Title: Illinois Constitution Review Trivia
1Illinois Constitution Review Trivia
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21. Where do impeachment proceedings begin?
32. What is the Legislative body of the state of
Illinois called?
43. How many days does the Governor of Illinois
have to veto a bill?
54. What group acts as the jury in impeachment
65.6.7. What three officers must every county
- Sheriff
- County Clerk
- Treasurer
78. Where are the goals of the Illinois government
listed in the Illinois Constitution?
89. How do IL state judges get their jobs?
910. What is the title of the presiding officer of
the IL House of Representatives?
1011. How may representative districts are Illinois
Representatives chosen from?
1112. Where do bills start?
1213.How many legislative districts are Illinois
Senators chosen from?
1314. What vote is required for a bill to pass
either house?
1415. What vote is required to override a
governors veto?
1516. Who presides over impeachment trials if a
governor is on trial?
- Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justice
1617. Where does a bill vetoed by the governor go?
1718. What is the term for a member of the Illinois
House of Representatives?
1819. What is the title of the presiding officer in
the Illinois Senate?
1920. What is the term of office for Illinois
2021. Who becomes governor if the governor dies or
leaves office?
2122. How many people make up a quorum?
2223. Who is the commander in chief of the state
2324. What branch of Illinois government is
divided into 5 districts?
2425. Who is the chief legal officer of the state
of Illinois?
2526. What officials main function is to assist
the governor?
2627. During what elections are the state officials
2728. Where does a bill go once it is passed by
both houses of the General Assembly?
2829. What part of Illinois Constitution provides
the religious freedom and rights of the accused?
2930. Who is the head of the Illinois Supreme Court?
3031. How many counties are there in Illinois?
3132.33.34.What have the three capitals been in
- Kaskaskia
- Vandalia
- Springfield
3235. What Illinois term of office has the longest
term of office?
3336. Who approves amendments into the Illinois
3437. How many days must you be a resident of
Illinois in order to vote?
3538.Where do you take your case if you feel you
received an unfair court decision?
3639. What official supervises the spending of
state money?
3740. Who has the job of directing the state
3841. What office is charged with registering and
licensing motor vehicles and operators?
3942. What official receives and invests state
4043. What term refers to the right to vote?
4144. What must all state officers take before
taking office?
4245. What is the Illinois state dance?
4346. What is the state tree of Illinois?
4447. What group has to agree to change Illinois
County boundaries?
4548. When do laws passed by the General Assembly
go into effect?
4649. Who can be disqualified from voting in
- Felons and Prison inmates
4750. When did the current Illinois Constitution go
into effect?