SAT Vocabulary Building List - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SAT Vocabulary Building List


SAT Vocabulary Building List – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: SAT Vocabulary Building List

SAT Vocabulary Building List
Week 18
  1. premonition (n.) - a presentiment of the future
  2. preponderance (n.) - a great amount or frequency
  3. prudent (adj.) - cautious, careful
  4. scurrilous (adj.) - crude, vulgar
  5. scathing (adj.) - hurtful, critical
  6. telepathic (adj.) - capable of reading minds
  7. celestial (adj.) - relating to the sky or the
  8. carouse (v.) - to revel, to party
  9. bourgeois (adj.) - middle class
  10. defunct (adj.) - no longer used or existing

Week 17
  1. abscond (v.) - to sneak away and hide
  2. abrogate (v.) - to abolish, often by authority
  3. collusion (n.) - a conspiracy, a secret agreement
  4. colossus (n.) - an enormous structure
  5. compel (v.) - to force
  6. dictate (v.) - to pronounce, command, prescribe
  7. diminish (v.) - to decrease or make smaller
  8. exemplary (adj.) - serving as an example
  9. existential (adj.) - relating to existence
  10. histrionic (adj.) - excessively dramatic or

Week 16
  1. arbitrator (n.) - one who settles controversy
    between two sides
  2. apocalypse (n.) - total devastation, the end of
    the world
  3. anomaly (n.) - something that does not fit into
    the normal order
  4. amiable (adj.) - friendly, affable
  5. ameliorate (v.) - to improve, to make better
  6. buffet (v.) - to hit or strike
  7. buffet (n.) - a spread of food involving choices
  8. cacophony (n.) - noise, discordant sound
  9. circumspect (adj.) - cautious
  10. clairvoyant (adj.) - able to see things that
    others cannot

Week 15
  1. entity (n.) - something that exists as a discrete
  2. dynamic (adj.) - characterized by continuous
    change or activity
  3. douse (v.) - to drench, saturate
  4. diminutive (adj.) - miniature, small
  5. diligent (adj.) - careful, showing care
  6. destitute (adj.) - impoverished
  7. fallacious (adj.) - incorrect, misleading
  8. familial (adj.) - relating to family
  9. fatuous (adj.) - silly, foolish
  10. feral (adj.) - savage, wild, untamed

Week 14
  1. impervious (adj.) - unable to be penetrated,
  2. insatiable (adj.) impossible to satisfy.
  3. gluttonous (adj.) - insatiable in appetite
  4. flabbergasted (adj.) - astounded, stupefied
  5. forsake (v.) - to abandon, forget
  6. ingenious (adj.) - marked by special intelligence
  7. infuse (v.) - to inject
  8. inclination (n.) - a tendency, propensity
  9. indictment (n.) - accusation of wrongdoing
  10. indignation (n.) - anger due to an unfair

Week 13
  1. accommodating (adj.) - obliging, helpful
  2. accost (v.) - to approach or confront
  3. camaraderie (n.) - cheerful unity among a group
  4. capricious (adj.) - impulsive, unpredictable,
    subject to whim
  5. chastise (v.) - to criticize, to scold
  6. discrete (adj.) - separate, distinct, individual
  7. derelict (adj.) - run-down, abandoned
  8. envious (adj.) jealous
  9. armistice (n.) - warring parties agree to stop
  10. aweigh (v.) to heave, hoist or raise just above
    the sea.

Week 12
  1. abide (v.) - to put up with, tolerate
  2. accentuate (v.) - to emphasize, to highlight
  3. vivacious (adj.) - lively, spirited, full of life
  4. tranquil (adj.) - calm, serene, peaceful
  5. truculent (adj.) - eager to fight, violent
  6. tenuous (adj.) - having little substance or
    strength very strained
  7. terse (adj.) - abrupt, short, brief
  8. subsist (v.) - to live, exist
  9. stagnate (v.) - to be idle, to be still
  10. innocuous (adj.) - harmless

Week 11
  1. discreet (adj.) - prudent or inconspicuous
  2. differentiate (v.) - to distinguish, to make
  3. espouse (v.) - to support, or to marry
  4. extravagant (adj.) - excessive, over-the-top
  5. fickle (adj.) - characterized by changeableness,
    whimsical, not serious
  6. figurative (adj.) - symbolic
  7. flout (v.) - to scorn, ignore, show contempt for
  8. gregarious (adj.) - sociable, outgoing
  9. harmony (n.) - agreement, often of sound
  10. guile (n.) - deceitful actions or behavior

Week 10
  1. aberration (n.) - a deviation from the expected
  2. abhor (v.) - to hate, loathe
  3. cliché (n.) - a trite, overused expression
  4. cogent (adj.) - intelligent, viable
  5. deleterious (adj.) harmful
  6. delude (v.) - to deceive, to mislead
  7. impudent (adj.) - rude, improper
  8. incessant (adj.) - without interruption
  9. pervasive (adj.) - to spread throughout
  10. parody (n.) - a satirical imitation

Week 9a
  1. abase (v.) - to lower, demean, degrade
  2. aloof (adj.) - reserved, distant
  3. allay (v.) - to sooth, assuage
  4. cajole (v.) - to urge, coax
  5. brazen (adj.) - excessively bold, brash
  6. bloated (adj.) - swollen, bigger than desired
  7. boisterous (adj.) - loud, energetic
  8. divergent (adj.) - different, deviating, contrary
  9. diverse (adj.) - varied
  10. domicile (n.) - a residence, a home

Week 9
  1. laceration (n.) - a cut, a rip
  2. libel (n.) - a statement that gives an unjust or
    unfavorable representation of a person or thing
  3. malaise (n.) - vague feeling of discomfort
  4. mendacious (adj.) - inclined to lie or mislead
  5. mimic (v.) - to imitate, to copy
  6. pedagogue (n.) - a schoolteacher
  7. penchant (n.) - a tendency, partiality,
  8. permeate (v.) - to spread out, to pervade
  9. persevere (v.) - to persist, remain constant
  10. peruse (v.) - to examine carefully

Week 8
  1. audacious (adj.) - excessively bold
  2. benevolent (adj.) - kind, good, caring
  3. brash (adj.) - hasty or lacking in sensitivity
  4. erroneous (adj.) - mistaken, incorrect
  5. exacerbate (v.) - to make more violent, intense
  6. fortitude (n.) - strength, bravery
  7. loquacious (adj.) - talkative
  8. meager (adj.) - lacking in quality stature
  9. oration (n.) - a dignified and formal speech
  10. pariah (n.) - an outcast

Week 7
  1. acute (adj.) - sharp, severe
  2. affable (adj.) - friendly, amiable
  3. captivate (v.) - to hold the interest of, to gain
    the attention of
  4. complicit (adj.) - being an accomplice in a
    wrongful act
  5. defame (v.) - to destroy the reputation of
  6. disparage (v.) - to criticize, degrade, belittle
  7. feign (v.) - to fake or pretend to
  8. fortify (v.) - to strengthen
  9. lethargic (adj.) - sluggish, weary, apathetic
  10. mediate (v.) - to intervene, to arbitrate, to
    sort out

Week 6
  1. harrowing (adj.) - agonizing, distressing, scary
  2. fluctuate (v.) - to vary irregularly
  3. forage (v.) - to rummage, scavenge, graze for
  4. hierarchy (n.) - a ranking system of groups or
  5. inclement (adj.) - stormy, bad, severe
  6. judicious (adj.) - of sound judgment
  7. malaise (n.) - vague feeling of discomfort
  8. mendacious (adj.) - inclined to lie or mislead
  9. myopic (adj.) - short-sighted
  10. myriad (adj.) - consisting of a very great number

Week 5
  1. abate (v.) - to lessen, to reduce in severity
  2. alleviate (v.) - to relieve
  3. austere (adj.) - very bare, bleak, simple
  4. berate (v.) - to scold severely
  5. benign (adj.) - non-threatening, innocuous
  6. desolate (adj.) - deserted, lifeless
  7. despondent (adj.) - discouraged, hopeless,
  8. divisive (adj.) - causing conflict, opposition
  9. euphoric (adj.) - elated, overjoyed
  10. illusory (adj.) - deceptive, produced by an

Week 4
  1. abbreviate (v.) - to shorten, reduce
  2. abduct (v.) - to kidnap
  3. compliment (n.) - an expression of esteem or
  4. concede (v.) - to give in, to accept
  5. foster (v.) - to stimulate, promote, encourage
  6. frenetic (adj.) - frenzied, hectic, frantic
  7. malevolent (adj.) - having intent to harm others
  8. malign (v.) - to slander, to smear, to libel, to
    defame, to speak evil of
  9. raze (v.) - to demolish
  10. recalcitrant (adj.) defiant, refusing to give

Week 3
  1. predestination (n.) - the concept of destiny or
  2. quaint (adj.) - old-fashioned
  3. radiant (adj.) - bright, beaming
  4. savor (v.) - to appreciate fully, enjoy
  5. strife (n.) conflict
  6. torrid (adj.) - giving off intense heat,
  7. uniform (adj.) - unvarying, conforming to one
  8. vast (adj.) - enormous, immense
  9. voluminous (adj.) - large, ample
  10. wane (v.) - to decrease gradually in size or

Week 2
  1. fabricate (v.) - to invent, make-up, concoct
  2. goad (v.) - to urge, to provoke into action
  3. hiatus (n.) - an interruption in continuity, a
  4. immaculate (adj.) - impeccably clean, spotless,
  5. juvenile (adj.) - young or immature
  6. lavish (adj.) - extravagant
  7. magnanimous (adj.) - generous, noble
  8. nefarious (adj.) - horribly villainous
  9. odious (adj.) - meriting strong displeasure
  10. pacify (v.) - to sooth, ease

Week 1
  • 1. affluent (adj.) - rich, wealthy
  • 2. belligerent (adj.) - contentious, ready to
  • 3. callous (adj.) - harsh, cold, unfeeling
  • 4. daunting (adj.) - intimidating
  • 5. empathy (n.) - the experience of anothers
    feelings as ones own
  • 6. exacerbate (v.) - to make more violent,
    intense to make worse
  • 7. fortitude (n.) - strength, bravery
  • 8. hapless (adj.) - unlucky
  • 9. incessant (adj.) - without interruption
  • 10. jubilant (adj.) - joyful, happy
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