execution, the
variable f contains the value 120.
Set of Assembly Language Instructions
(dummy example)
Register A
Register B
Register C
Reg. Test
LOADA mem - Load register A from memory address
LOADB mem - Load register B from memory address
CONB con - Load a constant value into register
B SAVEB mem - Save register B to memory address
SAVEC mem - Save register C to memory address
ADD - Add A and B and store the result in C
SUB - Subtract A and B and store the result in
C MUL - Multiply A and B and store the result
in C DIV - Divide A and B and store the result
in C COM - Compare A and B and store the
result in Test JUMP addr - Jump to an address
JEQ addr - Jump, if equal, to address JNEQ
addr - Jump, if not equal, to address JG addr
- Jump, if greater than, to address JGE addr -
Jump, if greater than or equal, to address JL
addr - Jump, if less than, to address JLE addr
- Jump, if less than or equal, to address STOP
- Stop execution
Assembly Language factorial
A C compiler translates the C code into assembly
language // Assume a is at address 128 //
Assume f is at address 129 0 CONB 1 // a
1 1 SAVEB 128 2 CONB 1 // f 1
3 SAVEB 129 4 LOADA 128 // if a gt 5 then
jump to 17 5 CONB 5 6 COM 7 JG 17 8
LOADA 129 // f f a 9 LOADB 128 10
MUL 11 SAVEC 129 12 LOADA 128 // a a
1 13 CONB 1 14 ADD 15 SAVEC 128 16
JUMP 4 // loop back to if 17 STOP
(dummy example)
a 1 f 1 while (a lt 5) f f a
a a 1
Data Representation
  • integers
  • real numbers
  • fixed point floating point
  • string sequence of characters

Number Systems
Each positive integer (natural number) can be
writtenin the polynomial form an ? bn
an-1 ? bn-1 a0 ? b0 , where b is an integer
greater than 1 the base (radix)of the number
system, and coefficients ai are natural numbers
the digits of the number system, 0 ? ai ?
b.The shortened notation is usually
used (anan-1 a0)b, or anan-1 a0. To
avoid confusion, we often use a suffix
(subscript) to indicate the number base.
Decimal Number System
  • base 10
  • uses ten digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
  • we are familiar with decimal number
  • numbers are expressed by ones (100), tens
    (101), hundreds (102), thousands (103), etc.
  • for example, the number 6307 can be expressed
  • 6 3 0 7
  • 6 ? 1000 3 ? 100 0 ? 10 7 ? 1
  • 6 ? 103 3 ? 102 0 ? 101 7 ? 100
  • thus a3 ? b3 a2 ? b2 a1 ? b1 a0 ? b0,
    where b 10 (base),
  • a0 7, a1 0, a2 3, a3 6, a4, a5, a6, 0

Binary Number System
  • base 2
  • uses two digits (0, 1)
  • in computers best used
  • the decimal number 11 can be expressed as the
    binary number 1011
  • 1 ? 23 0 ? 22 1 ? 21 1 ? 20
  • 1 ? 8 0 ? 4 1 ? 2 1 ? 1
    11 decimal
  • (1011)2 (11)10

Hexadecimal Number System
  • base 16
  • uses sixteen digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
    9, A, B, C, D, E, F), where letters A, B, C,
    D, E, F correspond to numbers 10, 11, 12, 13,
    14, 15
  • used for convenience while using binary numbers
  • the decimal number 967 can be expressed as
    the hexadecimal number 3C7
  • 3 ? 162 C ? 161 7 ? 160
  • 3 ? 256 12 ? 16 7 ? 1 967
  • (3C7)16 (967)10

Conversions among Number Systems
Example Convert the decimal numbers 10 a 23 to
binary. Divide the number by 2, then divide
what's left by 2, and so on until there is
nothing left (0). Write down the remainder
(which is either 0 or 1) at each division stage.
result after division by 2 rema-inder
10 2 5 0
5 2 2 1
2 2 1 0
1 2 0 1
result after division by 2 rema-inder
23 2 11 1
11 2 5 1
5 2 2 1
2 2 1 0
1 2 0 1
(10)10 (1010)2 (23)10 (10111)2
Conversions among Number Systems
Example Convert the binary number 101110 to
decimal. The binary number 101110 can be
expressed as 1 ? 25 0 ? 24 1 ? 23 1
? 22 1 ? 21 0 ? 20 1 ? 32 0 ? 16 1
? 8 1 ? 4 1 ? 2 0 ? 1 46
(101110)2 (46)10
Conversions among Number Systems
Example Convert the decimal number 586 to
hexadecimal. First, convert the decimal number
586 to binary. Each hexadecimal digit represents
4 bits. Split the binary number into groups of 4
bits, starting from the right (the least
significant) bit. Convert each group of 4
bitsinto the corresponding hexadecimal digit.
10 A, 11 B, 12 C, 13
D, 14 E, 15 F.
Conversions among Number Systems
result after division by 2 rema-inder
586 2 293 0
293 2 146 1
146 2 73 0
73 2 36 1
36 2 18 0
18 2 9 0
9 2 4 1
4 2 2 0
2 2 1 0
1 2 0 1
(586)10 (1001001010)2 10 0100 1010 0010 0
100 1010 2 4 10 2 4 A
(586)10 (24A)16
Conversions among Number Systems
Example Convert the hexadecimal number 2AC7 to
decimal. Express the number (2AC7)16 in the
form 2 ? 163 A ? 162 C ? 161
7 ? 160 2 ? 163 10 ? 162 12 ? 161 7
? 160 2 ? 4096 10 ? 256 12 ? 16 7 ? 1
10951 (2AC7)16 (10951)10 Hexadecimal
numbers are often written in the
form 3BCh 2AF in Turbo
Pascal 0x7AF2 in C, JavaScript
Conversions among Number Systems
Dec. Bin. Hex. Dec. Bin. Hex. Dec. Bin. Hex.
0 00000000 0 16 00010000 10 32 00100000 20
1 00000001 1 17 00010001 11 33 00100001 21
2 00000010 2 18 00010010 12 34 00100010 22
3 00000011 3 19 00010011 13 35 00100011 23
4 00000100 4 20 00010100 14 36 00100100 24
5 00000101 5 21 00010101 15 37 00100101 25
6 00000110 6 22 00010110 16 38 00100110 26
7 00000111 7 23 00010111 17 39 00100111 27
8 00001000 8 24 00011000 18 40 00101000 28
9 00001001 9 25 00011001 19 41 00101001 29
10 00001010 A 26 00011010 1A 42 00101010 2A
11 00001011 B 27 00011011 1B 43 00101011 2B
12 00001100 C 28 00011100 1C 44 00101100 2C
13 00001101 D 29 00011101 1D 45 00101101 2D
14 00001110 E 30 00011110 1E 46 00101110 2E
15 00001111 F 31 00011111 1F 47 00101111 2F
  • American Standard Code for Information
  • a standard character set defined in 1968 (by
  • in its original form 7-bit (27 128
    characters), today 8-bit (28 256 characters)
  • only the first 128 characters (0 127) are
    common among all computers basic part
  • the upper half of the ASCII table is dependent
    on regional settings (accented and additional
    characters) so-called extended part
    (characters 128 255)
  • to enter a character that your PC keyboard does
    not have, while pressing down the left ALT
    key, enter the ASCII code with the number
    keys in the number key pad section. When you
    release the ALT key, the character is entered
    (character "_at_" ALT 64).

ASCII Table Basic Part (0 127)
ASCII tabulka problémy s ceštinou
  • pro ceštinu existuje nekolik zpusobu kódování
    (znakových sad)
  • ISO-8859-2 (ISO Latin 2)
  • Windows 1250 (CP1250)
  • CP852 (PC Latin 2)
  • bratrí Kamenických
  • KOI8-CS
  • ...
  • všechny tyto znakové sady se liší horní
    polovinou ASCII tabulky (znaky 128 255) a
    nejsou tedy navzájem kompatibilní
  • další zajímavé informace naleznete na

ASCII Table Significancy
  • each character is re- presented as one byte
  • end of line two characters CR, LF
  • code page Windows 1250

  • making pictures using ASCII characters only
  • funny "ASCII-SMS"

  • a 16-bit character encoding standard
  • contains all of the characters (216 65 536
    different characters) in common use in the
    worlds written languages, including
    Russian, Japanese etc.
  • includes a large set of technical symbols,
    math operators and so on
  • problems with the backward (8-bit)

Unicode Significancy
  • in Notepad, select Unicode while saving the file
  • one character two bytes

  • Precht, M. Meier, N. Kleinlein, J.
    EDV-Grundwissen Eine Einführung in Theorie und
    Praxis der modernen EDV. Addison-Wesley, 1996.
  • Hlavenka, J. a kol. Výkladový slovník
    výpocetní techniky a komunikací. Computer
    Press, Praha, 1997.
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
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