Title: Part%201:%20Nature%20of%20Human%20Languages
1Table of Contents of An Introduction to Language
- Part 1 Nature of Human Languages
- 0. Brain and language
- Part 2 Grammatical Aspects of Language
- 1. Morphology The words of language
- 2. Syntax The sentence patterns of language
- 3. Semantic The meanings of language
- 4. Phonetics The sounds of language
- 5. Phonology The sound patterns of language
9th edition, 2011.
2Table of Contents of An Introduction to Language
- Part 3 Biology Psychology of Language
- 6. What is language?
- 7. Language Acquisition
- 8. Language processing Humans and computers
- Part 4 Language and Society
- 9. Language in Society
- 10. Language Change The syllables of time
- 11. Writing The ABCs of language
9th edition, 2011.
3The House that Jack Built
- (Numbers indicate the number of embedded clauses)
- 1 This is the house
- that Jack built.
- 2 This is the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.
4The House that Jack Built
- 3 This is the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
- 4 This is the cat
- that killed the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.
5The House that Jack Built
- 5 This is the dog
- that worried the cat
- that killed the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.
6The House that Jack Built
- 6 This is the cow with the crumpled horn
- that tossed the dog
- that worried the cat
- that killed the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.
7The House that Jack Built
- 7 This is the maiden all forlorn
- that milked the cow with the crumpled horn
- that tossed the dog
- that worried the cat
- that killed the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.
8The House that Jack Built
- 8 This is the man all tattered and torn
- that kissed the maiden all forlorn
- that milked the cow with the crumpled horn
- that tossed the dog
- that worried the cat
- that killed the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.
9The House that Jack Built
- 9 This is the priest all shaven and shorn
- that married the man all tattered and torn
- that kissed the maiden all forlorn
- that milked the cow with the crumpled
horn - that tossed the dog
- that worried the cat
- that killed the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.
10The House that Jack Built
- 10 This is the cock that crowed in the morn
- that waked the priest all shaven and shorn
- that married the man all tattered and torn
- that kissed the maiden all forlorn
- that milked the cow with the crumpled
horn - that tossed the dog
- that worried the cat
- that killed the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.
11The House that Jack Built
- 11 This is the farmer sowing the corn
- that kept the cock that crowed in the morn
- that waked the priest all shaven and shorn
- that married the man all tattered and torn
- that kissed the maiden all forlorn
- that milked the cow with the
crumpled horn - that tossed the dog
- that worried the cat
- that killed the rat
- that ate the malt
- that lay in the house
- that Jack built.
The Real Mother Goose. (1994). New York
Scholastic Inc., pp. 69-70.