Title: The Bible frames Exodus as an epic showdown
1Confrontation Escape from Egypt
- The Bible frames Exodus as an epic showdown
Yahweh verses Pharaoh! - Why is this? Pharaoh is the very embodiment of
Egypt its culture and its religion. He is more
than just a king, but a symbol for Egypts power.
We need to remember that Egypt was the most
powerful kingdom on Earth so Pharaoh was the
most powerful man on earth! - Pharaoh was thought of as a son of a god!
- This showdown is also about Yahweh defeating the
Egyptian gods!
2Confrontation Escape
THE ten plague
- Moses meets Pharaoh, but Pharaoh refuses to
listen to Moses and the Hebrew God. As a son of
the gods, Pharaoh cant submit to Yahweh. - Yahweh gives Moses the power to preform all sorts
of wonders so that Pharaoh and the Egyptians will
eventually believe in the power of the Hebrew
God! -
- The Israelites dont follow Moses right away.
- They only gradually come to have faith and
believe that God would lead them, after seeing
all the wonderous things God can do.
3- Although Moses is a leader, he has a lot of help!
- Yahweh preforms miracles and signs!
- His brother and sister help!
Aarons Role - At the command of Moses
stretched out his rod in order to bring on the
first of three plagues (Exodus 719,
81,12). - Moses Attendant too! Miriams
Role - Miriam inspires the people to follow
Moses. - Considered a prophetess.
4PASSOVER and the End of Captivity
- Passover has to do with the very last plague.
- The last plague was called on Egypt by the very
word of Pharaoh. - Just as all the new born of Israel was put to
death at the beginning of Exodus, now Pharaoh
tries to put all the 1st born of Israel to death.
- Because of this, God will put all the first born
Egyptians to death. - However, God would not enter a household if they
put the blood of the Lamb on their doorposts. - The blood of the Lamb on the doorposts told the
angel of the Lord to pass over that household
thus, Passover! - After this, Pharaoh lets the Israelites Go!
5Passover an Important Event
- Important Symbols
- The Blood of the Lamb.
- God spared those people who spread the Blood of
the Lamb on their doorposts. The Lambs Blood
becomes a symbol of Gods salvation. - The Unleavened Bread.
- No time to bake fluffy bread! They have to escape
Egypt soon!
- Passover is an important event in the Bible and
for the Jewish People. - Marks the Beginning of the Jews Freedom.
- God fights for and frees His people.
6The Final Showdown with Egypt
- The Hebrews make it all the way to the Red Sea.
- They dont just wander aimlessly, they are led by
a pillar of Fire (GOD!) - A good symbol here to remind us that God leads
- Pharaoh Changes his mind. He sets out in his
chariots to kill the Israelites! - The Pillar of Fire fights the Pharaoh and his
chariots. - God Parts the Red Sea for the Israelites to make
their escape!
7Coming to Mt. Sinai
- Israelites get some help!
- The Israelites are led to Mt. Sinai.
- Along the way, the people begin to doubt.
- They are hungry in the desert.
- The dont have much water.
- Its a tough Journey!
- How often do we doubt!?!
- God gives the Israelites special things in the
wilderness. - They are hungry God gives them Quail and Manna
- What is Manna? Manna is special bread, sweet as
honey, a supernatural kind of bread. - God is able to change poison water to pure water.
- Miracle an event happening in nature, which is
caused by something outside of nature!
8At the Mountain
- Finally Arrive at the Mountain
- Moses Receives the 10 Commandments
- Moses goes up to the Mountain to receive Gods
Law. - Hes there for 40 days!
- What else happened for 40 days and nights?
- The 10 commandments are important because they
are written by the very hand of God. - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vCoFSpoAbXLc
9The Ten Commandments You shall not have other
gods besides me You shall not take the name of
the Lord, your God, in vain Remember to keep
holy the Sabbath day Honor your father and
mother You shall not kill You shall not
commit adultery You shall not steal You
shall not bear false witness against your
neighbor You shall not
covet your neighbors wife You shall not covet
your neighbors goods
The 10 Commandments tell us how to Live with God
(1-3) and others (4-10)
10Covenant at Mt. Sinai
- It was only when the Israelites made an agreement
with God at Mt. Sinai that they become a people
who would be saved - THE SINAI COVENANT
- There were two parts to the agreement with God
- God would liberate the Israelites and lead them
to the Promised land and would continue to be
with them in a special way. - The Israelites would have to learn and keep the
Law of God. - SIGN IS THE SABBATH! They Keep a Day Holy as a
Sign that they are Following the Law! - The People of Israel have a decision to make.
They can go back to captivity, and choose to go
their own way without God, or they can stick with
God. Theres only one condition they have to
keep Gods laws! - A Holy God only resides with a holy people!
11The People Sinhttp//www.youtube.com/watch?vId6o
- The Golden Calf
- While Moses is receiving the 10 Commandments, and
the new covenant, Some of the people turn away
and worship their own god. The didnt trust God,
or Moses! - What is an Idol?
- Something that takes the place of God!
- The people promised that they would wait for the
Lord, and worship the Lord, but they failed. - Now, they have to wait 40 years to enter the
Promised Land! - Penance and Purification.