Rhythmic%20Percussion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rhythmic Percussion Reading Rhythms Playing Percussion – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rhythmic%20Percussion

Rhythmic Percussion
  • Reading Rhythms
  • Playing Percussion

Rhythmic PercussionTypes of Percussion
  • Percussion instruments are made up of both
    definite (pitched) and indefinite (non-pitched)
  • Name some definite pitched instruments.
  • Name some indefinite pitched instruments.
  • Percussion instruments are also classified into
    five smaller categories so that one can determine
    exactly how an instrument produces sound.

Rhythmic PercussionTypes of Percussion
  • Idiophones produce sound when their bodies are
    caused to vibrate.
  • Crash Cymbals
  • Marimba
  • Wood Block

Rhythmic PercussionTypes of Percussion
  • Membranophone produce sound when the membrane
    is put into motion.
  • Bongos
  • Snare Drum
  • Timpani

Rhythmic PercussionTypes of Percussion
  • Chordophone produce sound when a stretched
    string vibrates.
  • Hammered Dulcimer
  • Piano

Rhythmic PercussionTypes of Percussion
  • Aerophone wind instruments that produce sounds
    as air vibrates through a tube.
  • Siren
  • Samba Whistle

Rhythmic PercussionTypes of Percussion
  • Electrophone all electrophones require a
    loudspeaker this is sufficient to assign
    electrophones to the percussion family.
  • Drum Machine
  • Radio

Rhythmic PercussionTerms
  • Accent the emphasis placed on a musical sound.
  • Meter the aural aspect of music in which a
    certain number of beats are grouped together.
  • Measure the division of beats into defined
    groups separated by a bar line.
  • Time signature used to specify how many beats
    are in each measure and what note value
    constitutes one beat.

Rhythmic PercussionAccent the Beat
  • Can you accent some of the beats as you listen to
    Melodies of Love by Joe Sample? Perform the
    following patterns of accented (in black) and
    nonaccented beats (in white). Clap on the
    accented beats and snap your fingers on the
  • a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • b. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • c. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • CD 3 12 Melodies of Love
  • p. 77

Rhythmic PercussionCount and Coordinate
Rhythmic Patterns
  • Can you get your right hand, left hand, and right
    foot to perform different rhythms simultaneously?
    Listen to Marvin Gayes I Heard It Through the
    Grapevine and imitate the skills of a fine
    trap-set drummer. Follow these three steps
  • Listen to the recording and establish the accent
    on beat one. Tap this accent with your right
    foot every time you hear it.
  • While your right foot continues to tap on one,
    use your left hand to tap regular beats of four.
    Tap these four even beats on your desk. Make
    sure you accentuate the first beat.
  • Now add your right hand. Use it to sound a beat
    at double the speed of your left hand. (You will
    play eight even beats.) Use your pencil as a
    drumstick, holding it lightly as you tap these
    eight beats on your desk. In your head, think
    the eight beats by counting to eight silently as
    you play. Do not speed up!
  • Play all three rhythms with the recording.
  • CD 2 4 I Heard it Through the Grapevine
  • p. 79

Rhythmic PercussionMetrical Patterns and
Melodic Rhythms
  • Throughout the ages, mathematicians have sought
    out patterns of numbers. This is because we
    humans are drawn to patterns and find their
    regularity or repetition comforting. The same is
    true of musicians and the music they create or
  • Composers sometimes mix meters to create an
    interesting rhythmic organization in their music.
    This is true of some classical compositions and
    of the traditional and popular music associated
    with many cultures. Sometimes, two music
    categories merge. We can see this in the music
    of Russian classical composer Nicolai
    Rimsky-Korsakov. Many of his pieces, which
    employ mixed meters, draw on the traditional
    music of his Eastern European homeland.

Rhythmic PercussionPractice and Determine Meter
  • Perform duple and triple meter patterns to
    determine the meters in Procession of the
    Nobles by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. As you
    listen to the music, perform these duple- and
    triple-meter patterns. Clap on the accented beat
    (in black) and snap your fingers on the others
    (in white). Note that the vertical bars indicate
    the start of a new measure.
  • Count 1 2 1 2 1
  • Count 1 2 3 1 2 3
    1 2 3
  • Show that you can hear the changes in meter. Do
    this by clapping the
  • duple and triple meters in Procession of the
  • CD 3 13 Procession of the Noblesp. 80

Rhythmic PercussionHow We Hear
Rhythmic PercussionRhythms in Everyday Life
  • Did you know that rhythms can be sounded out
    using anything? You can use your body mouth,
    hands, fingers, or feet to capture a rhythm.
    You can also use found instruments ordinary
    objects like your pencil, keys, backpack, or
  • One musical group famous for its use of found
    instruments is STOMP. This modern dance troupe
    combines exciting choreography with rhythms
    created from everyday objects. In the
    introduction to the video STOMP Out Loud, founder
    and dancer Luke Creswell states the groups goal
    to invite people to listen to the world in a
    different way and hear music where maybe they
    didnt think there was music before.

Rhythmic PercussionIdentify Rhythm Instruments
and Perceive Musical Events
  • Use your ears to tell you what ordinary objects
    are used as rhythm instruments. Listen to a
    segment from STOMP Out Loud, and write down the
    sounds you can identify. Then watch the video as
    the members of STOMP dangle from rock-climbing
    harnesses attached to a billboard on the
    Manhattan skyline.
  • How does the music of STOMP invite you to listen
    to the world in a different way?
  • Would you classify this performance as dance?
  • How is it theatre?
  • CD 3 15 STOMP Out Loud
  • p. 83
  • Video, Stomp

Rhythmic PercussionBounce, Slap, Dribble, Move!
  • STOMP loves to demonstrate how everyday rhythms
    in our lives can have a powerful musical effect.
    A fun way to demonstrate these rhythms is to take
    an activity like playing basketball and show how
    the basketball itself can become a musical

Rhythmic PercussionAnalyze and Create Rhythms
  • Watch STOMP members perform their basketball
    street-scene rhythms, then create and perform a
    similar piece. Try the following
  • 1. As you watch the video, identify the meter of
    the piece performed by STOMP. How many different
    ways do they create sounds with basketballs? Use
    their performance as a basis for creating your
    own basketball rhythms that dance.
  • 2. In sequential order, perform each part below.
    As you play, listen to MickeyHarts Island
    Groove to keep the tempo steady.
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • CD 3 16 Island Groove
  • p. 84

Rhythmic PercussionNote and Rest Values
  • Notes actual pitches that are heard through the
    voice or an instrument in a specific amount of
    counts (durations)
  • Rests silences between pitches that occur in a
    specific amount of counts (durations)
  • Whole Note/Rest 4 beats
  • Dotted Half Note/Rest 3 beats
  • Half Note/Rest 2 beats
  • Dotted Quarter Note/Rest 1 1/2 beats
  • Quarter Note/Rest 1 beat
  • Eighth Note/Rest 1/2 beat
  • Sixteenth Note/Rest 1/4 beat

Rhythmic PercussionNote and Rest Symbols
Rhythmic PercussionNote Value Tree
Rhythmic PercussionSubdividing Notes
  • The number plus the and equals ONE FULL beat.
  • Therefore, just the number WITHOUT the and will
    only equal HALF a beat.
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