Title: Web Page Creation Part II
1Web Page Creation Part II
- ST Introduction to Web Interface Design
- Prof. Angela Guercio
2Using HTML editors
- There are several user-friendly HTML editors.
- WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get)
- WYSIWYG editors are usually easier to use and
don't require a knowledge of HTML - use WYSIWYG editors when pressed.
- TEXT editor.
- Text editors are usually faster to edit HTML
changes, - they don't add in unexpected tags
- they can easily support new formats like XML.
- Attention Web pages that work well with one
browser, do not necessarily work well another
3Review URL
- A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the global
address of documents and other resources that are
on the Web. - It is formed by a IP address or the domain name
and the protocol (ex. http) that should be used
to access the page - Ex
- http//www.cnn.com
- ftp//cs.kent.edu/aguercio/index.html
- Absolute URL
- connects a local web server with a remote web
server - http//www.cs.kent.edu
- Relative URL
- Connects one page to another page in the same Web
server - Named Anchor
- Connects 2 locations on the same Web Page
5Absolute URL
- The URL is the destination link
- A link is created by using the tags
- ltAgt lt/Agt
- The destination link is added with the attribute
HREF inside ltAgt - Example
- ltA HREFhttp//www.cs.kent.edugt Department of
Computer Science lt/Agt
6Relative URL
- You need only the files name and its location
relative to the current directory where your page
is stored. - Absolute URL
- HREFhttp//www.personal.kent.edu/Documents/bookli
st.html - Relative URL (if my current folder is Documents)
- HREFbooklist.html
7Advantages of Relative URL
- Choose either absolute or relative URL but.
- Relative URL is best because it makes your page
portable. - Page Portability the ability to relocate a page
on a new server - Moving a page to a new server
- If your links were absolute URLs, any link that
uses the old server full address needs to be
reedited with the new domain server address - If your links were relative URLs, they will work
on the new server, unless you change the
directory structure.
8Named Anchors
- Anchors are very useful to reach parts of the
same web page. in long pages that do not fit the
screen. - Ex. Titles of sections can be anchors that can be
reached from an index of content at the top of
the web page. - Anchor Syntax A tag ltAgt with the attribute
NAMEname - To reach the anchor, a tag ltAgt with the links
name is used - Example The index of content and the anchors
- ltULgt
- ltLIgt ltA HREFFirstgt First Thinglt/Agt
- ltLIgt ltA HREFSecondgt Second Thinglt/Agt
- lt/ULgt
- ltH3gt ltA NAMEFirstgt First Sectionlt/Agtlt/H3gt
- ltH3gt ltA NAMESecondgt Second Sectionlt/Agtlt/H3gt
9Important Rules
- Always check each link that you add to a Web page
to be sure that it works! - Maintain you page!
- Pages that are out there today might not be there
- Tables contain rows and columns
- ltTRgt table row
- ltTDgt table data
- Syntax
- ltTABLEgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgt
- insert here the content of a table cell
- lt/TDgt
- lt/TRgt
- lt/TABLEgt
- REMEMBER Lynx, which is a fast text-only Web
browser, does not support tables or image or
11Rows and Columns
- Each ltTRgt lt/TRgt creates a row
- Each ltTDgt lt/TDgt creates a cell (i.e. a column)
- Many columns can be obtained by creating many
cells in the same row - ltTABLEgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgt
- insert here the content of a table cell
- lt/TDgt
- lt/TRgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgt
- insert here the content of a table cell
- lt/TDgt
- lt/TRgt
- lt/TABLEgt
- The code creates a table with 2 rows and 1 column
12Tables with images
- Tables are great to organize images.
- ltTABLEgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgt
- ltIMG SRC "my_book.jpg" ALT a bookgt
- lt/TDgt
- lt/TRgt
- lt/TABLEgt
- The attribute ALT in IMG replaces the image with
the text in " " if the browser cannot display the
13Add a border and resize images
- Add the attribute BORDER5 to the TABLE tag.
- A frame is added to the cell
- Add now WIDTH and HEIGHT
- use percent. The table will dynamically adjust
itself according to the percent value whenever
the browser window is resized - Example
BGCOLORyellowgt - Be sure to have a nice background and look at the
effect! - Resizing an image does not change the memory size
or the bandwidth - Only compression reduces that amount!
14More attributes for Tables
- CELLPADDING adds space between the item in the
cell and the cell frame - CELLSPACING adds space between cells
- BORDERCOLOR change the color of the border
- Try this table
- lttable border"1" width"100" cellpadding"20"
cellspacing"2" bordercolorredgt - lttrgt
- lttdgt
- ltimg SRC "my_book.jpg" ALT "my book"gt
- lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
15What tables offer.
- Feel free to add your creativity! Use tables to
- Make the layout of a page more appealing
- Add margins around your text
- Create a small gallery of images that have
clickable regions - Create 2 columns display
- Override busy background pattern with regions of
solid colors - Add 3-D frames around a picture
- Center an image no matter how the browser is
resized. - Display table of numbers
16Practice with Tables
- Make a table with two columns
- Set the width to 40
- Add a thick border in green
- Add additional space by modifying the CELLPADDING
and CELLSPACING attributes - Observe the results
17The div tag
- The ltdivgt tag defines a division or a section in
an HTML document. - The ltdivgt tag is often used to group
block-elements to format them with styles. - The div element is very often used with CSS to
layout a web page. - ltdiv style"colorF0F0F0"gt lth3gtThis is a
headerlt/h3gt ltpgtThis is a paragraph.lt/pgt - lt/divgt
18Use of class in ltulgt
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtMy first styled
pagelt/titlegt ltlink rel"stylesheet"
href"tt.css"gt lt/headgtltbodygt lt!-- Site
navigation menu --gt ltul class"navbar"gt ltligtlta
href"www.google.con"gtGooglelt/agt lt/ligtltligtlta
href"www.yahoo.com"gtYahoolt/agt lt/ligtltligtlta
href"www.ask.com"gtAsklt/agt lt/ligtltligtlta
href"http//www.dogpile.com/"gtDogpilelt/agt lt/ligtlt/
ulgt ltul class"navbar1"gt ltligtGoogle
lt/ligtltligtYahoo lt/ligtltligtAsk
lt/ligtltligtDogpile lt/ligtlt/ulgt lt!-- Main content
--gt lth1gtnbsplt/h1gt lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
19Add style.
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtMy first styled
pagelt/titlegt ltstyle type"text/css"gt body
padding-left 11em font-family Georgia,
"Times New Roman", serif color purple
background-color d8da3d ul.navbar
position absolute top 2em left 1em
width 9em h1 font-family
Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif
lt/stylegt lt/headgt ltbodygt
20A CSS file
- You can use a different style for each class!
_at_charset "utf-8" / CSS Document / body
padding-left 11em font-family Georgia,Times,
serif color purple background-color
affeaf ul.navbar list-style-type none
padding 0 margin 0 position realtive
top 2em left 1em width 9em h1
font-family Helvetica, Geneva, Arial, sans-serif
ul.navbar li background white margin
0.5em 0 padding 0.3em border-right 1em
solid black ul.navbar a text-decoration
none alink color blue avisited
color purple ul.navbar1 li background
green margin 0.5em 0 padding 0.3em
border-right 1em solid black
21Where to learn more?