Title: Five Myths of Virtualization Management
1Five Myths of Virtualization Management
Rick Ruskin, VP Sales eG Innovations,
Inc. http//www.eginnovations.com IT Expo Booth
April 13, 2020
2Myth 1
Myth Virtualization makes monitoring easier
because there are fewer servers to monitor.
- Truth Virtualization makes monitoring more
complex. - Same number of operating systems and applications
to manage as in a physical world. - New virtualization components and functions need
to be managed Hypervisor, Service Console,
Hardware, Datastores, LUNs, vSwitches,
vNetworks, Resource pools, Clusters, DRS,
vMotion, Thin provisioning, Resource
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3 Myth 2
Myth Virtualization offers ways to reserve
resources. I can just reserve resources for
my VMs and they will not interfere with
each other.
- Truth Resource reservation is not always
possible nor efficient. - Not every resource can be reserved statically.
CPU and memory can. Disk and Network cant. - Static reservation of resources precludes
resource sharing. Results in operational
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4Myth 3
Myth Virtualization technology allows VMs to be
provisioned rapidly on-demand. The
virtualization teams job is managing VMs
and they can operate independent of the
enterprise IT ops team.
- Truth Virtualization monitoring has to be
integrated into the business service
management framework. - Virtualization is a critical component of an IT
infrastructure. - A problem in the virtual infrastructure can
impact applications running on it and hence,
affect the business services. -
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5Myth 4
Myth Virtualization platforms offer a lot of
metrics. These metrics reveal all I need to
know to monitor my VM infrastructure.
- Truth An inside view of a VM is necessary to
understand what is happening inside a VM. - Virtualization platform metrics indicate the of
physical resources of each VM takes. - They do not reveal why a VM is taking excessive
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6Myth 5
Myth Virtual desktops are just VMs. So the same
tools used for monitoring virtual servers
can be used for monitoring virtual
- Truth VDI monitoring is not the same as VM
monitoring. - The workload of a virtual desktop depends on the
user who is logged in to that desktop. Therefore
VDI monitoring should be based on USER ACTIVITY -
not VM activity. - The virtualization platform is only one of the
tiers in a VDI. Therefore monitoring of every
layer of every tier, including connection
brokers, terminal servers, profile servers,
license servers, etc., is required. - Processing overhead can make running a full-blown
monitoring agent on each virtual desktop
impractical. Therefore an agentless method to
get the inside view of each desktop is needed.
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7The Truths of Virtualization Management
- Virtualization makes monitoring more complex.
- VMs can and will interfere with each other if the
infrastructure is not carefully planned and
monitored. - Virtualization must be monitored in the context
of the business services it supports in order to
be effective. - Management tools included with virtualization
platforms fail to look inside the VMs to
understand why resources are being used. - VDI monitoring is more complex than VM monitoring
and has different requirements as compared to VM