Title: ???t?pa ??d???p???s??
1???t?pa ??d???p???s??
????? ?a?ep?st?µ?? ?µ?µa ???e????µ?a?
??????t???? ?????f??
Ge????a ?????p??d?? E-mail gproko_at_ionio.gr
2??e?t?????? ??????t??? ????afa
- ???a?????ta? ?a? d?at?????ta? se ??e?t??????
p????f???a?? pe??ß????? - St? s????? t??? ? ?at? ?µ?de? s?????t???
d?????t??? a??e?a (public archives) - ?p?te???? p???p??es? ??a t?? ??e?t??????
3??????t??? ???e?a
- ?a?????s? e?????? p???t???? d?a?e???s?? ?a?
epe?e??as?a? d?????t???? e????f?? ?a? t??
s??????? a?t??
4?a?a?t???st??? ??????t???? ?????f?? (1)
- ???sf????? a??e?t??? ?a? a???p?st? ap?de??? t??
d?????t???? s??a??a??? ?a? d?ast????t?t?? t??
?p??es??? - S?µß?????? st?? ap?te?esµat???te?? ???? ap?f?se??
?a??? ap?te???? t?? µ??µ? t?? d?????t????
p???e??, ?a??? ?a? p??t??e??? p??? p????f????? - ??e????????? t?? d?ad??as?a a???????s?? t??
d?ast????t?t?? t?? ?p??es??? ?a? s?µß?????? st??
d?e?a???? ??????? s?µpe?asµ?t?? a?af????? µe t??
d?????t???? d?ad??as?e? ?a? s??a??a???
5?a?a?t???st??? ??????t???? ?????f?? (2)
- ???µe?????? t??? p???te? a?af????? µe t??
d?????t???? d?ast????t?te? t?? ???t??? ?a?
e?asfa?????? t? d??a??µa p??sßas?? t?? p???t??
st?? p????f???a - ???s????? t?? ?st????? ??e??a ?a? ?p?st??????? t?
e?pa?de?t??? ???? p??sf????ta? p????f???e? ap?
p??t??e?e?? p????
6?f??? ??d???p???s?? (1)
- ???s??e? ?a? ?p?st????e? t? d??a??µa d?µ?s?a?
p??sßas?? st? d?????t??? p????f???a - ??aßa?µ??e? ta p????f???a?? s?st?µata t??
?p??es??? p??sf????ta? ?µes? ?a? ?????? p??sßas?
µ?s? p???ap??? s?µe??? - ?a???e? pa?a???????s? t?? d?????t???? p???e?? ?a?
t?? e?e??e??? p?? apa?t???ta? ??a t?? ????????s?
a?t?? - ??asfa???e? a????t? ?a? d?afa?? ??????s?
7?f??? ??d???p???s?? (2)
- ???s??e? t?? ??e??a ?a? t?? e?pa?de?t??? p????
- S?µß???e? st?? ????????? ??ta?? ???? t?? ?µ?d??
p???t?? a?e?a?t?t?? e?pa?de?t???? ?a? ??????????
?p?ßa???? - ??as??d?e? t?? ?e?t???? ??????s? µe t??
?e??fe?e?a?? ?a? ??p??? ??t?d?????s? s?µß?????ta?
st?? a??pt??? e??? ap??e?t??µ???? a??? p?????
d?as??dedeµ???? d??t???
8G?at? ???a
- ?? te?????????? e?e???e?? pa?????? p??sf???
?daf?? ??a t?? a??pt??? a?aßa?µ?sµ???? p???t???
s?st?µ?t?? - ?a???s???eta? ? a????? d?as??des?? ???? t??
d?µ?s??? ?p??es??? ??a ?µes? ?a? ap?te?esµat???
??? ded?µ???? ?a? a?ta??a?? p????f?????
e???????µ??ta? ????? e??as?a? ?a? ??e??a? - ? ???????a t?? p????f???a? p???p???te? t?? ?µes?
p??sßas? t?? p???t?? sta d?????t??? ????afa
d?at????ta? t? d??a??µa t??? st?? p????f???a ?a?
t?? p????f???s? - ?a ??e?t?????? ??f??p???µ??a d?????t??? a??e?a
p??ß?????? ??e? apa?t?se?? d?a?e???s?? ?a?
d?af??a??? - ? d?as??des? ?p??es??? t?? ??µ?s?a? ??????s??
??te? ??t?µata d?a?e?t???????t?ta?
9???p???s? St????
- ?e p????f???a?? s?st?µata p?? ???p????? d?e???
p??t?pa ??a t?? pe????af? ?a? ??d???p???s? t??
d?????t???? ??e?t??????? e????f??
10ISO 15489 ???t?p? ?e????af?? ??????t???? ?????f??
- ?a???e? te?????? ?a? ßas???? ?d???e? ??a
ap?te?esµat??? s?????t?s?, a??pt??? ?a? d?at???s?
t?? d?????t???? a??e??? t?? d?µ?s??? ?p??es???
11ISO 15489
- ??????eta? ap? t? d?e???p???s? t?? ??st?a??a???
p??t?p?? AS 4390 Records Management, t? ?p???
a?apt?????e st?? a???? t?? 1990 - ??a?sµa a??pt???? p??t?p?? d?a?e???s??
d?????t???? a??e??? ap?t??ese t? p??t?p?
p???t?ta? ISO 9000, t? ?p??? a?af??e? ??t? t??
a????? e?asf???s?? p???t???? d?????t????
e????f??, ????? ?st?s? ?a e?et??e? ?a? ?a
p??te??e? ??se?? - ?? 1997 ?e????se ? d?ad??as?a ep??tas?? t??
??st?a??a??? p??t?p?? p???e?µ???? ?a ap?te??se?
t? pa???sµ?? p??t?p? ??a record keeping
12?ed?? ?fa?µ???? t?? 15489
- ??af??eta? ???? se s??????? (public archives) ?a?
????afa p?? d?µ????????ta? st? p?a?s??
ep??e???µat???? s??a??a???. - ??? ?a??pte? te?????? pe????af?? a??e?a???
s??????? (archival collections), a??µ? ?a? a?
a?t?? ?? s??????? pe???aµß????? ????afa, ta ?p??a
s?????t??? d?????t??? a??e?a.
13ISO 15489
- S??p?? ()
- ?a????st???? pa?ap?µp??
- ???? ?a? ???sµ??
- ???sd???µe?a ?f??? efa?µ???? t?? S??
- ????t??? ?a? ?pe?????t?te? ()
- ????p???se?? S??
- S?ed?asµ?? ?a? efa?µ??? S?? (DIRKS t?? NAA)
- ??e??as?e? ?a? ??e???? st? d?a?e???s? a??e??? ()
- ?a?a???????s? ?a? ??e???? ()
- ??e????()
14?et?ßas? ap? t?? ?e????af? st?? ??d???p???s?
- ISO 15489 ? p??t?p? pe????af??
- ?p??
- ISBD st? ??ß?????????µ?a
- ?a? ISAD st?? ???e????µ?a
- Dublin Core ? p??t?p? ??d???p???s?? ?a?
d?a?e?t???????t?ta? - ?p??
- MARC st? ??ß?????????µ?a
- ?a? EAD st?? ???e????µ?a
15Dublin Core
?a 15 µeta-ped?a p?? d?a??te? de? µp????? ?a
?a?????? t? s????? t?? d?????t???? p????f???a?
16??????t??? ?????f???a ????d??stat?
- ?? p??t?p? ?a?e?ta? ?a pe??????e?
- ??d?te?e? ?????e? ??????t???? ???????a?
- ??????t???? ??µ?d??t?te?
- ??????t???? ??ad??as?e?
17??????t??? ?????f???a ????-ep?ped?
- ???? ?e?a?????? d?µ?? t?? ??µ?s?a? ??????s??
?a µeta-ped?a p?? apa?t???ta? ??a t??
??d???p???s? t?? s????????? ??????? ?a????ta? ?a
ape????????? p???ap?? ?e?a????? ep?peda
p???e?µ???? ?a ?a?????? t? s????? t??
p??sfe??µe??? p????f???a? ?.?. ?p????e??
?s?te????? ??µ?s?a? ??????s?? ?a? ?p????t??s?? ?
Ge???? G?aµµate?a ????t???? ???stas?a? ? G?afe??
- ?? DC de? µp??e? ?a de?te? ded?µ??a a?af?????
µe - t?? d?????t???? ?e?t?????e? p?? p???p???t??? ?a?
?d????? st?? pa?a???? e????f?? - t?? d??at?t?ta p??sßas?? ?a? ap??t?s??
d?????t???? e????f?? - t? ep?d????µe?? ?????
- t? ??µ??? p???? ? ?p??a p???p???te? ??a ????af?
?a d?µ???????e? ? µ?a d?ad??as?a ?a ?e????se? - t?? s?????e? d?at???s?? ?a? pe?a?t??? ???s?? t??
e????f?? - ??? t?p??es?a f??a??? t?? e????f??
- ?.?.p.
- ? d?µ??????a ???? µeta-ped??? ?a? s??ep?? ?
ep??tas? t?? p??t?p??
???????S?? ??????S?S
???e ???a p???ß? st?? a??pt??? ???? µeta-ped???
ßas?sµ???? st?? d???? t?? d?????t???? a????e?
- ?????a ? e-GMS (UK e-Government Metadata
Standard) - ??st?a??a ? AGLS (Australian Government
Metadata Standard) - ??a ???a?d?a ? NZGLS (New Zealand Government
Locator Service) - ?µe???? ? GILS (Government Information
Locator Service)
- ? p??t? ??d?s? ap?te????ta? µ??? ap? ta
µeta-ped?a t?? Dublin Core, ?a? s???e???µ??a ap?
22DC Meta-fields
Title (name given to the resource) Contributor (entity making contributions) Source (reference to a resource)
Creator (entity responsible for resource) Date (a date in the lifecycle of resource) Language
Subject (keywords and phrases indicating the subject matter) Type (the nature or genre of the resource, i.e. position in collection) Rights (rights held in and over the resource)
Description (account of the content) Format (the physical format, i.e. extent, medium) Coverage (time period and place covered by the content)
Publisher (entity for making the resource available) Identifier (resources identity, i.e. ISBN) Relation
23Relation meta-field
- ??as??d?e? µeta?? t??? s?et????? p?????
(reference to a related resource) - ???te??e? t?? ???s?µ?p???s? t?? Identifiers
??a t?? a??pt??? t?? d?as??d?se?? - ?a??pte? e?d? s??se?? ?p??
- Is part of / Has part
- Is version of / Has version
- Is format of / Has Format
- References / Is referenced by
- Is required by / Requires
- Is replaced by / Replaces
- Sequence No
24e-GMS 2? ??d?s?
- ???st????a? Refinements ( ?p?ped?a) sta
pe??ss?te?a ped?a t?? Dublin Core p?? ????pta?
p????f???a??? a????e? e????f?? - ???st????a? 4 ??a ped?a
25?a??de??µa Creator
???st????a? ta e??? 3 refinements ??a t?
µeta-ped?? t?? d?µ???????
Owner Person or organization who has chief responsibility for the content (creator µp??e? ?a e??a? ??a? p???st?µe???, e?? owner t? tµ?µa st? ?p??? e????eta?)
Contact The individual or organization to be contacted for further information (st???e?a ?a? p????f???e? ep????????a?)
Custodian The individual responsible for the management of the documents (µeta-ped?? s?ed?? ta?t?s?µ? µe t?? owner / p??a??? ?a d?a??afe?)
26?a??de??µa description
???st????a? ta e??? 2 refinements ??a t?
µeta-ped?? t?? pe????af??
Table of contents A list of subunits of the content of the resource (tµ?µata p?? s?????t??? t?? p???, p.?. document history)
Abstract A summary of the content of the resource (pe?????? t?? e????f??)
27e-GMS ??a ped?a
Audience An entity that mediates access to the resource (p.?. ? p???st?µe??? e??? ??afe??? µes??aße? ??a t?? ap??t?s? e??? e????f?? a?a??a??? ??a t?? d?e?pe?a??s? t?? e??as?a? e??? ?pa?????? )
Disposal The retention and disposal instructions for the resource (?a???e? ap?s??s?? t?? d?????t???? e????f??)
Location The physical location of the resource (? ????? d?at???s?? ?a? ap????e?s?? t?? e????f?? ?a? ??? ? ??e?t?????? d?e????s? ?a? t? path e??? a??e???)
Preservation Data needed to support the perpetual preservation of records (?ata???feta? ? d?????t??? ?st???a t?? e????f?? / ?p?st????e? t?? ???? ap?f?se??)
28NZGLS ?a? AGLS d?? pa??µ???t?pa p??t?pa
??d???p???s?? e????f??
- ????? p??s??se? 4 ped?a (d?af??et??? ap? t??
Availability How the resource can be obtained, or contact information (??????t???? p????f???e? a?af????? µe ta ????afa ?/?a? t?? ?p??es?e? p?? ta d?a??t???)
Function The business function of the agency to which this resource or service relates (? d?????t??? ?e?t?????a p?? ?d??e? st?? pa?a???? e??? e????f??)
Audience The target audience of the resource (? ?at?????a ???st?? st?? ?p??a ape????eta? ??a ????af? / S?et??eta? ?a? ?a?????e? d??a??µata p??sßas?? ?a? a???t?s??)
Mandate A specific legal instrument which requires the resource to be created or provided (? ??µ??? p???? p?? ?d??e? st?? d?µ??????a e??? e????f??)
29?at?????e? µeta-ped???
Descriptive Elements Identification Elements Subject Analysis Elements Linking Entry Elements Intellectual Responsibility Elements
Title Identifier Topical Term Relation Creator
Description Date Personal Name Source Publisher
Rights Type Corporate Body Name Mandate Contributor
Language Coverage Geospatial Term
Format Function
30?a??de??µa ??d???p???s?? ?????f?? µe NZGLS ? AGLS
31GILS (1)
?? GILS de? st????eta? st? Dublin Core. ?p?te?e?
??a a?e???t?t? p??t?p? ??d???p???s?? ?a?
d?a?e?t???????t?ta?. ????? ped?a µe t? DC ?a? t?
e-GMS e??a? ta pa?a??t?
GILS Meta-Fields Crosswalk to e-GMS
Title Title
Originator Creator
Contributor Contributor
Date of Publication Date
Language of Resource Language
Abstract Description
32GILS (2)
Controlled Subject Index Subject
Subject Terms Uncontrolled Subject
Spatial Domain Coverage
Time Period Coverage
Availability Medium ?a? Rights
Sources of Data Source
Access Constraints Rights
Cross Reference Relation
Schedule Number Identifier
Language of Record Language
33GILS a?e???t?ta µeta-ped?a (1)
Place of Publication The city or town where the described resource was published. May also include country if location of city is not well known.
Methodology Any specialized tools and techniques, or methodology use to produce this information resource
Use Constraints Constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property and any other special restrictions or limitations on using the information resource
Point of Contact An organization or person where appropriate, serving as the point of contact plus methods that may be used to make contact
Supplement Information Association of other descriptive information with the record
34GILS a?e???t?ta µeta-ped?a (2)
Purpose Programs, projects, and legislative actions wholly or partially responsible for the establishment or continued delivery of a record
Agency Program Major agency program or mission supported by the system including a citation for any specific legislative authorities associated with the record
Control Identifier Distinguished the record from all other GILS Core locator records
Record Source The organization that created or last modified the record
Date of Last Modification Date on which the record was created or modified.
35Teµat??? ?e????af? ?????f??
- ? ?eµat??? pe????af? ?a? ? ap?d?s? ???? ?e??e?ta?
?p??e?µe???? d?ad??as?a, ded?µ???? ?t? ?
p????f???a de? e?t?p??eta? st? ????af? a???
ep???e?ta? ap? t?? epe?e??ast?
?? µeta-ped??(a) p?? d??eta? t?? ???(???)
?eµat???? p??sßas?? pa???s???eta? ete???e??? µe
d?af??et??? ?a? p?????? ???????a ?a? e???????????
36??s? ??e???µe?a ?e??????a
- ?a??e?????? ???????a e?asfa?????ta? t?? ???s? t??
?????? ???? - ?a??d????? t?? te???? ???st? st?? ??e??? t??
ape????????ta? t??? ?a??e??µ????? ?????, ?a???
?a? t?? ?e?a?????? d?as??d?se?? µeta?? t??
e?????? - ???a?????? ep?st?µ????? ped?a p????f???s?? ?a?
???s??, ?p?de??????ta? t?? ???????a t?? ???e
ep?st?µ?????? ???d??, ?a??? ?a? t?? ?e?a????? t??
37T?sa???? ??ße???t???? ?????f???a?
- ??????t??? ?????f???a
- FONZ (Functions of New Zealand Thesaurus)
- SONZ (Subjects of New Zealand Thesaurus)
- Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus
- ??µ??et??? ?????f???a
- GLIN (Thesaurus for the Global Legal Information
Network) - LIV (Legislative Indexing Vocabulary)
- ??apt?????e ap? t?? ????pa??? ???s? (??)
- ?ata?t?st??e µe ß?s? ta d?e??? p??t?pa t??
??e????? ???a??sµ?? ??p?p???s?? - ISO 2788/1986
- ISO 5964/1985
- ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ap? f??e??, ?p?? t? ????pa???
?????ß?????, t?? ?p??es?a ?p?s?µ?? ??d?se?? t??
??, ta ?????? ?a? ?e??fe?e?a?? ?????ß????a t??
??, ?.a - ???a? p??????ss?? ??sa???? ?a? e?d?deta? st?? 11
ep?s?µe? ???sse? t?? ??, µeta?? ????? ?a? sta
e??????? - ??e? µetaf?aste? ap? ta ?????? ?????ß????a p?????
?????, ?p?? t?? ???at?a?, ?et???a?, ??ßa??a?, ?.a.
?a??pte? ????? t??? t?µe?? p?? af?????
d?ast????t?te? t?? e???pa???? ?esµ???? ???????,
?a? s???e???µ??a
- ????t??? ???
- ??e??e?? s??se??
- ????pa???? ?????t?te?
- ???a??
- ??????µ??? ???
- ??????µ???? ?a? eµp?????? s??a??a???
- ??µ?s????µ???
- ????????? ??µata
- ?p????????a ?a? µ??f?s?
- ?p?st?µe?
- ?p??e???se?? ?a? a?ta????sµ??
- ?pas????s? ?a? e??as?a
- ?etaf????
- ?e??ß?????
- Ge????a, das???µ?a ?a? a??e?a
- ??at??f? ?a? ?e?????? p?????ta
- ?a?a????, te???????a ?a? ??e??a
- ?????e?a
- ???µ??a??a
- Ge???af?a
- ??e??e?? ???a??sµ??
40EUROVOC ?a??de??µa ??µµat??
- ???sf??? sta ??????t??? ???ast???a
- SN ?a ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ??a p??sf??? p??
as?e?ta? e??p??? d?????t???? d??ast?????. ?e?
p??pe? ?a s????eta? µe t? d?????t??? p??sf??? - MT 1221 d??a??s???
- UF p??sf??? e?????? t?? ??µ?µ?t?ta?
- p??sf??? ??µ?µ?t?ta?
- p??sf??? pe?? e?????? t?? ?????? p???e??
- p??sf??? p?????? d??a??d?s?a?
- BT1 a???s? pa????? e???µ?? p??stas?a? NT1
p??sf??? a????se?? - NT1 p??sf??? d?????t???? e?????? RT
d?????t??? p??sf??? (0436)
- ??apt?????a? sta p?a?s?a t?? p?????µµat??
??e?t??????? ??a??ß????s?? st? ??a ???a?d?a ?a?
???s?µ?p?????ta? pa??????a µe t? NZGLS - ?p?te???? pa?????a t?? ????? Portal Thesaurus
Project µe st??? t?? d?µ??????a ??sa???? ??a t??
d?µ?s?e? ?p??es?e? ?a? ta d?????t??? ????afa - ? FONZ a?apa??st? ?a? d?as??d?e? ?e?t?????e?
t?? d?µ?s??? t?µ?a, e?? ? SONZ d?????t?????
?eµat????? ?????
42?a??de??µa ??µµat?? ap? FONZ
- Risk management (Internal)
- UF Auditing
- Disaster recovery planning
- Insuring
- Public sector assurance
- BT Corporate management (Internal)
- RT Managing public liabilities
- DEF Identifying possible financial and other
risks within an agency and putting strategies in
place to manage those risks, including insuring,
internal auditing, and developing risk
management strategies - SN INCLUDES insurance arrangements, business
continuity arrangements, organizational
liability management, monitoring contract
43?a??de??µa ??µµat?? ap? SONZ
- Roads
- UF Highways Streets
- BT Infrastructure
- NT Bus lanes
- Motorways
- RT Cycleways
- Footpaths
- Level crossings
- Parking
- Pedestrian crossings
- Road transport
- Tunnels
44Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus
- ?a???e? ?a??e??µ??? ???????a ?a? e?e???µe??
?e??????? ??a t?? p????f???a??? p???? t??
??ß????s?? t?? ?a?ad? a?e?a?t?t?? µ?s?? µetaf????
t?? p????f???a? - ?p?te?e? µ???? t?? p?????µµat?? Depository
Services Program (DSP) Subject Thesaurus - ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ap? ??e? t?? ß?se?? ded?µ???? t??
??ß????s?? t?? ?a?ad? - ??at??eta? sta a?????? ?a? ?a?????
45Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus
?a??de??µa ??µµat??
- Libraries
- FRENCH Bibliothèque
- Subject Category IN Information and
Communications - Scope Note A collection of books and other
materials maintained for reading,
consultation, study and research and
organized to provide access to a specific
clientele, with a staff trained to provide
services to meet the needs of its users. - Used For Documentation services Library
collections - Broader Term Cultural institutions
- Narrower Term Digital libraries Government
libraries National libraries Public
libraries Special libraries - Related Term Bibliographic data
interchange Cataloguing Interlibrary loans
- ?e????se t? 1950 ?a? e??µe???eta? s??e???
- ?a??e???e? ?a? d?as??d?e? ??µ??et??? ???????a
- S???de?e? ß?s? ded?µ????, ? ?p??a ?a??pte?
??µ???, ??µ??et???? ???µ?se?? ?a? ???e? ??µ????
p???? p????f???s??
47GLIN ?a??de??µa ??µµat??
- Term Courts
- Scope Note Refers to the Judicial Power of the
State as well as to tribunals of all sorts,
regardless of whether they are in the Executive
or Judicial branch, or if they are independent
of either. - Used For Judicial Branch
- Narrower Term Administrative courts
- Commercial courts
- Criminal courts
- International Court of Justice
- International Criminal Court
- Broader Term Legal systems
- Related Term Actions defenses
- Administration of justice
- Criminal investigation
- Criminal offenders
- Enforcement of judgments
- Judges
- Judicial review of legislation
- ??apt?????e ap? t? Congressional Research Service
- ?a??pte? ????? ??µ??et??? ?a? d?µ?s?a? p???t????
- ?a?? µe t?? ??sa??? GLIN, ap?te???? µ???? t??
??sa???? t?? Library of Congress
49St???? ??d???p???s??
- ?????t?s? ?????? p??t?p?? pe????af?? (?eµat????
?a? ß?ß?????af????) ??a t?? ??d???p???s? t??
d?????t???? e????f??
?? S????
?? d??at?t?ta ep????????a? ?a? a?ta??a???
µ??a?a???s?µ?? ded?µ???? ?a? S????OS t??
e?asf???s? t?? ??a?e?t???????t?ta?
50???as?e? (1/2)
- ??aß???e?s? ?e????? ??eta??a? ??a t?? a?t??t?p?
t?? p??tas?? ??a t? d?µ??????a ?d???a?
epa?a???s?µ?p???s?? t?? PSI ap? t?? ?? - Advisory Panel on PSI, UK,
- ?de??d?t?se?? ??a t?? epa?a???s?µ?p???s? t?? PSI,
UK (µ??t???, ?p?????sa ?at?stas?) - Case study efa?µ???? ?????t???? ?d???a? (ap?
f??e??) - ?a???s?as? p????aµµ?t?? ??a PSI
- ??aß???e?s? ??a t?? a???????s? t?? ?????t????
?d???a? p??? t?? e?s?µ?t?s? st? e????? d??a??
(?e???? ??eta??a).
51???as?e? (2/2)
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