Title: John Huthnance
1The European North Atlantic shelfOcean-Shelf
Exchange, internal waves
- John Huthnance
- Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
- Liverpool, UK
- Motivation
- Context
- Processes and currents
- Estimating exchange / models
- Maybe more about carbon cycling
- Global cycles
- oceanic N ? shelf ? primary production
- 0.5 0.2 (Gt/y)
- (Walsh, 1991) (Wollast, 1993)
- OC budget uncertainty 1 Gt/y shelf export
- CO2 release by upwelling, respiration vs
draw-down - JGOFS-LOICZ Continental Margin TaskTeam
- Maybe more about this later
- Physical interests including exchange emphasis
for now - special slope processes
- shelf influence on ocean and vice versa
- e.g. contribution to ocean mixing
3NE Atlantic area
- Shelf has
- Varied orientation
- width mostly 100-500 km
- narrower S of 40N
- depth lt 200 m ( break)
- except off Norway
- Canyons
- Irregular coast with gaps
- Fjords (north from 55)
- Small river input
4Adjacent Oceanic flow
- (Van Aken in Huthnance et al 2002)
- Upper 500 m flows to S from Biscay
- Saline Mediterranean outflow at 500 1500 m,
against slope to N - winter cooling ? deep convection in Nordic seas
and N Biscay - (? dense bottom layer)
5Along-slope currents
- (RSDAS, Plymouth Marine Lab
- 15-21 Feb 1990)
- warm, salt NAW ? slope current Iberia and Biscay
to Norway
6Flow to N at 56½N (cm/s W Scotland Souza)
7Nordic Seas currents
- Upper 500 m flows to N
- in Rockall Trough further north
- NAW ? Nordic seas round Faroes, Iceland
- Moderate rivers
- coastal currents
- Baltic?NCC largest
8Estimated transport past 62N
9Slope current (ctd)
- Bottom Ekman layer takes exchange transport
- gHs/8f of order 1 m2/s
- where s is steric slope H?-1?y, typically 10-7
- (down-slope bottom flow for poleward slope
- Instabilities
- - Eddies Faroe-Shetland Channel
- - SWODDIES from slope current off northern
Spain - (Pingree and LeCann, 1992)
- Capes, canyons, varied shelf width
- - local up-/down-welling, cross-slope exchange
- e.g. Cape São Vicente Goban Spur "overshoot
O(1 Sv)
10Overshoot at Goban Spur (Pingree et al. 1999)
11Wind-forced flow / exchange, m2/s
- Irish-Norwegian shelf westerlies ? downwelling
- (but not consistently)
- strong prevailing westerlies, max. 60N
- storm surges
- cross-slope exchange estimate Ekman transport
- NOCS wind speeds, Josey et al. (1998 2002)
- directions, standard deviations from Isemer
Hasse (1995)
12Wind-driven upwelling
- NE trade winds
- ? Summer upwelling
- off W Spain,
- Portugal,
- ? coast direction
- (Finisterre
- less off Algarve)
- Filaments each ?
- Exchange 0.6Sv
- gt t/?f
- 6-12 Sep 1998
- mostly semi-diurnal
- currents on shelf generally gt 0.1 m/s, locally gt
0.5 m/s - much water ? shelf within 12.4 hours
- comparable internal tidal currents generated
locally - over steep slopes (Celtic Sea (Pingree), W
Scotland, W-T ridge)
14Consequences of tides
- water carried by internal solitons (up to 1 m2/s)
- local along- or cross-slope rectified flow
- contribution to long-term displacements
- shear dispersion K tDU2
- because tidal current varies with depth
(friction) - tD 103s (Prandle, 1984)
- small effect unless U gt 0.5 m/s
- Energy dissipation, mixing (barotropic internal
15Faroe-Shetland Channel, internal tide energy flux
M2 shown, ambiguity in baroclinic flux, slope
super-critical Flux in non-linear hf waves
comparable with dissipation Slope sub-critical
energy has nowhere else to go, dissipates Very
variable through time (slope current, eddies)
Winter cooling or evaporation helped by lack of
freshwater on shelf ? dense water ? down-slope
flow under gravity
- typical cascading fluxes locally 0.5 1.6 m2s-1
- significant where present
- eg. Celtic Sea, Malin, Hebrides shelves
17Celtic Sea? Malin shelf?
18Water exchange estimates
- From drifters
- Cross-slope dispersion estimates
- north of Scotland
- 360 m2s-1 (Burrows and Thorpe, 1999)
- 700 m2s-1 (Booth, 1988)
- Current variance estimates
- 0.01 m2s-2 north of Scotland
- 0.01-0.02 m2s-2 off Norway (Poulain et al., 1996)
19Estimated exchange (NW Iberia)
- Summer (filaments) Winter Average
- Drifters dispersion (Des Barton)
- 870 m2s-1 190 m2s-1 560 m2s-1
- salinity along-slope flow (Daniualt et al.
1994) 500 m2s-1 - ? Exchange flux across 200m depth contour 3.8
m2s-1 (assume 26 km offshore scale replace
shelf water in 10 days) - observed rms. U cross-slope 19 mm/s in 200 m
3.8 m2s-1 ! - . . . . . . . above 200 m ? 3.1
m2s-1 - Contributing processes (m2s-1)
- Up-/down-welling 3 0.6
- Slope current 2ndy 1 1
- Internal solitons 1
- Eddiescross-front 0.6 0.6
- ??Total?? 5.6 2.2
20Exchange q, m2s-1
22The shelf-sea carbon pump
Sea surface
Shelf sea
Deep Ocean
Vertical asymmetry in P-R drives air-sea CO2
difference. But these seas are well mixed in
winter so need to remove C laterally
Sea bed
23Observed North Sea air-sea CO2 flux
Thomas et al Science 2004 net CO2 drawdown in
the North Sea
24POLCOMS-ERSEM Atlantic Margin Model
3D coupled hydrodynamic ecosystem model
25The AMM simulation
- Developed from the NCOF operational model
- 12 km resolution, 42 s-levels
- 1987 spin-up, 1988 to 2005 18 years
- ERA40 Operational ECMWF Surface forcing
- 300 river flows
- 15 tidal constituents
- Time varying (spatially constant) atmos pCo2
- Mean annual cycle for
- Ocean boundaries
- EO SPM/CDOM Attenuation
- River nutrient and DIC
- Recent developments Run10
- 34 to 42 s-levels
- COARE v3 surface forcing
- GOTM turbulence model
26Carbon Budget
High production Low/Conv. transport Low air-sea
High/Div. transport High air-sea flux
27The shelf wide Carbon budget
Difference burial
28Carbon export
- Horizontal advection is the dominant loss term
- Net advective loss of carbon (subtracting
rivers) 0.9x1012mol C yr-1 - Net burial 0.02x1012mol C yr-1
- But to be an effective sink must leave the shelf
to DEEP water - Otherwise may re-equilibrate with atmosphere.
29How to get the Carbon off the shelf ?
- The main current out of the north sea is a
surface current - Shelf-edge frictional processes e.g. Ekman
draining coastal downwelling
After Turrell et al 1994
30Volume fluxes above and below 150m
Above 1.89Sv Below-1.94Sv
This is a downwelling shelf
31Conclusions 1 Carbon Cycle
- The NW European shelf is a net sink of
atmospheric CO2 - Shelf edge regions tend to be strong sinks
- Open stratified regions are neutral or weaker
sinks. - Coastal regions are either sources or sinks
- The circulation is vital in maintaining the shelf
sea pump - Tidally active shelf seas lack 'export
production' or burial - Regions of weak or convergent DIC transport have
very weak air-sea fluxes - There is no simple relation between productivity
and air-sea CO2 flux
32Conclusions 2 Modelling
- Modelling the air-sea CO2 flux in shelf seas
requires accurate - Circulation
- Mixing
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Currently under-estimate the shelf sea air-sea
flux -
- The balance between ocean and shelf primary
production is not yet well represented in these
simulations - The near coastal region is particularly
important can act as either sink or source -
but also the most challenging - Complex optics
- Needs increased horizontal resolution
- Land-sea fluxes uncertain
33Role of the slope current
- Acts to replenish on-shelf nutrients (positive
correlation with summer organic carbon) - Acts to remove DIC (negative correlation with
summer inorganic carbon) - Together it helps drive the continental shelf
carbon pump.
34Global contribution (in perspective)
- 0.01 pg Cyr-1 of 2 pg Cyr-1 Biological pump
- 1.5 pg Cyr-1 of 90 pg Cyr-1 Downwelling flux
How does this up-scale to shelf seas globally ?
35Outline / conclusions
- Prevalent along-slope flow poleward
- not uniform, maybe not continuous
- maybe covered by different surface flow
- Strong wind forcing
- up- and down-welling
- filaments increase exchange
- Strong tidal currents and mixing on wide shelves
- Relatively small exchange in eddies
- Moderate freshwater and stratification
- except Norwegian Coastal Current
- Local rectified tides, solitons, cascading
- Overall exchange 2-3 m2s-1