2- Wind Erosion continues to be a serious problem in
the semiarid and arid regions of the US.
3The Good Old Days
4The Good Old Days cont.
5WEQ Changes made!
- WEQ has been updated to account for irrigation
effects, random roughness and I Factor
adjustments. - WEQ changes are outlined in the new edition of
the National Agronomy Manual.
6Introduction WEQ Excel Spreadsheet
- Cover NAM changes
- Changes to Ridge Roughness
- Addition of Random Roughness
- Quick intro to the Excel spreadsheet
- Demo how to edit and make changes
- Answer Questions
7Spreadsheet History
- Began as a spreadsheet by Tom Keep
- Then Circular 2, NAM amendment Sept. 12, 1997 was
incorporated - SGe calculations added, 1998
- Krd-Ridge Roughness formulas added in 1998
8Circular 2 Changes
- I Adjustment for Irrigation
- -Above 180 no adjustment
- -180 or less, reduce one I class
- IF Irr. Factor reduces Erosive Wind Energy
(EWE) for mgt period - Random Roughness (Krr) combined with Ridge
Roughness (Krd)
- Irrigation adjustment (IF)
- -adjustment applies to all soils
- Effects of wet soil is accounted for by adjusting
the EWE for the mgt period - Bare wet soil remains non-erodible wet
- 1 day for coarse textured soils
- 2 days for medium textured soils
- 3 days for fine textured soils
- See sheet WEG tab for table
- Soil cloddiness raises the threshold wind speed
at which erosion begins - Provides sheltered area among clods where moving
soil can be trapped - Spreadsheet reduces RR (clodsize) by one half
after 15 days.
- Non-oriented surface roughness
- Cloddiness
- Usually created by tillage implements
- Values represented as standard deviation, in
inches, of roughness heights - Use Random Roughness-Guidance sheet
- Roughness assigned to each tillage implement
(ideal conditions)
14Random Roughness - Krr
15Ridge Roughness- Krd
- Revised NAM has new tables
- Based on I values and Preponderance
- Low Preponderance values indicate less of the
erosive wind is from the prevailing wind
direction. - Higher Krd values indicate that ridges are less
effective - Krd can be lower than 0.5 now
16Irrigation Input Requirements
- Enter the number of Irrigations, including
pre-plant and post harvest irrigation - Non-erodible wet days will be calculated based
on soil texture (WEG) - Drip irrigation poses a problem. Need to
estimate the of surface that is non-erodible
17Circle Irrigation
The soil texture determines the number of
non-erodible wet days (1,2,or 3) per irrigation
It takes this system 96 hours to make one
complete circle. For WEQ this is one irrigation.
Day 3-24 hrs
Day 4-24 hrs
Day 1-24 hrs
Day 2-24 hrs
18Field Width
- With the WEQ Speadsheet, field width is the
distance across the short side of the field or
average short side of a polygon.
19Field Width vs Unsheltered Distance
Field Width
20Field Width vs Unsheltered Distance
- The Excel Spreadsheet model will determine L
using the length/width ratio of the field, the
angle of deviation, wind preponderance and the
resulting wind erosion direction factor.
21Computer Requirements
- Need 486 minimum.
- 586 is better
- Windows 95, 98, or NT
- Excel version 7.0
- 16 mg of RAM or better
- File name WEQvs8.01.xls
22INSTR sheet
Read this sheet first.
- Wind Erosion Model Worksheet Legend
- -Definitions
- Describes input data and column headings
- New-Krd, Krr, IF, No. of Irr, and TWF
23Res WKS sheetRequired Inputs
- Operation Dates
- Crop Names
- Operations
- Percent Flat Residue
- Number of irrigation per mgt period
- Yield adjustment
- Prod., Farm, Tract, Field, C, I, Field Width, LW
ratio, Tillage Dir, Field Dir, Irr (y/n)
24Calc sheet
- Detailed calculations by Mgt Period
- Note Krd, Krr, and IF factors added here
- No inputs needed or allowed
25Data Tables
- Crop table
- -Need to maintain crop data
- residue produced and green growth
- Tillage table
- -Residue reduction
- -Random roughness assigned to tillage
26Data Tables cont.
- Climate data, the wind direction, EWE, and
Preponderance must be added for climate stations
in your state.
- If Users have a basic understanding of the EXCEL
spreadsheet, they can use this model. - State Agronomist should become familiar with the
wind data (climate file), crop data, and
operation (tillage) files before beginning use in
a new state.
- We can not change tillage direction in each mgt
period. - Need to create templates and save for later use.
- It does not allow for crusting (no I factor
adjustment for a period of crusting).
- Growth curve data is limited
- Do not have SGe curves for all crops both green
and dry
30Where to get more information
- Call State Agronomists for assistance
- State Agronomists can call
- Mike Sporcic, michael.sporcic_at_nm.usda.gov ,
505-761-442 - or,
31Where to get more information
- Gary Tibke (785)537-5541
- tibke_at_weru.ksu.edu
- Lorenz Sutherland--(719)384-5408
lorenz.sutherland_at_co.usda.gov - Websites for WEQ www.nm.nrcs.usda.gov/techserv
or www.weru.ksu.edu/nrcs
Were Done
32Questions Short Demo END
33The End