Viruses and Bacteria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Viruses and Bacteria


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Tags: bacteria | barr | body | viruses


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Viruses and Bacteria

Viruses and Bacteria
  • "If I could live my life over again, I would
    devote it to proving that germs seek their
    natural habitat, diseased tissues, rather than
    being the cause of disease."---
  • R. Virchown (popularly reputed as father of the
    "germ theory")
  • Flies dont cause garbage

The Germ Theory
  • the Germ Theory stated that there were separate
    diseases and that each disease was caused by a
    particular micro-organism.
  • It was the job of science, then, to find the
    right drug or vaccine that would selectively kill
    off the offending bug without killing the
  • For one thing, bacteria and viruses tend to be
    "environment-specific." That's why some people
    get colds and others don't.
  • Deepak Chopra did a study in which the influenza
    virus was isolated and implanted directly onto
    the mucous membranes of a group of subjects, with
    only 12 of them getting the flu.

Kochs Postulate
1.the organism must be present in every case 2.
must be isolated 3. must cause the disease in a
healthy host 4. must be isolated again
Professor Estor, thereupon remarked "Bacteria
cannot be the cause of gangrene they are the
effects of it."
  • Bacteria are single-celled organisms.
  • Pathogenic Bacteria Can cause disease if given
    the opportunity example ecoli bacteria
  • Normal Bacteria (Normal flora) protect you from
    diseases and help you digest foods has well has
    produce certain vitamins
  • The Human body has 70 trillion cells and 4 times
    that many bacteria

Bacteria growth mediums
Alexander Fleming observed 1928 bacteria were
killed by bread mold that lead to penicillin in
the mid 1940s. Penicillin initially saved so
many lives because for the first time we had a
drug that could kill a broad spectrum of bacteria
in the human body. A 1992 study CDC's Institute
of Medicine showed that mortality from infectious
disease has risen 22 worldwide from 1980-1992.
From drug resistance in 1946, about 88 of
Staph infections could be cured by penicillin.
By 1950, only 61 of staph infections could be
killed by penicillin In 1982, only 10 of staph
cases could be cured by penicillin. Today it is
less than 5.
70 of All Antibiotic Use Is In Agriculture

  • bacterial adaptation and resistance were reported
    soon after antibiotics were first used.
  • Correcting the overuse of antibiotics in human
    medicine has gradually become a priority, with
    slow but heartening progress being gained in this
    darwinian race.
  • the rise of multidrug resistance and the ready
    transfer of resistant traits among pathogens
    require heightened action if we are to prevent
    increasing outbreaks of infections that become
    more difficult, or even impossible, to treat

Western Journal of Medicine January 20021769-11
Tamiflu 1st antiviral ? drug
In 1996 two drug giants Hoffman LaRoche and
Gilead Gilead had invented a new type of flu
drugs called neuraminidase inhibitors, which
included Tamiflu Chairman of the Board of Gilead
Sciences. Donald Rumsfeld. The Marketing The
results of several clinical studies show that
Tamiflu is up to 92 effective in preventing
influenza illness in adolescents, adults and the
elderly when taken once daily. is the first
antiviral pill, effective against all common
strains of flu, that can safely protect people
who are in close contact with someone who has the
flu. The CDC has tested more than 50 strains of
H1N1 and found that 98 of them are resistant to
2005 PDR Tamiflu PDR Tamiflu it is assumed to
inhibit a certain enzyme that helps viruses to
bind to cells. The enzyme is called a
neuraminidase. proposed mechanism of activity.
But more pertinently, the scientists state that
even though this seems to be how the drug works
in culturethe relationship between the activity
in a culture and the inhibition of influenza
virus replications in humans has not been
established. (p2927) In other words the
scientists who formulated this drug are stating
that they dont know whether or not it even works
in humans!
2005 PDR for Tamiflu Tamiflu is indicated for
the treatment of uncomplicated influenza
infection in patients 1 year and older who have
been symptomatic for no more than 2 days.
Tamiflu doesnt help when the patient is already
sick they dont know if multiple courses of
Tamiflu are safe, because they never tested for
more than one course. Tamiflu has been shown to
reduce symptoms by ½ day NO TAMIFLU FOR
PREGNANCY The manufacturers then state they
cannot guarantee safety for the fetus if a
pregnant woman takes Tamiflu Side effects of
Tamiflu? Heres what the PDR lists rashswelling
of faceepidermal necrolysishepatitiscardiac
arrhythmiaaggravation of diabetesseizures (27
p 2929)
What is a virus?
  • A virus lacks the ability to replicate on its
    own. A virus needs help of a host cell's
    duplicating equipment, borrowing enzymes and
    other molecules to concoct more virus.
  • "It's not a living organism," said immunologist
    Fabio Romerio of the Institute of Human Virology,
    founded and directed by Gallo. "It's simply a
    well organized molecular parasite.

Vaccine Manufacturing
Viruses and micro organisms are always present in
your body
  • Your Body has Trillions of viruses and micro
    organisms present that live in our
    skin/intestines/mucous membranes
  • To say that a vaccine that contains 3 viruses is
    responsible for illness is statistically
  • The presents of a virus does NOT mean it is the
    cause of the illness
  • We are breathing them in eating them, and
    touching them
  • The presents of an organism doesnt mean it
    causes illness
  • Your immune system is the only defense

Virus Types
  • Double-Stranded DNA - (HPV) warts, Herpes
    (simplex I and II), Epstein-Barr virus
    (mononucleosis) and Variola (smallpox).Single-St
    randed DNA Pink eyeDouble-Stranded RNA -
    diarrhea viruses .Single-Stranded RNA -
    Rhinovirus (common cold), Rabies and the
    Influenza viruses, AIDs Suspected viruses

H? n?
  • H hemagglutinin protein, is needed for
    infection it binds to the host cell
  • N neuraminidase enzyme this cleaves the bonds
    This allows the release of progeny viruses and
    the spread of the virus from the host cell to
    uninfected surrounding cells
  • Both the hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase are
    involved in the infection

How is the virus Identified? H?N?
  •  Someone, at the CDC guesses which DNA-fractures
    are associated with which type of virus and
    enters this assignment into a central data bank,
    on which the health-authorities come to a
    world-wide agreement.
  •  How however, this key-person got its
    corresponding conclusion and how exactly that
    person proved it, even the experts don't really
    know. Hardly anyone questions it.
  •  That is not a miracle either, because
    vaccination experts and virologists, that
    question this, question their right of existence
    simultaneously - and their career

Virus Identification electrophoresis
Viruses cant be grown on their own Viruses have
to be grown on human cells or monkey cells or
chicken cells then the viral vaccine and isolate
contains many different proteins DNA is broken
by enzymes and those parts are separated
How Viruses work
up to 45 of the genetic information in our DNA
is viral information,
  • Our DNA not only contains the information that
    makes you who but also has information encoded in
    it that can govern your health
  • your double-stranded DNA is a little virus hotel
  •  Viruses are residing in our body for a purpose
    and a good purpose at that.
  • Viruses are responsible for two critically
    important functions in nature Variation and
    adaptation. Yes, it is the virus that is behind
    much of what is termed "evolution".
  • Many viruses can change in response to
    alterations in their environment, sort of like a

Influenza Influenced by the moon
  • influenza is a disease that is associated with a
    family of viruses known as orthomyxoviruses.
  • Influenza A, Influenza B, and Influenza C
    viruses. What separates viruses into these 3
    groups is the type of antigen present in the
  • The Influenza A category is a smaller grouping
    called the H1N1 viruses.
  • There are dozens and dozens of strains of H1N1.
    The CDC has tested over 50 different strains of

How are viruses tested for
  • Rapid Test
  • The reliability of rapid diagnostic tests are
    approximately 50-70
  • Culture or PCR Tests
  • The reliability of viral culture or reverse
    transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR),
    are 90-95.
  • False-positive (and true-negative)occur when
    disease prevalence in the community is low, which
    is generally at the beginning and end of the
    influenza seasons.
  • False-negative (and true-positive) results are
    more likely to occur when disease prevalence is
    high in the community, which is typically at the
    height of the influenza season.

PCR Test Not accurate
  • smallest quantities of DNA or RNA with the PCR
    (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and able to produce
    antibodies against it.
  • The connection between what has been isolated in
    humans or animals, and the presence of clinical
    symptoms, is a mere hypothesis.

The panic of 06/07
  • Death toll will be between 200,000
  • and 2,000,000 WHO
  • Actual Death toll was 115 in 2006 and 86 in 2007
  • Frightening headlines warning of a pandemic that
    could kill 150 million people have all but
  • Dr. Paul A. Offit, a vaccine specialist at
    Childrens Hospital in Philadelphia, H5 viruses
    have been around for 100 years and never caused a
    pandemic and probably never will.

Epidemic of flu or Fear
  • Last July, the Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention advised state health officials to do
    two things. 1) Stop testing patients for H1N1. 2)
    Stop counting cases of H1N1.The official line
    from CDC went like this We already know it's an
    epidemic. So we're not going to waste time
    running tests to tell us what we already
    know.Still, someone at CBS news thought that
    was sort of odd. Seems like we'd want to keep
    close tabs on something like that!

Colds and flu from the cdc
  • What is the difference between a cold and the
  • The flu and the common cold are both respiratory
    illnesses but they are caused by different
    viruses. Because these two types of illnesses
    have similar flu-like symptoms, it can be
    difficult to tell the difference between them
    based on symptoms alone.
  • How can you tell the difference between a cold
    and the flu?
  • Because colds and flu share many symptoms, it can
    be difficult (or even impossible) to tell the
    difference between them based on symptoms alone.
    Special tests that usually must be done within
    the first few days of illness can be carried out,
    when needed to tell if a person has the flu

CDC Sates 36,000 die of the flu
  • A CDC spokesman, Mr. Curtis Allen
  • There are a couple problems with determining the
    number of deaths related to the flu because most
    people don't die from influenza - they die from
    complications of influenza - so the numbers of
    deaths are based on mathematical formulas. We
    don't know exactly how many people get the flu
    each year because it's not a reportable disease
    and most physicians don't do the test nasal
    swab to indicate whether the symptoms are
    caused by influenza.

Actual Flupatients tested and results
  • CBS News filed a Freedom of information act to
    get this info
  • .California tested 13,704 flu patients 86
    negative for flu

  • 12 for other flu

  • 2 had H1N1
  • Alaska tested 722 flu patients 93
    Negative for flu

  • 5 for other flu

  • 1 had H1N1
  • Georgia tested 3,117 flu patients 97
    Negative for flu

  • 2 had H1N1
  • Florida tested 8,853 flu patients -- 83
    negative for flu

  • 17 had H1N1

Actual Death Rates
  • CDC states 36,000 people die per year of
  • Year Influenza
  • 2002 727
  • 2001 257
  • 1999 572
  • The CDC death stats include all respiratory and
    circulatory deaths. 2009 deaths estimate approx
    low of 2000 a high of 6500 an average about

Perspective as of 8/30/2009 Global Health Policy
  • Global 1,771,733 TB
  • Global 881,000 Malaria
  • Global 262 Avian Flu
  • Global 774 SARS (sever acute respiratory synd.)
  • Global 171 Swine Flu H1N1
  • On July 16, 2009, WHO announced that it has
    become increasingly difficult and
    resource-intensive for countries to confirm all
    cases of H1N1 influenza through laboratory
    testing. Countries that have reported
    community-wide transmission of H1N1 influenza are
    no longer required to submit regular reports of
    individual laboratory-confirmed cases to WHO.
    Instead, WHO requests that countries report the
    initial confirmed cases for as long as it is
  • .

Pediatric Flu Deaths by Year Made WORSE by Flu
  • 1999 -- - 29 deaths
  • 2000 -- - 19 deaths
  • 2001 -- - 13 deaths
  • 2002 -- - 12 deaths
  • 2003 -- - 90 deaths (Year of mass vaccinations of
    children under age 5 years)
  • 2006 -- 78 deaths
  • 2007 -- - 88 deaths
  • 2008 116 deaths (40.9 vaccinated at age 6
    months to 23 months)
  • Parents should also keep in mind that this study,
    as well as the Australian/New Zealand Study found
    that childhood obesity played a major role in a
    childs risk of being admitted to the ICU or
    dying. This is another dramatic demonstration as
    to the danger of obesity in children and that all
    parents should avoid MSG (all food-based
    excitotoxin additives), excess sugar and excess
    high glycemic carbohydrates in their childrens
    diets. This goes for pregnant moms as well.

How are the viruses chosen
  • Every year health officials produce a new flu
    vaccine containing three mutated strains of flu
  • To determine which strains to use, officials
    travel to China at the beginning of the year to
    assess circulating flu viruses in that region of
    the world.
  • They try to guess which strains will reach the
    United States by the end of the year. Production
    begins, and the new vaccine is usually available
    by October.

What happens if the guess is wrong
  • This happened in 1996, and again in 1997.
  • 1996, 857 people died from the flu
  • 1997, 745 people died from the flu -- typical
    annual numbers.
  • In 2004, flu vaccine Several batches were
    contaminated and had to be destroyed
  • Only 45 million people versus 90 million during
    an average year got the vaccine.
  • the 2004-2005 flu season should be catastrophic.
    If, as the CDC claims, 36,000 people die every
    year from the flu fatalities did not increase.
  • The vaccine created for the 2003-2004 flu season
    contained flu strains that did not circulate
    through society that year. Millions of people
    were vaccinated with an ineffective vaccine. flu
    fatalities did not increase

Viruses Vital for our ecosystem
  • viruses are an integral part of every ecosystem
    including the human body
  • Most viruses are actually not harmful, and in
    fact have played an important part in evolution
    and in maintaining healthy ecosystems
  • Andrew Holmes, a microbiologist from the
    University of Sydney, "viruses are everywhere and
    do not instantly equal 'bad' they have the
    potential to cause very rapid biological change
    through epidemic disease, but that is exceedingly
    rare," he says. "Vigilance is important but panic
    is unwarranted."
  • "They are able to move genetic information
    between different hosts, but we still do not
    fully understand how this has influenced, and
    continues to influence, the evolution of new

Viruses that cause cancer or tumors
  • The viruses that cause cancer or tumors weren't
    created to cause cancer or tumors.
  • We force them into manufacturing tumors if we
    expose our selves to deficiencies (nutrition) or
    toxicities (vaccinations, pollutants,
    environmental ) the formation of tumors occurs.
  • You dont catch cancer you have to earn it

Natural Virus that kills cancer
  • The Senecavirus is a "new" virus, discovered
    several years ago
  • this virus was harmless to normal human cells,
    but could infect certain solid tumors, such as
    small cell lung cancer, the most common form of
    lung cancer.

Lets look at the studies
  • -A recent study found that vaccinating young
    children against the flu had no impact on
    flu-related hospitalizations or doctor visits
    during two recent flu seasons. The researchers
    concluded that significant influenza vaccine
    effectiveness could not be demonstrated for any
    season, age, or setting examined.
    October 2008 issue of the
    Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine
  • -A study found that influenza vaccination was
    NOT associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia
    in older people. Vaccination coverage among the
    elderly increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65
    percent now, yet there has been no decrease in
    deaths from influenza or pneumonia.
    April 2008 Lancet
  • -Another study concluded that vaccination
    against pneumonia does not reduce your risk of
    contracting the disease. The New England
    Journal of Medicine, 2005

More studies on vaccination
  • -Research published in May 2008 also confirms
    that there has been no decrease in deaths from
    influenza and pneumonia, despite the fact that
    vaccination coverage among the elderly has
    increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent
    now. American
    Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
    May 2008
  • - Researchers published this conclusion We
    conclude that frailty selection bias and use of
    non-specific endpoints such as all-cause
    mortality have led cohort studies to greatly
    exaggerate vaccine benefits.

    National Institutes of Health Lancet
    Infectious Diseases 2007
  • -A large-scale, systematic review of 51 studies,
    published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic
    Reviews in 2006, found no evidence that the flu
    vaccine is any more effective than a placebo in
    children. The studies involved 260,000 children,
    age 6 to 23 months.

Canada Suspends Flu Shots 11/09
  • British Columbia announced it is suspending
    seasonal flu shots for anyone under 65 years old,
    joining Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario
    and Nova Scotia in halting the immunizations.
  • The study suggests that people vaccinated against
    seasonal flu are actually twice as likely to
    catch swine flu.

How safe is it to inject foreign proteins from
animals/ humans into the blood stream? FACT It
is unknown the immune response mechanism that
takes place after a vaccine is injected
Flu Mist
  • Mechanism of Action UNKNOWN
  • For Pregnant women Can cause fetal harm
  • very bad preservative MSG (an excitotoxin).
  • It contains Polysorbate 80 which breaks through
    the blood/brain barrier in order to penetrate the
    brain directly
  • At least it is mercury free

human diploid cells (originating from human
aborted fetal tissue)hydrolized gelatinmercury
thimerosol (thimerosal, Merthiolate(r))monosodium
glutamate (MSG)neomycinneomycin
sulfatephenoxyethanol (antifreeze)potassium
diphosphatepotassium monophosphatepolymyxin
Bpolysorbate 20polysorbate 80porcine (pig)
pancreatic hydrolysate of caseinresidual MRC5
cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells,
andwashed sheep red blood
Contents of a Typical Vaccination
  • aluminum hydroxide
  • aluminum phosphate
  • ammonium sulfate
  • amphotericin B
  • animal tissues pig blood, horse blood, rabbit
  • dog kidney, monkey kidney,
  • chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg
  • calf (bovine) serum
  • betapropiolactone
  • fetal bovine serum
  • formaldehyde
  • formalin
  • gelatin
  • glycerol

(No Transcript)
Flu Shots For Your Child or Yourself ?
  •  The majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms
    of mercury, an amount considered unsafe for
    anyone weighing less than 550 pounds!  
    October issue of the Archives of Pediatric
    Adolescent Medicine found that vaccinating young
    children against the flu appeared to have no
    impact on flu-related doctor visits or
    hospitalizations during two recent flu
    seasons. The researchers concluded that
    "significant influenza vaccine effectiveness
    could not be demonstrated for any season, age, or

Stress Reduction Diet Exercise
  • Hydration
  • Drink a minimum of
  • 1 liter of water per day
  • 2 liters is best
  • Spring or filtered water
  • No distilled, reverse
  • osmosis, or tap water

Abnormal Normal
Posture Posture

Julie Multiple bouts of pneumonia and Asthma
Near normal
Four cornerstones of Optimal Health . . .
  • Proper nerve supply -
  • FREE of subluxation
  • Regular Exercise
  • Proper Nutrition
  • Sufficient Rest
  • Prayer and Meditation


The Chiropractic Adjustment
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