Title: Chapter 12 Continuous Random Variables and their Probability Distributions
1Chapter 12Continuous Random Variables and
their Probability Distributions
2Probability Distributions of a Continuous Random
- For a continuous random variable X, a probability
density function such that -
3Probability Distributions of a Continuous Random
- For a continuous random variable X, a probability
cumulative function -
4Mean Standard Deviation of a Continuous Random
5Continuous Probability Distributions
- Continuous Uniform Distribution
- Normal Distribution
- Exponential Distribution
- Erlang and Gamma Distributions
- Weibull Distribution
- Lognormal Distribution
- Beta Distribution
6Continuous Uniform Distribution
- Probability Density Function
- Mean
- Variance
7Normal Distribution
- Probability Density Function, with parameter ?,
where -?lt?lt?, and ?gt0 - Mean
- Variance
8Normal Distribution
- The curve is symmetric about the mean
- The mean, median, and mode are equal
- The tails of the curve extend indefinitely
9Standard Normal Distribution
- A normal random variable with parameter ?0, and
?1 - Cumulative Distribution
- Table II in Appendix A
- Convert x to z
10Standard Normal Distribution
11Exponential Distribution
- Probability Density Function, with mean ?, where
?gt0, and xgt0 - Cumulative probability
- Mean
- Variance
12Exponential Distribution
13Exponential DistributionAlternate Definition
- Probability Density Function, with rate ?, where
?gt0, and x?0 - Cumulative probability
- Mean
- Variance
14Exponential DistributionExample
- An HR department wishes to study the need for
hiring new secretaries. It is estimated that the
amount of time that a secretary stays in the job
can be described as an exponential distribution
with a mean of 26 months. The company just hired
a new secretary. Calculate the probabilities of
the following events - The secretary has to be replaced within the first
year. - The secretary has to be replaced during the third
year. - The secretary remains in the position for more
than 5 years