Title: ICS 353: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
1ICS 353 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
King Fahd University of Petroleum
Minerals Information Computer Science Department
2Reading Assignment
- M. Alsuwaiyel, Introduction to Algorithms Design
Techniques and Analysis, World Scientific
Publishing Co., Inc. 1999. - Chapter 8 Section 1.
- Chapter 8 Sections 8.2 8.4 (Except 8.2.1 and
8.4.1) - T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest C. Stein
Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd Edition, The MIT
Press, 2001.
3Greedy Algorithms
- Like dynamic programming algorithms, greedy
algorithms are usually designed to solve
optimization problems - Unlike dynamic programming algorithms,
- greedy algorithms are iterative in nature.
- An optimal solution is reached from local optimal
solutions. - This approach does not work all the time.
- A proof that the algorithm does what it claims is
needed, and usually not easy to get.
4Fractional Knapsack Problem
- Given n items of sizes s1, s2, , sn and values
v1, v2, , vn and size C, the problem is to find
x1, x2, , xn ?? that maximize - subject to
5Solution to Fractional Knapsack Problem
- Consider yi vi / si
- What is yi?
- What is the solution?
6Activity Selection Problem
- Problem Formulation
- Given a set of n activities, S a1, a2, ...,
an that require exclusive use of a common
resource, find the largest possible set of
nonoverlapping activities (also called mutually
compatible). - For example, scheduling the use of a classroom.
- Assume that ai needs the resource during period
si, fi), which is a half-open interval, where - si start time of the activity, and
- fi finish time of the activity.
- Note Could have many other objectives
- Schedule room for longest time.
- Maximize income rental fees.
7Activity Selection Problem Example
- Assume the following set S of activities that are
sorted by their finish time, find a maximum-size
mutually compatible set.
i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
si 1 2 4 1 5 8 9 11 13
fi 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 14 16
8i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
si 1 2 4 1 5 8 9 11 13
fi 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 14 16
9Solving the Activity Selection Problem
- Define Si,j ak ?? S fi ? sk lt fk ? sj
- activities that start after ai finishes and
finish before aj starts - Activities in Si,j are compatible with
- Add the following fictitious activities
- a0 ?? , 0) and an1 ? , ?1)
- Hence, S S0,n1 and
- the range of Si,j is 0 ? i,j ? n1
10Solving the Activity Selection Problem
- Assume that activities are sorted by
monotonically increasing finish time - i.e., f0 ? f1 ? f2 ? ... ? fn lt fn1
- Then, Si,j ?? for i ? j.
- Proof
- Therefore, we only need to worry about Si,j where
0 ? i lt j ? n1
11Solving the Activity Selection Problem
- Suppose that a solution to Si,j includes ak . We
have 2 sub-problems - Si,k (start after ai finishes, finish before ak
starts) - Sk,j (start after ak finishes, finish before aj
starts) - The Solution to Si,j is
- (solution to Si,k ) ?? ak ? (solution to
Sk,j ) - Since ak is in neither sub-problem, and the
subproblems are disjoint, - solution to S solution to
Si,k1solution to Sk,j
12Recursive Solution to Activity Selection Problem
- Let Ai,j optimal solution to Si,j .
- So Ai,j Ai,k ? ak ? Ak,j, assuming
- Si,j is nonempty, and
- we know ak.
- Hence,
13Finding the Greedy Algorithm
- Theorem Let Si,j ? ?, and let am be the activity
in Si,j with the earliest finish time fm min
fk ak ? Si,j . Then - am is used in some maximum-size subset of
mutually compatible activities of Si,j - Sim ?, so that choosing am leaves Sm,j as the
only nonempty subproblem.
14Recursive Greedy Algorithm
15Iterative Greedy Algorithm
16Greedy Strategy
- Determine the optimal substructure.
- Develop a recursive solution.
- Prove that at any stage of recursion, one of the
optimal choices is the greedy choice. Therefore,
it's always safe to make the greedy choice. - Show that all but one of the subproblems
resulting from the greedy choice are empty. - Develop a recursive greedy algorithm.
- Convert it to an iterative algorithm.
17Shortest Paths Problems
- Input A graph with non-negative weights or costs
associated with each edge. - Output The list of edges forming the shortest
path. - Sample problems
- Find shortest path between two named vertices
- Find shortest path from S to all other vertices
- Find shortest path between all pairs of vertices
- Will actually calculate only distances, not paths.
18Shortest Paths Definitions
- ?(A, B) is the shortest distance from vertex A to
B. - length(A, B) is the weight of the edge connecting
A to B. - If there is no such edge, then length(A, B) ?.
19Single-Source Shortest Paths
- Problem Given G(V,E), start vertex s, find the
shortest path from s to all other vertices. - Assume V1, 2, , n and s1
- Solution A greedy algorithm called Dijkstras
20Dijkstras Algorithm Outline
- Partition V into two sets
- X1 and Y 2, 3, , n
- Initialize ?i for 1 ? i ? n as follows
- Select y?Y such that ?y is minimum
- ?y is the length of the shortest path from 1 to
y that uses only vertices in set X. - Remove y from Y, add it to X, and update ?w for
each w?Y where (y,w) ? E if the path through y is
22Dijkstras Algorithm
Initial 0 ? ? ? ?
Process A
23Dijkstras Algorithm
- Input A weighted directed graph G (V,E), where
V 1,2,,n - Output The distance from vertex 1 to every other
vertex in G. - X 1 Y 2,3,,n ?10
- for y 2 to n do
- if y is adjacent to 1 then ?ylength1,y
- else ?y ? end if
- end for
- for j 1 to n 1 do
- Let y ? Y be such that ?y is minimum
- X X ?? y // add vertex y to X
- Y Y ?- y // delete vertex y from Y
- for each edge (y,w) do
- if w ? Y and ?y lengthy,w lt ?w then
- ?w ?y lengthy,w
- end for
- end for
24Correctness of Dijkstras Algorithm
- Lemma In Dijkstras algorithm, when a vertex y
is chosen in Step 7, if its label ?y is finite
then ?y ?? y. - Proof
25Time Complexity
- Mainly depends on how we implement step 7, i.e.,
finding y s.t. ?y is minimum. - Approach 1 Scan through the vector representing
current distances of vertices in Y - Approach 2 Use a min-heap to maintain vertices
in the set Y
26Minimum Cost Spanning Trees
- Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (MST) Problem
- Input An undirected weighted connected graph G.
- Output The subgraph of G that
- 1) has minimum total cost as measured by
summing the weights of all the edges in the
subset, and - 2) keeps the vertices connected.
- What does such subgraph look like?
27MST Example
28Kruskals Algorithm
- Initially, each vertex is in its own MST.
- Merge two MSTs that have the shortest edge
between them. - Use a priority queue to order the unprocessed
edges. Grab next one at each step. - How to tell if an edge connects two vertices that
are already in the same MST? - Use the UNION/FIND algorithm with parent-pointer
30Kruskals MST Algorithm
- Sort the edges of E(G) by weight in
non-decreasing order - For each vertex v ? V(G) do
- New_Tree(v) // creating tree with one root
node v - T? // MST initialized to empty
- While T lt n - 1 do
- Let (u,v) be the next edge in E(G)
- if FIND(u) ? FIND(v) then
- T T ? (u,v)
- UNION(u,v)
- Return T
31Asymptotic Analysis of Kruskals Algorithm
32Correctness of Kruskals Algorithm
- Lemma Algorithm Kruskal correctly finds a
minimum cost spanning tree in a weighted
undirected graph. - Proof
- Theorem Algorithm Kruskals finds a minimum cost
spanning tree in a weighted undirected graph in
O(m log m) time, where m is the number of edges
in G.
33Money Change Problem
- Given a currency system that has n coins with
values v1, v2 , ..., vn, where v1 1, the
objective is to pay change of value y in such a
way that the total number of coins is minimized.
More formally, we want to minimize the quantity - subject to the constraint
- Here, x1, x2 , ..., xn, are nonnegative integers
(so xi may be zero).
34Money Change Problem
- What is a greedy algorithm to solve this problem?
- Is the greedy algorithm optimal?