Title: All CMS 30 May07 TSV1
1All CMS 3
30 May 2007 LHC machine CMS Progress Overall
2News on the Machine
Update on Triplets http//user.web.cern.ch/User/Q
l From CERN Homepage and Fermilab
Today. Proposed to add to each Q1 magnet and
each Q3 magnet a set of four cartridges that can
absorb the longitudinal force generated during
the pressure test. The solution was presented to
a team of experts during a review at CERN on
April 24 and 25. Since then the design of the
cartridge system has been refined and parts
needed for the cartridges and their installation
have been ordered. The installation of the
cartridges in the Q1 and Q3 magnet of at least
one inner triplet is scheduled to be complete in
early June, in time for the next pressure test.
DG, DDG and LHC Project Leader to meet soon.
Most likely will be given information soon
3CMS progress
UX 2 DT sectors in YB0 commissioned with
cosmics. All 18 EB- SMs inserted, YB0 services
installation ongoing (showing 3 week delay).
Started installing tracker radial cable trays
this week and start cabling of S1 towards the end
of this week/beginning next week. HF
commissioned. Conducting a global run now SX
YB-1 commissioned using cosmics (almost done),
RE-2 chambers mounted - testing and
commissioning. Cabling of YB-2 will finish soon.
RPC HV cabling end-June. Tracker Cosmics data
being taken. Started process of going cold last
week. Taking cosmics at 10C. ECAL EB- installed,
25 SMs integrated (electronics). 20 supercrystals
mounted on Dee4. Over EE 2500 crystals
delivered. Finalize schedule for final order
(this week).
4SX DT Commissioning YB-1
The Minus-end Muon Systems in SX5 being
commissioned using cosmics
5UX DT Commissioning YB0
Sector 12
6HF in UX Commissioned
Average response of towers to LED signals
HF connected to FEDs in USC
Phi towers
Eta towers
Average LED event shape
Bunch crossings, 1bx 25ns
7EB- Installation Completed (22 May)
8Tracker Chilling Out
Thurs 24 May 1800
9All 20 Supercrystals mounted on Dee4
10YB0 Services Installation
11Overall CMS Schedule v35.3
1) Detector Installation, Commissioning
2) Preparation of Software, Computing and Physics
First Global Readout Test
HLT exercise complete
Barrel ECAL Inserted
Pre-CSA07 Computing Software Analysis Challenge
Tracker Inserted Trigger/DAQ Ready for System
CMS Ready to Close
2007 Physics Analyses completed
All CMS Systems Ready for Data
12Points for Discussion
Discuss new optimized CMS schedule during MB of
11 June - also use for AR, CMS Week and CR
(involve wide constituency) Annual Reviews
13-15 June, agenda sent out this morning. CMS
Week 18-22 June, Plenary sessions in 2 parts.
Under construction. SLHC need to prepare the
next steps. Formulate a proposal by June MB
? RPC_RE Workshop 25, 26 June at CERN - invite
all interested parties. SLIMOS shifts - several
incidents point to the need to start such shifts
- will now actively canvas for volunteers (must
not be solely people usually busy at Point 5 or
on other critical path activities)
Publications Conference Committee Constitution M