Title: Institutional Effectiveness Process
1Institutional Effectiveness Process Guidelines
for Writing Objectives
1. It starts with the word to followed by an action or accomplishment verb. Since an objective is a statement of results, there is action involved.
2. It specifies a single measurable result to be accomplished. What is the one key measurement that will tell whether or not the objective has been achieved?
3. It specifies a target date or time span for completion. This is an essential factor that ensures timely action. The objective needs to be attained or accomplished by a certain point in time.
4. It is as specific and quantitative as possible. It should provide a clear target. This will ensure that the objective is measurable and verifiable.
5. It specifies only the what and when it avoids venturing into the why and how. An objective is a statement of results not a justification of its own existence. What and when tend to provide objective answers while the other two are essentially subjective and open to many interpretations.
6. It is in direct support of, or compatible with, the colleges goals and objectives. This is a guideline that makes certain that unit plans are leading the college in the right direction. Unit objectives that do not directly support the institutional ones should at least be compatible with them.
7. It is realistic and attainable but still represents a significant challenge. An objective must have a reasonably good chance of achievement with a stretch effort. Attaining an objective should move your unit forward.
Examples To implement a rocket scientist assistant program by the Fall 2003 semester. To increase by 10 the number of students receiving special X services during the 2002-2003 academic year. To develop a procedures manual for the departments record-keeping processes by the end of February 2003.
IE-RP - Rev. 10/10/02
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