Title: Curriculum Area Impact Review: Religious and Moral Education
1Curriculum Area Impact Review Religious and
Moral Education
- The Big Messages
- Patricia Watson, HMI
- Subject Specialist Inspector for RME
2Big Questions for schools
- What will successful implementation of Curriculum
for Excellence look like in religious and moral
education? - How can we get there?
- How will we know we have reached success?
3Pre-requisites for successful implementation
- Shared and deep understanding of principles and
practices of Religious and Moral Education. - Good leadership, a clear plan rigorous self
evaluation. - High quality professional learning.
- Coherent approach to planning curriculum,
learning, teaching and assessment. - Effective arrangements to measure and track
attainment and achievements. - Embedding responsibilities for all (LIT, NUM,
HWB). - Policies and practices which reflect legislation
and national guidance.
4The unique contribution of RME
5How well do children and young people learn and
achieve in RME?
- What should I be looking for?
- Relationships, ethos and climate for learning
- Teaching, learning and assessment
- Achievement and accreditation
6How well are children and young people supported
to learn in RME?
- What should I be looking at?
- Curriculum design through the BGE.
- Opportunities to build on prior learning and
achievements Senior Phase. - Involvement of Partners.
7How well do schools and authorities continue to
improve religious and Moral Education?
- What should I ensure?
- High quality career long professional learning.
- Effective self-evaluation and improvement
planning. - Strong leadership at all levels.
How do you rate the progress of RME in your
school in relation to these key indicators? Has
RME been given sufficient priority in your
implementation of Curriculum for Excellence?
9- www.educationscotland.gov.uk