Title: Properties of Recent SIC Crystals
1Properties of Recent SIC Crystals
- Rihua Mao
- Shanghai Institute of Ceramics
- Samples pretreatment
- Measurement methods
- Results
3Samples pretreatment
CMS Endcap Crystal
- 15 EE crystals produced in Jun at SIC by Modified
Bridgman method were evaluated. - All crystals were annealed _at_ 200 centigrade for
4Hrs before test.
- Properties measured transmittance and Light
output. - Three samples, SIC70, 76 and 78, were
irradiated at 15 rad/h and 300 rad/h step by step
to evaluate the radiation hardness.
5Measurement methods 1L.Transmittance
- Longitudinal transmittance were measured by a
Shimadzu - 2501 UV/Visible spectrophotometer
equipped with a large sample compartment.
Optical layout of the spectrophotometer
6Measurement methods 2Light output
- The crystals were excited by a collimated Cs-137
source, and L.O. was measured by using XP2262B
PMT. - Room temperature was set to be 24oC.
- The Big End of the crystal was coupled to PMT
with silicon oil, while all other surfaces were
wrapped with two layers of Tyvek paper to
increase the collected light.
Schematic setup for L.O. measurement
7Measurement methods 3 Radiation hardness
- Radiation hardness was measured at USTC. A Co-60
source which provides dose rate of up to 300
rad/h was used. - The crystals were front irradiated _at_ 15 rad/h and
300 rad/h step by step until saturation. L.O.
before and after irradiation were measured to
evaluate the radiation damage.
8Measurement methods 3Radiation hardness
Co60 source, up to 300 rad/h
Lead shell
PWO crystal
Layout of irradiation facility
9ResultsL. Transmittance - 1
- L. Transmittance as a function of wavelength for
SIC76, 78 and 79. - The ideal transmittance is calculated using
10ResultsL. Transmittance - 2
- The average L.T. _at_ 360 nm of 15 SIC EE crystals
is 24.8, which is lower than previous crystals.
Further studies is needed to find out the
11ResultsL. Transmittance - 3
Quite good _at_ 420 nm
- L.T. _at_ 420 nm for all crystal is larger than 55,
and the mean value is 65.
12ResultsL. Transmittance - 4
- The mean value _at_ 620 nm is about 72, showing
good transmittance at long wavelength.
13ResultsLight output - 1
Light output is shown as function of integration
time for SIC-76
- L.O. for SIC-76.
- Total L.O. is 11.1 p.e./MeV
- The ratio of L.O. between 100 and 1000 ns is 98
14ResultsLight output - 2
- Total L.O. is 11.6 p.e./MeV
- The ratio of L.O. between 100 and 1000ns is 97
Light output is shown as function of integration
time for SIC-76
15ResultsLight output - 3
- The ratio of L.O. between 100 and 1000ns is 97.
As can be seen, SIC crystals are fast decay. This
is consistent with previous result.
16ResultsLight output - 4
Measurement done _at_ Caltech
17ResultsLight output - 5
- Summary L.O.
- Average L.O. of 15 SIC PWO crystals is 11.5 p.e./
MeV measured by using a XP2262B PMT.
18ResultsRadiation damage - 1
- Radiation damage for SIC-76 (without temperature
correction). - L.O. degradation after 15 rad/h is 5, and
- A damage of 13 is found after 300 rad/h
Before irradiation
15 rad/h saturate
300 rad/h saturate
19ResultsRadiation damage - 2
- Radiation damage for SIC-78 (without temperature
correction). - L.O. degradation after 15 rad/h is 4, and
- A damage of 7 is found after 300 rad/h
Before irradiation
15 rad/h
300 rad/h
- Longitudinal transmittance of recent SIC crystals
_at_ 360 nm is slightly lower than previous
crystals. Further studies are needed to find out
the reasons. - L.T. at 420 and 620 nm for SIC crystals are good
enough. - Recent SIC crystals are fast decay with an
average L.O. of 11.5 p.e./MeV. - Radiation damage of three crystals studied with
front irradiation dose rate of 300 rad/h varies
from 7 to 13. Further research to improve the
uniformity of radiation hardness is needed.