Title: Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020
1Research Infrastructuresin Horizon 2020
Research Innovation
2Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research
and Innovation (2014-2020)
Excellent science
- European Research Council
- Future and Emerging Technologies
- Marie Curie actions
- European Research infrastructures (including
e-infrastructures) 2.488 M
Industrial leadership
Societal challenges
- Health, demographic change, wellbeing
- Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine
-maritime research, bio-economy - Secure, clean and efficient energy
- Smart, green, integrated transport
- Climate action, resource efficiency, raw
materials - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
- Secure societies
- Spreading excellence Widening Participation
- Science with and For Society
- Leadership in enabling and industrial
technologies (ICT, space, nanotechnologies,
advanced materials and advanced manufacturing and
processing, biotechnology) - Access to risk finance
- Innovation in SMEs
3Research Infrastructures
- Research infrastructures are facilities,
resources and services that are used by the
research communities to conduct research and
foster innovation.
Major scientific equipments
Knowledge-based resources
4Why an EU approach forResearch Infrastructures?
- To address collectively the complexity and cost
of the design and development of new world class
research infrastructures - To open access to the research infrastructures
existing in the individual Member State to all
European researchers - To avoid duplication of efforts and to coordinate
and rationalise the use of these research
infrastructures - To trigger the exchange of best practice, develop
interoperability of facilities and resources,
develop the training of the next generation of
researchers - To connect national research communities and
increase the overall quality of the research and
innovation - To help pooling resources so that the Union can
also develop and operate research infrastructures
5Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020
- 1. Developing the European RIs for 2020 and
beyond - Developing new world-class RIs
- Integrating and opening national and regional RIs
of European interest - Development, deployment and operation of ICT
based e-Infrastructures - 2. Fostering the innovation potential of RIs and
their human resources - 3. Reinforcing European RI policy and
international cooperation
6Examples of projects supported by FP7 H2020
7- PAERIP - 'Promoting African European Research
Infrastructure Partnerships' - Dedicated initiative to promote research
infrastructure partnerships between Europe and
Africa - Following a political drive on promoting science
and technology partnerships between the European
Union and Africa - The Joint Africa-European
Union (EU) Strategy, - adopted at Dec.2007 Lisbon Summit,
- including a dedicated Science,
- Information Society and Space initiative
- PAERIP focused on RI and contributing
- to policy dialogue and cooperation
- promotion events.
7th Framework Programme
- Building a Framework for a Sustainable,
Transatlantic Cooperation in the Field of
Environmental Research Infrastructures - Pivotal element for data harmonisation, curation,
interoperability tasks - Design of a new generation of interconnected
infrastructures - to provide a sustainable platform
- for data, information and
- knowledge sharing
7th Framework Programme
9SESAME - Synchrotron-light for Experimental
Science and Applications in the Middle East
- SESAME is a cooperative venture by scientists
governments of the Middle-East set-up and Europe,
on the model of CERN - A science for peace initiative, science diplomacy
- 3rd generation synchrotron particle accelerator - EC has contributed more than 10 M has an
observer status in SESAME Council - Used for a wide scope of applicationsassessing
archaeological artefacts,infrared imaging of
diseases, designing pharmaceuticals, solar
cells enhancement, soil pollution
measurements,CO2 capture, etc.
7th Framework Programme (RTD C and B4)
10SKA - Square Kilometre Array
- EC strategically follows SKA and the European
endeavours towards this next generation
multi-purpose radio telescope - PrepSKA coordinated and integrated RD work in
order to develop the fully-costed design for
Phase 1 of the SKA - a deployment plan for the
full instrument - GoSKA and NextSKA supported policy actions to
further engage the global radio astronomy
community - and policy stakeholders in the
- development of the system
- design for SKA.
7th Framework Programme
11ODIP 2 - Extending the Ocean Data
Interoperability Platform
- Development of a common global framework for
marine data management to address grand
challenges as climate change and conservation of
marine resources - Support prototype interoperability solutions to
be implemented by the regional data
infrastructures, - in order to provide users
- open access
- to quality multidisciplinary
- data and services
Horizon 2020 Grant under preparation
12GLOBIS-B - GLOBal Infrastructures for Supporting
Biodiversity research
- Aims
- Support global cooperation between research
infrastructures focused on predicting the
biosphere and measuring the indicators of
biodiversity change - Process big and massive datasets
- Develop interoperability and infrastructure
services underpinning the concept of Essential
Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) - a prerequisite
for understanding biodiversity and ecosystem
change. - This interaction with national, supranational and
global policy bodies contributes to potential
refinements of general policies and supports
legal interoperability.
Horizon 2020 Grant under preparation
- Cooperation coordination between the
pan-European INFRAFRONTIER Research
Infrastructure and complementary research
infrastructures in America, Asia and Australia,
contributing to the global effort of the
International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium
(IMPC). - Aims
- development of innovative technology solutions
- development of high quality standards established
in INFRAFRONTIER and in the IMPC, to ensure the
reproducibility of results - improve the global accessibility of high-quality
resources and services enabling the biomedical
research community to tackle health challenges.
Horizon 2020 Grant under preparation
14CREMLIN - Connecting Russian and European
Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures
CREMLIN is a first and path finding step to
identify, build and enhance scientific cooperation
and strong enduring networks between European
research infrastructures and the mega-science
facilities to maximize scientific returns.
- Aims
- contribute to better connect Russian RIs to the
European Research Area - foster scientific cooperation between the Russian
Federation and the European Union in the
development and scientific exploitation of
large-scale research infrastructures - develop a common best practice and policies on
internationalisation and Opening
Horizon 2020 Grant under preparation
15- EVAg
- Mobilisation of an International network around
- EVA to collect, amplify, characterise,
standardise, authenticate, distribute and track,
mammalian and other exotic viruses. - The network of EVAg laboratories includes 25
institutions, representing an extensive range of
virological disciplines. - 16 partners from Europe
- Non-European Partners from USA, South Africa,
Russia, Australia - Associated institutions Japan, Turkey, Jordan,
Horizon 2020 Grant under preparation
16 Work Programme 2014-2015
17Research Infrastructures WP 2014-15
- 4 Calls - 22 topics in total
- Developing new world-class Research
Infrastructures - Integrating and Opening RI of European Interest
- e-Infrastructures
- Support to Innovation, Human resources, Policy
and International cooperation
18Research Infrastructure Work Programme 2014-2015
Integrating and opening existing national and
regional research infrastructures of European
19WP 2014-15 Evaluation outcome
- 5 Design Studies
- 6 Clusters
- 10 Integrating Activities
- 1 policy support action (ESFRI)
- 1 support action for training of RI managers
- 4 INCO support actions for the internationalisatio
n of ESFRI projects and cooperation with
strategic partners
20 Work Programme 2016-2017
21The European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures
- Process led by the European Strategy Forum on RI
(ESFRI) - Currently elaborating Roadmap Update (2016)
- Needs to take stock of international landscape
- Will offer new possibilities for international
22Strategic orientations for the RI WP 2016-2017
- Fostering long term sustainability of Research
Infrastructures - Expanding the role of research infrastructures in
the innovation chain - Optimising the management and the exploitation of
research data produced or collected by research
infrastructures, included e-infrastructures - Harmonising evaluation procedures of Research
23Fostering long term sustainability of Research
Infrastructures II
- H2020 WP 2016-2017 will support actions
- to facilitate and support the preparation,
implementation, long-term sustainability and
efficient operation of the research
infrastructures identified by ESFRI and of other
world-class research infrastructures such as
ERICs. - to support to the coordination, integration of
and trans-national access to the existing
national RIs with a long lasting effect in term
of harmonisation, structuring and optimisation of
the services to users, essential to foster users'
and stakeholders' trust in the services and to
ensure a long term sustainability.
24Expanding the role of research infrastructures in
the innovation chain
- H2020 WP 2016-2017 will support
- Customised services to increase participation of
industry and, in particular of SMEs as users of
RI. - Support PCP/PPI or, as appropriate, to any other
financial co-funding scheme that would
effectively enable synergies amongst the RI,
academia and industry. - Support technology transfer and joint development
of high-tech components and solutions in the
integrating activities and in the activities
supporting the implementation and operation of
ESFRI projects and e-infrastructures. - Coordination and networking of technological
infrastructures, which provide RD platforms on
key technology for Research Infrastructures so as
to develop a partnership with industry and SMEs
and set strategic priorities for each key
25Evaluation procedures
- Challenge building an effective RI landscape in
Europe requires long-term commitments by funders,
efficient decision making processes and
well-conceived governance and management
practises for research infrastructures - H2020 WP 2016-2017 will support
- coordination of national bodies/agencies involved
in the evaluation of RIs, promotion of joint work
to harmonise their ex-post evaluation and
monitoring mechanisms as well as joint evaluation
26 Update of the ESFRI roadmap
27ESFRI Roadmap
- Roadmap identifies new pan-European Research
Infrastructures or major upgrades to existing
ones, to meet the needs of European research
communities in the next 10 to 20 years, in all
fields of research - First Roadmap published in 2006
- Followed by two updates in 2008 and 2010
- Now contains 48 projects
- Requires major financial investment (20 B) and
long term commitment for operation (2 b/year)
28Moving forward
- Build on success
- Go further in setting priorities
- A much more focused, shorter roadmap for 2016
- Look much more broadly at the research
infrastructure landscape across Europe - Landscape Analysis in 2016 roadmap
- Neutron scattering working group
- Activities to promote coordination in specific
areas e.g. PRACE, working with e-IRG
29Rules for new Roadmap
- Much shorter only 25 Projects on the new
Roadmap - Projects that have been on the roadmap and not
implemented will automatically roll off after 10
years - Any project that wants to be considered again
after 10 years must reapply, either in a
different form or with bottlenecks resolved - Room for 8-10 new projects on the 2016 roadmap
- Entry level projects will be at a more mature
level - conceptual design and feasibility done
- supported by at least three MS (1 2)
- Every 2-3 years audit of the project by ESFRI
Implementation WG - Opportunities to add more projects in 2018, 2020
as others roll off
30Evaluation of Projects
- Proposals will be screened for eligibility and
assigned to one of ESFRIs strategic working
groups - Scientific merit and pan European relevance
(based on ESFRI criteria) will be assessed by the
SWG, using the advice of independent peer
reviewers - e-science aspects will be coordinated with e-IRG
- Project and governance maturity will be assessed
by the Implementation working group, again using
advice from external experts, based on the
approach used by the Assessment Expert group in
31Key dates
- 25 September 2014 Roadmap update launch
(Trieste) - Open for applications from national delegations
and EIROforum(Most countries will have their own
internal selection process) - 31 March 2015 Deadline for new project
proposals - January 2016 New roadmap presented
32Thank you for your Attention!